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Prophet's TAble Blog
Mark of the Beast
Growing up in the Bible belt of Texas in the 70’s, I became quite familiar with the term “mark of the beast”. Looking back, I realize now how that specific time in history seemed to delineate a great separation between an old millennium standard of faith and Bible knowledge, and the new modern secular culture we have now become. Life in the previous period was simple, logical, and time-filled. Today’s world is technical, difficult, and timeless. Living in this new secular world without time, I fear that most people have no idea what the Scriptures have warned our generation about. Without this Biblical knowledge of what is at hand, many people could be in dire danger. Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” So, just what exactly is the mark of the beast, and are we near to seeing it revealed?
In New Zealand agriculture we are required to tag and track the movement of cattle under NAIT (National Animal Identification Tracing). Whereas some have hailed this technology as an advancement to insure quality control for the NZ agricultural industry, I fear it is setting a dangerous precedent. Today’s NAIT could become a model for tomorrow’s new world government’s agenda to track and control the movement of people. Could it be that covid is a scam to mark your ham? Strangely enough, Jacinda announced last night that contact tracing through the new scan-in app is now mandatory for all businesses and people. This app on your phone allows the government to track and trace you in case you have covid and have visited any public place. Again, using the covid scam to bring forth their damn mark of the beast. Whereas this might be fine in the mind of most sheeple, it is not ok for the people of Hey. (I will describe latter how the Hebrew letter “Hey” will be used by Messiah to mark His people.) The end times book of Revelation warned us of this time when a tyrannical world government will require you be tagged or chipped in your hand or forehead. Without this so called mark of the beast you will not be allowed to buy, sell, travel, or anything else of which the government controls. The real alarming part is that the technology is already here, and being used in the beast of the field. I am further concerned this covid scare may be a man made tool to fool the sheeple into receiving the tracking device (aka mark of the beast). Covid passports are being hailed as a way to insure that none of infected sheeple are transported with the uninfected. This will insure quality control, just like NAIT, ain't that great? Not so great for the Bible believing herd who have heard all our lives, that this time was coming. I actually had two different Sunday school teachers growing up who both warned that my generation could see this mark of the beast in my life time. Whereas these men of God were reputable, the Bible gives the most reliable warning of which any real believer must not ignore any more.
Revelations 14:9 ...If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, that same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone…” My greatest concern is for the younger generation, those raised in the modern era of technology. I was senior in high school in 1985 before I saw my first computer. So my raising was outside of cell phone range. When we roamed we were on the real range, (not a virtual one). Needless to say, there was no NAIT system that tracked or traced the beast of the field either. But for my children and now 6 grandchildren, our world is no longer unmonitored. Tyrannical governments seek to control more and more of our lives, and I recon their next move will incorporate technology into the hand or forehead as the Bible has fore said. Maybe voluntary at first, then mandated with the threat of no chip, no fish and chips. Living on the farm and being raised in the 70’s to be self sufficient, even I am not totally prepared for this dark future. Could we go 100% off grid, and provide our own food, clothing, medicines, and other unseen needs? If my generation would struggle, then I fear for all those reared in this current age of tech, and government mandates. Speaking of such, President Biden just announced vaccination mandates. What has happened to our free societies? Is there a root of all this madness? As a matter of fact, Yes. For 47 years now, the world’s governments have been pressing the nation of Israel to surrender major parts of their Biblically mandated homeland to create a series of states of Palestine within. Every time some concession has been made in this covenanted land, a series of judgments have come forth from the throne of the One who swore to protect this oath. Psalms 105:7 “He is the Lord our God: his judgments are all in the earth. He has remembered his covenant forever, the word he commanded to a thousand generations. Which he made with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac; and confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant: Saying, “Unto thee I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.” Am I saying that covid has come as some kind of divine judgment? Yes, on Jan 29th 2019, President Trump and Israeli PM Netanyahu put pen to paper and signed an agreement that would not only surrender major parts of the above covenanted lands, but would also give away half the temple mount area of MT Moriah. Exactly 40 days later (40 being a number of judgment) the World Health Organization declares covid 19 as a global pandemic. The date these two leaders signed this agreement to partition the Temple Mount was also exactly 120 days before Pentecost (Shavout). The number 120 is significant, as is the name of Trump’s deal of the century. The Abrahamic accords was a bold name given the scriptural claim of the same. However, God’s Abrahamic covenant claims all the Temple Mount as an everlasting deal of all centuries enforced by His executive power. And so, exactly 40 days after they signed, the world got covid as the first global pandemic in 100 yrs. Some deal of the century, huh? By Pentecost (120 days after signing) America was under full judgment, with race riots, cities burning, and covid running rampant. Likewise Israel was experiencing huge numbers of those infected as God is no respecter of person in regards to this ancient covenant. Interesting to see how Trump got dethroned and had the election stolen from him after he tried to steal the election of God’s throne. Also Netanyahu, Israel’s longest four term leader, got removed swiftly after signing Trump’s deal. Today, the world is still reeling from the jealousy God was feeling over His house. Effectively when we break this ancient covenant we get what we deserve. Below is a good prayer to send up there that might calm His nerve. Psalms 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. This prayer is saying that Jerusalem is to be a city undivided. The word peace in the Hebrew text is shalom, which means undivided, nothing missing, nothing broken. The promise here is that if Jerusalem remains intact, so will the nations’ health, prosperity, and peace. But if this ancient covenant is broken, so too will the breakers be broken. I personally think this should be the very first proposed question for any prospective leaders. Because if you haven't noticed, we are all paying the price for their ignorance in regards to Jerusalem. It is unfortunate for Trump and Netanyahu, who both were doing good in many aspects of their leadership, but for some unknown reason took it upon themselves to lift that burdensome stone under the Temple Mount. Now the whole earth is paying as Zechariah was saying.. Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all people of the earth be gathered against it. Effectively we find ourselves smack-dab in the middle of a global conspiracy to divide the Holiest ground in the Universe, the City of Jerusalem, and the stone upon Mount Moriah. The United Nations, the United States, the European Union, Russia and China all agree that a two state solution must be achieved. They all decided that the City of Jerusalem must be divided: Trump and Netanyahu too. In fact, this is what they signed on the dotted line right before covid was assigned. Zechariah warned that the day the nations did this, would be the day of the plague and of division between neighbors. Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; their flesh shall consume away...v13... they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his neighbor shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor. It is my belief that God will absolutely not negotiate on this issue. We must not even pretend to divide Jerusalem if we want this covid madness to end. For any kind of normality to return we must first learn to pray and say, Jerusalem, the undivided capital of the Jewish nation. Our world changed drastically when the pen of these men signed Trump’s deal of the century. Covid is a plague that has not only consumed the world, but has brought much division among people. From mask to vaccinations, the nations are paying, and God ain't playing. I find it interesting how the Lord seems to respond to each diplomatic attempt to divide the Holy land with a precise reactive judgment. An eye for an eye, you might say. When President George Bush Jr forced the surrender of Gaza, which was a productive coastal region, Hurricane Katrina hits the productive coastal region of the gulf states exactly 7 days later. Then again, when Bush goes to push for the surrender of East Jerusalem and the West bank, immediately the banks of the West began to collapse. The worst housing crisis ever for Bush’s clever two state solution. Effectively, an eye for an eye. A coast for a coast, a housing crisis for the crisis created in God’s house, and the banks of the West, for the West bank of Israel. It is also obvious that America’s divisions were greatly increased the moment Trump likewise announced his plan to create a Palestinian homeland in East Jerusalem. Antifa became emboldened and started looting the cities of America. When will men begin to understand, the Land of Israel is covenanted by a force so great, and He is refusing to negotiate. Genesis 15:18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, unto thy seed have I given this land... In 2019 I wrote this little prophetic poem in honor of Trump's shameful deal that sorta reveals how God must feel. Shame
So what does the Temple Mount, and the City of Jerusalem have to do with the mark of the beast? And do I think these two issues are linked? To understand future prophesy, it is beneficial to first look at history. It seems obvious that the Antichrist spirit has an agenda to desecrate the holy place. To understand what may be close at hand (or forehead) let us first look back to see what may be ahead. So who was the first to receive a mark?
Genesis 4:8,15 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field that Cain rose up against his brother, and slew him….and the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. According to the Bible, the first family on this planet were farmers who both cultivated the land, and raised livestock upon their farm. Genesis 4 records that Abel was a keeper of the sheep while brother Cain was a tiller until he became a killer. What (or who) do you think caused Cain to become so vain? Could it be Satan? Well, lets just call it the spirit of the age, or the spirit of antichrist. Today we can again see this spirit of the age at work in all these same themes. It seems obvious that Big Brother has an agenda to slay agriculture again today. Especially within NZ. A green, liberal, God-hating, group of vegan environmentalists have set their sites on killing us within the livestock industry. With the hate coming from NAIT, to all the great piles of environmental regulations, will little brother be Abel to survive their assault? Big brother kills again
Has anyone else noticed that Big Brother (and Big Sister) seem intent to slay the farming industry today? Alarm, alarm, the farm is destroying the planet, spews the nighty news. Mouth pieces for the government agenda, these fake news use fear of global warming as a daily attack against farming. They daily search the globe to find a flood, a storm, and a fire, to speak their desire that farming is to blame. Its all the cows farting methane they even claim, or the farmer and his ute that pollute. I don't want to sound immature, but what a load of manure. Every aspect of agriculture has “officially” been infiltrated by our governing authorities. Growing up on the Texas cotton farm in the 70’s I can recall a time when Big Brother was not such a bully. We plowed, planted, harvested, caught our own seeds, then did it all again the next year. The only drama came from the weather and the markets. But todays Ag has been tagged with red tape and increasing hate. Speaking of tags, these same green, liberal, farm hating, city dwelling, God deniers will soon require the sheeple to be tagged and traced. Oh wait, that just happened already with the scan-in demand. But next, it will be required to be implanted within your skin, by your own kin, Big Brother.
Interesting for me to see as a rural farmer is the growing divide between city and country, rural and urban. How is it today that all our leaders are urban minded vegans who are angry at agriculture? Well, mostly they are mad at the cows and want to kill the livestock industry but replace our meat with fake they can make by tilling. Logic isn't part of the equation, cause the carbon footprint to make fake meat is far larger than livestock can. Perhaps the real truth of this madness goes way back to this ancient sibling rivalry between Cain and Abel. Cain, a tiller turned killer, was perhaps growing beans and became keen to make fake meat. So he compiled a bunch of chemicals, artificial food products, and mixed it all together with his beans. Then Cain brought his vegan patty to Grand daddy God. At the same time, Abel brought to the table, a tender lamb slain raised organically without synthetic fertilizers, fly spray, or lead based vaccinations. Now which one do you think any red blooded health conscious person would select? Genesis 4:2-5 ...And Abel was a keeper of the sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. And in the process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground as an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering: but unto Cain and his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. Again, we see today the same old fight over which food offering is right. The government, its mouthpiece media, and its state run healthcare system plug their vegan based base of vain Cain types. Effectively, these city dwelling, green, liberal, vegans are possessed with an ancient evil spirit which is anti-Christ. That Lamb slain of which Abel came was a type and shadow of Christ. No wonder the Great I AM preferred this Lamb over the vegan, heathen offering of Cain. So Cain became vain and could not contain his anger. Today, this same spirit of Cain is “unAbel” to contain its anger at this Lamb offering, and those who see the need to feed on His flesh. Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. It is interesting how my life, and these issues today are seemingly interlinked with this old Bible story. If Cain came with the same vegan offering, and brother Abel brought meat to the table, I personally would chose the meat over the salad any day. In fact, I went on the carnivore diet a few years ago. I eliminated every food and went straight animal proteins. Why? I had been diagnosed with a life threatening disease called aplastic anemia which destroyed my bone marrow and caused me to stop making my own blood. The first night I was admitted to the hospital I was given 7 bags of blood to get me back to minimal blood levels. The next two years was very trying, with blood transfusions needed regularly to survive. Effectively, my body was attacking itself with this next level autoimmune disease that the doctors know very little about. The normal treatment protocol is a radical immune system reboot where they inject you with a horse antigen that totally destroys your immune system within a two month hospital stay. It had a 65% chance of working, but without it I was given 12 months to live by the Hematologist. My whole life had seemed to be plagued by autoimmune problems. My first memory as a child was getting allergy shots in both arms. Next I got a really bad case of asthma by the age of 12. In my 20’s came two more autoimmune diseases, psoriasis and arthritis. All the diseases were somewhat manageable with medications and large consumption of anti inflammatory, but effectively I was only treating the symptoms. But this last autoimmune disease, aplastic anemia, was not one to be managed, but was life threatening. It seemed I had run out of answers and my options were limited. To be committed and admitted for a two month hospital stay to pray what they say has a 65% chance of working today, the horse antigen course, was a tuff pill to swallow. Meanwhile, my son sends me an article about how people with drastic autoimmune diseases have cured themselves on a strict all meat diet. Two years later, I am now one of those people who can testify that meat is good to eat and treat autoimmune problems. For the first time in decades, I now am almost totally pain free of active arthritis. Albeit I have decades of old damage, I had forgot how good it feels to not live on pills and have that inflammatory story as my daily song and dance. The psoriasis has also gone. Not a bloody patch to be seen since I got off the greens. And without a doubt, a big turn about (without the horse gene) in this aplastic thing I had. Instead of neighing like a horse, I am staying the course and eating mainly meat. In fact, the people who have cured themselves with this carnivore diet say to eat your meat as rare as you dare. Somehow if you over cook the cow it will allow a certain amount of autoimmune response. I find this to be true too, so I cant eat any more stew of which I used to. Just rare steaks, kefir and unpasteurized milk seem to calm the autoimmune storm which once daily formed. Some say they cant afford a steak a day. I say, your gonna pay one way or the other brother. Either be willing and Abel to put the right food on the table, or remain vain like Cain and prepare for an early grave. John 6:54-56 Whoso eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwells in me and I in him.” Yeshua, the Lamb of God slain, tells us to eat His flesh which is meat. This is that same offering Abel brought to the altar of God. I fell very blessed to be Abel to also raise sheep and literally eat the flesh of the selected lambs from the green fields of NZ. Unfortunately, the liberal, green, vegan, anti-Christ leaders around the globe can not be told these ancient truths. Here in NZ, they (who ever the hell they are) seem keen to destroy the animal husbandry industry by blanket planting pines on fine grazing land. Claiming to be saving the planet, they plan to plant it in pines. Whereas a pine is fine to sequester carbon for approximately 30 yrs, after that it is done. True science says that rangelands and grasslands properly managed with livestock actually sequester more carbon than can trees within the same 30 year span, and can continue (unlike a tree) for approximately perpetuity. But this ancient anti-Christ spirit that controls today’s unbelieving green liberal leaders will never listen to reason even if the earth starts freezing. But rather than demonizing these greenees, let us look behind the veil and consider the forces of hell who sell them these lies. John 8:44 You are of your father the devil….he was a murder from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. My dad had many country sayings, one of which seems very fitting at this moment. "You will go to hell for lying as quick as you will for stealing cattle." This old devil still lies and still wants to steal our cattle, and still looks for a willing body to achieve it through. We must know that the first murderer (Cain) was also infiltrated by this evil, who sold him a pack of lies, one of witch was veganism. Perhaps only if we eat meat are we Abel to see the truth. Regardless, we are all today in the middle of an ancient fight of which both sides believe they are right. As a carnivorian Christian who has personally learned the truth about meat I am concerned that the current leaders are trying to murder this ancient truth yet again. Fake meat is such a lie. Pine plantations sequester more carbon than farms is a lie. Cows farts cause global warming is a lie. Veganism is healthy is a lie. Forced vaccinations and digital covid passports are a lie. All these ancient lies goes back to the anti-Christ spirit that possessed Cain. As for me and mine, we will keep in mind where these lies come from, especially before receiving any diet advice (fake meat), medical advice (jabs), or travel advice (digital mark of the beast). Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Although it is hard to not get upset with the likes of Jarcinda and her drones, it is not our zone to demonize them personally. As believers and receivers of the flesh and blood sacrifice of the Lamb, our fight is not against flesh and blood, but the powers controlling them. It is a spirit of fear that controls them, and they use to control the people. Ironically, it is the very flesh and blood they don't eat that will defeat the evil spirit feeding them these lies and this fear. If we, the partakers of the Lamb's sacrifice raised up in union the communion cup, this ancient evil would fall. Perfect love cast out fear. Ephesians says to stand with truth in hand, not a digital covid passport or a scan-in app. Ephesians says to gird ourselves with truth, not gird ourselves with a mask. Effectively, what these leaders are asking of us is against God's direction and now requires His correction. Remember vengeance is mine says the Lord. But how do we get that now before they tag and track us like a cow? The ultimate protection against this coming digital tracking and marking as defined in Revelation, is to insure that your name is written in the Lamb's book of life, and then stand with truth in hand (not the chip). Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. This simple prayer will put your name in the book: Father God, I receive the sacrifice of your Son, Yeshua, as the Lamb of God slain to contain all my shame and blame under His name. Now write my name in the slain Lamb's book and let me off the slaughter hook. If you prayed this prayer tell someone, for when we confess to others that we know Messiah, Messiah confesses to God that He knows us. Or send me a quick email so that I can be the witness of your salvation.
5/10/2021 09:10:49 am
Well said, my son. I so enjoyed this post. Love you dearly & pray fir you nightly.
Bruce Knight Knight
16/12/2021 08:48:24 pm
Great stuff brother!!!!!
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