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Prophet's TAble Blog
In this series we will look at the prophesy of the expected building of the third Temple. I feel this teaching is very much needed in the Body of Christ. It is unfortunate that the main stream christian teaching is so flawed and ignorant concerning the Temple. I have found that most believers (myself included) are quick to condemn any new truth that is outside the mainstream. I pray you not do this today and listen to what I will say. As an apostle, I have the privilege to release to the body of Messiah, truths fresh from Him. But ultimately it is your responsibility to find truth and renew your mind to it and through it. The typical Christian teaching today in regards to the coming third Temple is that it will be built so that the anti-Christ can sit in it. I will endeavor to show you that this statement made by most Christian theologians is absolutely false and ironically anti-Christ in origin. The real truth is that the “abomination of desecration” has already transpired. Matthew 24:15 When you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) let he them which be in Judea flee into the mountains. In 70ad, the Roman General Titus came into Jerusalem with Rome's legions and totally desecrated the Capital City and murdered over 1 million Jewish people. A Jewish historian name Josephus recorded that the Roman soldiers went into the sacred Temple and began a terrible desecration by slaying the priesthood and all those loyal to the Temple upon the very sacred altar of which they had served. After all the priest were slew they went into the city to find more Jews they could slay upon the altar within the holy Temple. Josephus records that a river of Jewish blood flowed for days from the altar inside the temple, and that the slain bodies cascaded down from Solomon’s Porch, between the pillars of Boaz and Jachin. This elite, blood thirsty Roman legion, flew the banner of a wild boar as they purposed to provoke the deity of each nation they conquered by desecrating their holy temples and priesthood with most vulgar acts available to them. Never-the-less, Messiah warned his nation 37 years prior to this event, to be on the watch and to flee immediately. It becomes interesting to compare the gospels different interpretations of this event. Luke reads a bit different, but is also referencing this historic “abomination of desolation”. Luke 21:20-21 And when you see Jerusalem compassed about with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains… An interesting historical fact is that when Titus came to invade Jerusalem and desecrate its Temple and people, he first camped outside of the city for a week. This was a very strange non-tactical military move that actually allowed the City of Jerusalem a period to prepare. I strongly believe it was a week of grace given to all within that place to flee. Knowing that the Messiah had prewarned that generation of these terrible events makes this grace-filled week that Titus camped outside the City (foretold by Luke above) make perfect sense. Nevertheless, those who had rejected Yeshua as the Messiah were certainly not going to flee from their nation or capital city of Jerusalem. Therefore, a blood bath ensued, and the ultimate “abomination of desolation” (spoken of by Daiel and Yeshua) actually took place in 70ad. The victory was so one-side that Titus’ father erected a monument depicting the looting of the temple vessels, and the capturing of young strong Hebrews as Roman slaves. Crazy to me, that this monument still stands in Rome. I dreamed about a decade ago that the Lord pushed it down. But for now, it stands as the ultimate historical proof that the abomination that made desolate has already happened to Jerusalem, and this anti-Christ spirit has been sitting on the sacred place of Mt Moriah ever since. However, the prophets and also Messiah have each declared that there is coming a time when we can say: Never Again. Now hear this: The anti-Christ has already had his day on the sacred grounds of Mt Moriah. In fact, the dome of the Mosque still flagrantly stands as a daily reminder that the anti-Christ is still treading upon this holiest place of our planet. But Yeshua personally told us that this period of desecration by the Gentiles upon the sacred holy site in Jerusalem will end when the Gentile dispensation also ends. And so, as Isaiah foretold, Jerusalem will not ever be brought into captivity again. In contradiction, the mainstream Christian theological belief is that the third Temple will be built in order the anti-Christ to set upon and be the abomination therein yet again. I say you need to re-read the book of Revelation. I challenge you to show me the scripture therein that supports this belief. Just because a Chrisitan series of books and movies named “left behind” showed this illogical, theological mistake does not make it true. Here is the truth I hear the Spirit saying: We are prophetically standing today on the times of restoration for Messiah’s chosen nation and people. There will be a whole summer season in which this figs tree nation revives and is restored. One of the main features of a restored Israel must be inclusive of a beautiful, Spirit-filled Temple. So no, I do not believe the anti-Christ will again come into this sacred City of Zion and certainly will not desecrate G-d's Temple yet again. To the contrary, when you see this third Temple arise you should know that it shows that his time of desecrating Israel is now over. We will get more scriptural proof in the blogs ahead.
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