Prophetic Parables, Blogs
Mark of the Beast
Growing up in the Bible belt of Texas in the 70’s, I became quite familiar with the term “mark of the beast”. Looking back, I realize now how that specific time in history seemed to delineate a great separation between an old millennium standard of faith and Bible knowledge, and the new modern secular culture we have now become. Life in the previous period was simple, logical, and time-filled. Today’s world is technical, difficult, and timeless. Living in this new secular world without time, I fear that most people have no idea what the Scriptures have warned our generation about. Without this Biblical knowledge of what is at hand, many people could be in dire danger.
Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
So, just what exactly is the mark of the beast, and are we near to seeing it revealed? In New Zealand agriculture we are required to tag and track the movement of cattle under Nait (National Animal Identification Tracing). Whereas some have hailed this technology as an advancement to insure quality control for the NZ agricultural industry, I fear it is setting a dangerous precedent. Today’s NAIT could become a model for tomorrow’s new world government’s agenda to track and control the movement of people. Could it be that covid is a scam to mark your ham? Strangely enough, Jacinda announced last night that contact tracing through the new scan-in app is now mandatory for all businesses and people. This app on your phone allows the government to track and trace you in case you have covid and have visited any public place. Again, using the covid scam to bring forth their damn mark of the beast. Whereas this might be fine in the mind of most sheeple, it is not ok for the people of Hey. (I will describe latter how the Hebrew letter “Hey” will be used by Messiah to mark His people.) The end times book of Revelation warned us of this time when a tyrannical world government will require you be tagged or chipped in your hand or forehead. Without this so called mark of the beast you will not be allowed to buy, sell, travel, or anything else of which the government controls. The real alarming part is that the technology is already here, and being used in the beast of the field. I am further concerned this covid scare may be a man made tool to fool the sheeple into receiving the tracking device (aka mark of the beast). covid passports are being hailed as a way to insure that none of infected sheeple are transported with the uninfected. This will insure quality control, just like NAIT, aint that great? Not so great for the Bible believing herd who have heard all our lives, that this time was coming. I actually had two different sunday school teachers growing up who both warned that my generation could see this mark of the beast in my life time. Whereas these men of God were reputable, the Bible gives the most reliable warning of which any real believer must not ignore any more.
Revelations 14:9 ...If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, that same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone…”
My greatest concern is for the younger generation, those raised in the modern era of technology. I was senior in high school in 1985 before I saw my first computer. So my raising was outside of cell phone range. When we roamed we were on the real range, (not a virtual one). Needless to say, there was no NAIT system that tracked or traced the beast of the field either. But for my children and now 6 grandchildren, our world is no longer unmonitored. Tyrannical governments seek to control more and more of our lives, and I recon their next move will incorporate technology into the hand or forehead as the Bible has fore said. Maybe voluntary at first, then mandated with the threat of no chip, no fish and chips. Living on the farm and being raised in the 70’s to be self sufficient, even I am not totally prepared for this dark future. Could we go 100% off grid, and provide our own food, clothing, medicines, and other unseen needs? If my generation would struggle, then I fear for all those reared in this current age of tech, and government mandates. Speaking of such, President Biden just announced vaccination mandates. What has happened to our free societies? Is there a root of all this madness?
As a matter of fact, Yes.
For 47 years now, the world’s governments has been pressing the nation of Israel to surrender major parts of their Biblically mandated homeland to create a series of states of Palestine within. Every time some concession has been made in this covenanted land, a series of judgments have come forth from the throne of the One who swore to protect this oath.
Psalms 105:7 “He is the Lord our God: his judgments are all in the earth. He has remembered his covenant forever, the word he commanded to a thousand generations. Which he made with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac; and confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant: Saying, “Unto thee I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.”
Am I saying that covid has come as some kind of divine judgment? Yes, on Jan 29th 2019, President Trump and Israeli PM Netanyahu put pen to paper and signed an agreement that would not only surrender major parts of the above covenanted lands, but would also give away half the temple mount area of MT Moriah. Exactly 40 days later (40 being a number of judgment) the World Health Organization declares covid 19 as a global pandemic. The date these two leaders signed this agreement to partition the Temple Mount was also exactly 120 days before Pentecost (Shavout). The number 120 is significant, as is the name of Trump’s deal of the century. The Abrahamic accords was a bold name given the scriptural claim of the same. However, God’s Abrahamic covenant claims all the Temple Mount as an everlasting deal of all centuries enforced by His executive power. And so, exactly 40 days after they signed, the world got covid as the first global pandemic in 100 yrs. Some deal of the century, huh? By Pentecost (120 days after signing) America was under full judgment, with race riots, cities burning, and covid running rampant. Likewise Israel was experiencing huge numbers of those infected as God is no respecter of person in regards to this ancient covenant. Interesting to see how Trump got dethroned and had the election stolen from him after he tried to steal the election of God’s throne. Also Netanyahu, Israel’s longest four term leader, got removed swiftly after signing Trump’s deal. Today, the world is still reeling from the jealousy God was feeling over His house. Effectively when we break this ancient covenant we get what we deserve. Below is a good prayer to send up there that might calm His nerve.
Psalms 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
This prayer is saying that Jerusalem is to be a city undivided. The word peace in the Hebrew text is shalom, which means undivided, nothing missing, nothing broken. The promise here is that if Jerusalem remains intact, so will the nations’ health, prosperity, and peace. But if this ancient covenant is broken, so too will the breakers be broken. I personally think this should be the very first proposed question for any prospective leaders. Because if you haven't noticed, we are all paying the price for their ignorance in regards to Jerusalem. It is unfortunate for Trump and Netanyahu, who both were doing good in many aspects of their leadership, but for some unknown reason took it upon themselves to lift that burdensome stone under the Temple Mount. Now the whole earth is paying as Zechariah was saying..
Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all people of the earth be gathered against it.
Effectively we find ourselves smack-dab in the middle of a global conspiracy to divide the Holiest ground in the Universe, the City of Jerusalem, and the stone upon Mount Moriah. The United Nations, the United States, the European Union, Russia and China all agree that a two state solution must be achieved. They all decided that the City of Jerusalem must be divided: Trump and Netanyahu too. In fact, this is what they signed on the dotted line right before covid was assigned. Zechariah warned that the day the nations did this, would be the day of the plague and of division between neighbors.
Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; their flesh shall consume away...v13... they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his neighbor shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor.
It is my belief that God will absolutely not negotiate on this issue. We must not even pretend to divide Jerusalem if we want this covid madness to end. For any kind of normality to return we must first learn to pray and say, Jerusalem, the undivided capital of the Jewish nation. Our world changed drastically when the pen of these men signed Trump’s deal of the century. covid is a plague that has not only consumed the world, but has brought much division among people. From mask to vaccinations, the nations are paying, and God aint playing.
I find it interesting how the Lord seems to respond to each diplomatic attempt to divide the Holy land with a precise reactive judgment. An eye for an eye, you might say. When President George Bush Jr forced the surrender of Gaza, which was a productive coastal region, Hurricane Katrina hits the productive coastal region of the gulf states exactly 7 days later. Then again, when Bush goes to push for the surrender of East Jerusalem and the West bank, immediately the banks of the West began to collapse. The worst housing crisis ever for Bush’s clever two state solution. Effectively, an eye for an eye. A coast for a coast, a housing crisis for the crisis created in God’s house, and the banks of the West, for the West bank of Israel. It is also obvious that America’s divisions were greatly increased the moment Trump likewise announced his plan to create a Palestinian homeland in East Jerusalem. Antifa became emboldened and started looting the cities of America. When will men begin to understand, the Land of Israel is covenanted by a force so great, and He is refusing to negotiate.
Genesis 15:18 In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, unto thy seed have I given this land...
In 2019 I wrote this little prophetic poem in honor of Trump's shameful deal that sorta reveals how God must feel.
Cover your faces in shame, Jerusalem is the place of my name. You masked your plan to take my land as a peace plan. Now will I stand and demand it, you bandit. Shame on you for trying to steal the place of my zeal. Even the kings will no longer sing their own praise open faced. For your judgment was discovered when you uncovered my foundation stone. Now get alone, isolate yourself in your den, and cover your shameful grin. Go hide under a rock. While I walk up and down with opened face grace to those who say: There is no shame in Yeshua's name, in His Jewish claim to the land of Israel.
So what does the Temple Mount, and the City of Jerusalem have to do with the mark of the beast? And do I think these two issues are linked? To understand future prophesy, it is beneficial to first look at history. It seems obvious that the Antichrist spirit has an agenda to desecrate the holy place. To understand what may be close at hand (or forehead) let us first look back to see what may be ahead. So who was the first to receive a mark?
Genesis 4:8,15 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field that Cain rose up against his brother, and slew him….and the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
According to the Bible, the first family on this planet were farmers who both cultivated the land, and raised livestock upon their farm. Genesis 4 records that Abel was a keeper of the sheep while brother Cain was a tiller until he became a killer. What (or who) do you think caused Cain to become so vain? Could it be Satan? Well, lets just call it the spirit of the age, or the spirit of antichrist. Today we can again see this spirit of the age at work in all these same themes. It seems obvious that Big Brother has an agenda to slay agriculture again today. Especially within NZ. A green, liberal, God-hating, group of vegan environmentalists have set their sites on killing us within the livestock industry. With the hate coming from Nait, to all the great piles of environmental regulations, will little brother be Abel to survive their assault?
Big Brother Kills Again
Has anyone else noticed that Big Brother (and Big Sister) seem intent to slay the farming industry today? Alarm, alarm, the farm is destroying the planet, spews the nighty news. Mouth pieces for the government agenda, these fake news use fear of global warming as a daily attack against farming. They daily search the globe to find a flood, a storm, and a fire, to speak their desire that farming is to blame. Its all the cows farting methane they even claim, or the farmer and his ute that pollute. I don't want to sound immature, but what a load of manure. Every aspect of agriculture has “officially” been infiltrated by our governing authorities. Growing up on the Texas cotton farm in the 70’s I can recall a time when Big Brother was not such a bully. We plowed, planted, harvested, caught our own seeds, then did it all again the next year. The only drama came from the weather and the markets. But todays Ag has been tagged with red tape and increasing hate. Speaking of tags, these same green, liberal, farm hating, city dwelling, God deniers will soon require the sheeple to be tagged and traced. Oh wait, that just happened already with the scan-in demand. But next, it will be required to be implanted within your skin, by your own kin, Big Brother.
Interesting for me to see as a rural farmer is the growing divide between city and country, rural and urban. How is it today that all our leaders are urban minded vegans who are angry at agriculture? Well, mostly they are mad at the cows and want to kill the livestock industry but replace our meat with fake they can make by tilling. Logic isn't part of the equation, cause the carbon footprint to make fake meat is far larger than livestock can. Perhaps the real truth of this madness goes way back to this ancient sibling rivalry between Cain and Abel. Cain, a tiller turned killer, was perhaps growing beans and became keen to make fake meat. So he compiled a bunch of chemicals, artificial food products, and mixed it all together with his beans. Then Cain brought his vegan patty to Grand daddy God. At the same time, Abel brought to the table, a tender lamb slain raised organically without synthetic fertilizers, fly spray, or lead based vaccinations. Now which one do you think any red blooded health conscious person would select?
Genesis 4:2-5 ...And Abel was a keeper of the sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. And in the process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground as an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering: but unto Cain and his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
Again, we see today the same old fight over which food offering is right. The government, its mouthpiece media, and its state run healthcare system plug their vegan based base of vain Cain types. Effectively, these city dwelling, green, liberal, vegans are possessed with an ancient evil spirit which is anti-Christ. That Lamb slain of which Abel came was a type and shadow of Christ. No wonder the Great I AM preferred this Lamb over the vegan, heathen offering of Cain. So Cain became vain and could not contain his anger. Today, this same spirit of Cain is “unAbel” to contain its anger at this Lamb offering, and those who see the need to feed on His flesh.
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
It is interesting how my life, and these issues today are seemingly interlinked with this old Bible story. If Cain came with the same vegan offering, and brother Abel brought meat to the table, I personally would chose the meat over the salad any day. In fact, I went on the carnivore diet a few years ago. I eliminated every food and went straight animal proteins. Why? I had been diagnosed with a life threatening disease called aplastic anemia which destroyed my bone marrow and caused me to stop making my own blood. The first night I was admitted to the hospital I was given 7 bags of blood to get me back to minimal blood levels. The next two years was very trying, with blood transfusions needed regularly to survive. Effectively, my body was attacking itself with this next level autoimmune disease that the doctors know very little about. The normal treatment protocol is a radical immune system reboot where they inject you with a horse antigen that totally destroys your immune system within a two month hospital stay. It had a 65% chance of working, but without it I was given 12 months to live by the Hematologist. My whole life had seemed to be plagued by autoimmune problems. My first memory as a child was getting allergy shots in both arms. Next I got a really bad case of asthma by the age of 12. In my 20’s came two more autoimmune diseases, psoriasis and arthritis. All the diseases were somewhat manageable with medications and large consumption of anti inflammatory, but effectively I was only treating the symptoms. But this last autoimmune disease, aplastic anemia, was not one to be managed, but was life threatening. It seemed I had run out of answers and my options were limited. To be committed and admitted for a two month hospital stay to pray what they say has a 65% chance of working today, the horse antigen course, was a tuff pill to swallow. Meanwhile, my son sends me an article about how people with drastic autoimmune diseases have cured themselves on a strict all meat diet. Two years later, I am now one of those people who can testify that meat is good to eat and treat autoimmune problems. For the first time in decades, I now am almost totally pain free of active arthritis. Albeit I have decades of old damage, I had forgot how good it feels to not live on pills and have that inflammatory story as my daily song and dance. The psoriasis has also gone. Not a bloody patch to be seen since I got off the greens. And without a doubt, a big turn about (without the horse gene) in this aplastic thing I had. Instead of neighing like a horse, I am staying the course and eating mainly meat. In fact, the people who have cured themselves with this carnivore diet say to eat your meat as rare as you dare. Somehow if you over cook the cow it will allow a certain amount of autoimmune response. I find this to be true too, so I cant eat any more stew of which I used to. Just rare steaks, kefir and unpasteurized milk seem to calm the autoimmune storm which once daily formed. Some say they cant afford a steak a day. I say, your gonna pay one way or the other brother. Either be willing and Abel to put the right food on the table, or remain vain like Cain and prepare for an early grave.
John 6:54-56 Whoso eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood dwells in me and I in him.”
Yeshua, the Lamb of God slain, tells us to eat His flesh which is meat. This is that same offering Abel brought to the altar of God. I fell very blessed to be Abel to also raise sheep and literally eat the flesh of the selected lambs from the green fields of NZ. Unfortunately, the liberal, green, vegan, anti-Christ leaders around the globe can not be told these ancient truths. Here in NZ, they (who ever the hell they are) seem keen to destroy the animal husbandry industry by blanket planting pines on fine grazing land. Claiming to be saving the planet, they plan to plant it in pines. Whereas a pine is fine to sequester carbon for approximately 30 yrs, after that it is done. True science says that rangelands and grasslands properly managed with livestock actually sequester more carbon than can trees within the same 30 year span, and can continue (unlike a tree) for approximately perpetuity. But this ancient anti-Christ spirit that controls today’s unbelieving green liberal leaders will never listen to reason even if the earth starts freezing. But rather than demonizing these greenees, let us look behind the veil and consider the forces of hell who sell them these lies.
John 8:44 You are of your father the devil….he was a murder from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
My dad had many country sayings, one of which seems very fitting at this moment. "You will go to hell for lying as quick as you will for stealing cattle." This old devil still lies and still wants to steal our cattle, and still looks for a willing body to achieve it through. We must know that the first murderer (Cain) was also infiltrated by this evil, who sold him a pack of lies, one of witch was veganism. Perhaps only if we eat meat are we Abel to see the truth. Regardless, we are all today in the middle of an ancient fight of which both sides believe they are right. As a carnivorian Christian who has personally learned the truth about meat I am concerned that the current leaders are trying to murder this ancient truth yet again. Fake meat is such a lie. Pine plantations sequester more carbon than farms is a lie. Cows farts cause global warming is a lie. Veganism is healthy is a lie. Forced vaccinations and digital covid passports are a lie. All these ancient lies goes back to the anti-Christ spirit that possessed Cain. As for me and mine, we will keep in mind where these lies come from, especially before receiving any diet advice (fake meat), medical advice (jabs), or travel advice (digital mark of the beast).
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Although it is hard to not get upset with the likes of Jarcinda and her drones, it is not our zone to demonize them personally. As believers and receivers of the flesh and blood sacrifice of the Lamb, our fight is not against flesh and blood, but the powers controlling them. It is a spirit of fear that controls them, and they use to control the people. Ironically, it is the very flesh and blood they don't eat that will defeat the evil spirit feeding them these lies and this fear. If we, the partakers of the Lamb's sacrifice raised up in union the communion cup, this ancient evil would fall. Perfect love cast out fear. Ephesians says to stand with truth in hand, not a digital covid passport or a scan-in app. Ephesians says to gird ourselves with truth, not gird ourselves with a mask. Effectively, what these leaders are asking of us is against God's direction and now requires His correction. Remember vengeance is mine says the Lord. But how do we get that now before they tag and track us like a cow? The ultimate protection against this coming digital tracking and marking as defined in Revelation, is to insure that your name is written in the Lamb's book of life, and then stand with truth in hand (not the chip).
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
This simple prayer will put your name in the book: Father God, I receive the sacrifice of your Son, Yeshua, as the Lamb of God slain to contain all my shame and blame under His name. Now write my name in the slain Lamb's book and let me off the slaughter hook.
If you prayed this prayer tell someone, for when we confess to others that we know Messiah, Messiah confesses to God that He knows us. Or send me a quick email so that I can be the witness of your salvation. [email protected]
God is a Farmer
I am a farmer. My father was a farmer, and his father was a farmer. So too does the King of Jews choose to reveal himself to this world. The proof of this statement is backed by His many scriptural references to agriculture. Growing up on a West Texas cotton farm, I first believed God was the original cotton farmer. For Messiah said, "the fields are white and ready for the harvest." Only a cotton farmer could truly appreciate the beauty of a years worth of work manifested as a snow white field of fiber. Yeshua, aka Jesus, also taught that He was the sower of good seed. Therefore, I saw the need to believe in Him as "farmer friendly" as I planted my fields in hope of a great white harvest. Later on, I entered the livestock industry and became a cattle and goat farmer like my grandfather had. Then I read a scripture about an end of time scenario where God will sort out the goats and slaughter them because of their stubborn nature. Believe you me, that verse speaks truth. I can't recount the times I was horned and rammed by those damned goats. Over a decade ago, Farmer God spoke to me to sell my farm in Texas and move to New Zealand. Coming here first on vacation, I saw this land so grand from the eyes of a farm boy. Wow, how many cows can it carry? And man, just look at those green fields of roaming white fiber. Sheep, sheep, and more sheep. Something I had never tried, but the One pierced at side had said, "Do not dread, you are my sheep here led." Then I read, Yeshua was the Lamb slain who overcame my sin and fear. So why shouldn't I move here? I began visualizing Him standing at this far-out farm gate as my Great Shepherd. With staff in hand, this Son of man was commanding me to Passover into this amazing agri-culture. Years now we have farmed these Hawkes Bay hills of zeal, never forgetting to give thanks for this land so grand. But there is trouble brewing in paradise.
Whereas God would seem to be farmer friendly, not all leaders are Bible readers. It seems that big brother (or sister) has another agenda that is actually anti-farm and does harm New Zealand's agri-culture. Zero carbon, cow fart tax, required environmental plans, threats and hate coming from Nait, gun bans, ute tax, and weekly the list grows. With each governmental restriction placed upon the farm, I become alarmed at the harm it causes the poor. More mandates only makes production cost higher, which makes food prices dire. This isn't kind when many households are already behind. As a farmer I call these anti-farm laws little weed seeds sown that are hurting each and every home. But these green mandates are also growing a great divide between city and country, rural and urban, even as Parliament takes out Christian prayer to only wear a turban. What am I alluding to? As Jacinda and crew become anti-farm and anti-Christ, we will all see a higher food price.
But perhaps the worst government coerced attack so far will leave a terrible scar upon this agricultural nation. A billion trees will be a disease that will destroy many rural communities. Agriculture is the backbone of this nation. The vibrant buzz of these farm service towns will soon slow way down as thousands of hectares of sheep and beef farmland comes under the dark shade of the pine. You could say that these rural towns will next begin to pine away. Then there are the actual families on these effected farms. But not just the farmers, but the employees, the contractors, the shearing gangs, and many more. With no livelihood in the rural areas many will be forced to move into the hood. Could this be God's plan for this amazing agri-cultural land? Life in the city is not always pretty for displaced country kids.
World Health Organization Stats claim that world hunger will dramatically increase in the next decades. Meanwhile, down on the farm, we are being "Councilled" to convert our ag land into sequestering the world's carbon rather than providing the daily essentials of meat and milk. In addition, Local and Regional Councils are currently undertaking a massive land grab under a "name it and claim it" type procedure that identifies and restricts usage of the property by its owner. In flagrant disregard of the private property rights of rate paying farmers, my local district's plan has recently proposed to name approximately 10% of our district's land as environmentally significant. Once our freehold lands are named, the powers that be will not even let you cut a tree without their consent. One must ask the question today, "Should government in a thriving free society respect a tree more than thee? Or be able to take away property rights without compensation?" Ironically, my local council labeled their aggressive environmental plan, 'thrive'. But how long can a country boy survive as these tree hugging governments thrive? Since when is the environment fight more important than the people's property right? Ministers please! your precious birds and trees will not pay all these increasing rates. I fear you are near to making irreversible political mistakes that will make New Zealand a third rate nation by endangering the NZ farming community. I realize clean air and water is important, but so too is imported NZ milk and meat for children around the world to eat.
Let us not beat around the bush any longer. It seems obvious to me that war has been declared from the city, and the powers thereof, to push the farmer off his own freehold land and allow the bush to take their place. I call it the great bush push. May Farmer God give grace to those families displaced, and help all those on (and off) the farm that this will harm. Yet wave after wave of environment regulation is coming from the city and leaders of this agriculture nation to the farmer's dismay and agri-vation. This well organized assault against the farmer leads me (as a Christian farmer) to believe that many current leaders are non believers of Biblical agriculture. According to the Bible, the first family on this planet both cultivated the land and raised animals upon their farm. Genesis chapter four records that Abel was a keeper of sheep while his brother Cain was the tiller of the ground. Simply said, farming is historically the oldest, longest standing profession in the world. Farming is a tried and true profession which will last until the last man dies. But if Ag dies first, we will all die cursed with hunger. Like the bumper sticker said, don't feel lead to complain about the farmer with your mouth full. However, the clever carbon sequestering scheme would seem to be all the new rage. But forget not that it has yet to be proven by the crucible of time, as has farming. Neither do the tried and true ancient scriptures allude unto carbon farming. Perhaps, the CO2 scare is somewhat of a green pyramid scheme that mostly serves its originators, or the haters of our simple farm life. I guess time will tell if carbon credits will always sell. As for me and my house, we prefer to put our money where our mouth is and remain farmers of those products we can eat. Mmmm, meat is so neat to eat and makes me complete.
As a simple minded farmer, I see much of these environmental regulations as simply anti-farmer. As a Bible believing Christian, I see an anti-farmer stance as a chance to become anti-Christ. Christ, aka Messiah identified Himself as the great Shepherd, not the great bird herder or pine planter. In fact, Christ personally cursed the tree with no fruit right down to the root. He likewise commanded us to plow fields and feed cattle all the day and then pay tribute to Him by serving meat to his own house. Real meat, not fake meat. And dare I say to Israel today in an old non-progressive way: a kosher kill. Still, if you feel hostility toward the ancient profession of farming, to me it seems alarming. In fact, as these waves of anti-farmer laws come forth from Parliament, prayer in Christ' name has simultaneously been removed from there. Meanwhile, a prayer call to Allah was permitted, as gun rights were being omitted. It is radical to see NZ's Parliament becoming both anti-Christ and anti-farmer, while simultaneously becoming Muslim friendly. Today, there is obviously a real need for unity in both the farming sector and among Christians to protect their basic rights. Not just for our own livelihoods, but for the sake of all eaters and believers. Simply said, the basic need to feed humanity is greater than any unproven green zeal. Still, I can't understand how a cow can be taxed and blamed for farting methane. Never-the-less, let us address our environment plan.
As a farmer, I am not anti-tree or anti-bird. Albeit, I don't want these mucking up my deck, or blocking my views. Nor to be used by a green governmental funding of a blanket planting scheme that could destroy NZ agriculture and rural reliant communities. But trees do have a purpose and use beyond capturing China's smog. Both a cow and a plow somehow look good under the shade of a great tree. Admittedly, some selected bush helps push a good riparian right for our neighbor down stream. However, these plantings should not be forced by legislation from asphalt covered city councils. We the landowners, the farmers, the stewards of this great land, must stand in our exclusive right to decide what happens upon our freehold property. We can not tell you what to do on your section of city concrete, so neither should you impose hurt on those standing on freehold rural dirt. As a farmer, I prefer education over legislation to help me protect what I too view as precious: the land, the water, the air, and especially my lifestyle in Ag. A system of trust must be applied to us who own the land. Honestly, I don't expect many farmers appreciate the hypocritical legislation coming from your carbon concrete cities. Until you clean up your act, it is an unfair act to legislate our outback. I am much less warry of a voluntary scheme that proposes to help me protect my environment through education in lue of regulation. Speaking of loos, what will you do with all your poo coming out of your cities too? Don't propose to tax my cow fart unless thou art ready to tax the fart and logs coming out of your city dogs. Just saying, we should all be paying the cost for this loss of common sense. Over zealous environmentalists here suggest that NZ could become the savior of the world (or at least the hero) by going carbon zero. But the true Savior of the world came as the Lamb slain. Notice His agricultural claim? I am sure we the farmers could step up our game if government came with grace and education in place of heavy handed regulation. Or perhaps we the farmers should look to the ancient book of Emmanuel as the ultimate farming manual. The Bible certainly gives sound advice and instruction of how to farm and not harm our neighbors, without governmental obstruction. May the God of the farm arm our leaders with the skills and zeal to fulfill His will in this great Agricultural land with an equal hand, while protecting the rights of our free society. Curt Zant, farmer
Water Word
Day after day the negative news spews its distorted views. Nothing new on the news, just more lies to try to steal my hope. Like a addict addicted to dope, like a fighter leaning on the rope, I feel cornered when I watch it, when I read it. Father, please forgive for I live in a state of compromise every time my eyes see these lies. Father please excuse, for my ears are full of bad news. For I wait and make myself be still until the real Truth speaks. Then the cloud departed and I saw the Three who give life unto me. The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. Their eyes looked into every nation searching for their creation. Then They saw it all, from the beginning til end and when the regeneration begins. Then the Father gave the Word to the Son and the Holy Ghost begun to run. He dispatched to each dry patch a seed that would need to be believed and watered. Then I heard their good and faithful Word say, Don't be deterred, use the water of the Word to water the Word.
Eggs and bread
On a walk to talk with the Lord, my current situation began to be outpoured. With the overwhelming loss of liberty and freedoms I felt so grieved. But still it was time that I was soon to leave. So before I go I know that I must believe. So I prayed and made my petition known. Lord, I want freedom as I go home. The testing, the mask and the quarantine at last: will you give me liberty over these please? I ask you here on my knees. Then I felt the Wind and heard a voice from within. Eggs and bread, the Spirit said. Remember the Word of Messiah in red. Would you give instead of eggs and bread, a serpent or a stone? Don't you want the Liberty and Freedom to come home? Then come on, ask of Me for the Holy Ghost and see if He is not the Spirit of Freedom and Liberty.
Blind and Deaf Faith
The attack came, wave after wave, against the saved. You must vaccinate or die... try after try. My o my. Then I asked, Lord why? Immediately I heard the Spirit of Adonai like a flash of light. It was so bright it blinded the night. But I could no longer see in reality. Father, help me, I cant see what the news is saying. He responded not, so I started praying: Father forgive for I live in a secular society. Alrighty, said the Almighty. Then came the same flash. This time it muted all the believers and polluted their cash. So they could not hear the fear on the news, nor could they use the systems money. Then spoke HaShem unto them: Awake, take up your zeal. Be moved by the words I speak, not by what you feel. Its time to walk by faith, not by sight. This is your Devine right.
Upside Down World
Lord, it seems that everything is being turned upside down. Good is being called bad. A mom is really a dad. Sin is seen as rad, and hatred of the Christian and the Jew is the new fad. What do we do? Then I heard the Spirit of the Jew crucified for me and you. He said look up and look down. So I did. As I looked up into the sky all I saw was the land and the earth full of violence and chaos. Immorality in its fullness that was destroying even the atmosphere of the sky. It made me begin to cry for my grandchildren standing by. So grieved I hung my head, then I remembered what Jesus said. Look down. As I opened my eyes below, I saw the wind begin to blow. I was standing on a cloud that began to speak out loud. It said, Zion is a place, Zion is a land. Yeshua has not forgotten His plans. Behold I will bring forth a new nation bearing the fruits of the kingdom. Then the cloud parted and I fell down to the ground of a new world upside down.
Under Stand
I saw the Lion under the altar in defense of Zion. As He arose the north and south poles became unfroze. Then I heard a whisper in my man that made me too under stand. What goes up must go down. For behold I will remove from the crown the very best of ground. The leaders are not believers and they rage against my plans. Denying the Savior they loose all my favor. Heavy burdens they place and take away My grace. Therefore must I wait no more to restore the distant shore as my secret garden. Pardon only the debt free who under stand with me. Take from the rest the very best asset of the lands and give it to a people who under stand. Then He touched me about the time of the evening oblation and I under stood for His nation.
By Faith My Islands
Then again at the end I heard from my Friend. In true Jewish form He asked me a question to answer my own that only He could have known. Why are you unsatisfied? What is required to acquire the desire of Isaiah 2? Ask me and see if I will not give to you the uttermost part of the earth for your possession. Son of man, What is your profession, what is your confession? For I will repossess the best land now and give it to you and your cows. But again, I ask you, How come some are unsatisfied? So I laid still on my side until the Holy Ghost filled my void with the one word needed. Faith must be seeded. So I read, then I said, Messiah, go ahead and give to us New Zealand for our healing. In your wings hide us from the things coming. Then I heard a great humming coming from the Beehive saying, Financial collapse is imminent. Then I saw the remnant coming here from far with a terrible nuclear scar. Americans by sea to see the land given unto me. Immediately I was in the Spirit. The Ghost spoke and I awoke from reality to hear: Your faith has moved you here, allow no more fear. Behold I have saved you, I have made you the door to restore my garden. But even the hardened of heart must depart, for only action gives satisfaction to faith.
Faithful Friend
Lord, you are a faithful Friend unto the very end. But will this lockdown ever end? And then I heard my faithful Friend remind me of my covenant again. Mimic the whirlwind and begin to spin and go forth with my fury again. Since when did I say to lay and wait, that was your mistake. Have you forgot you must take up your cot to actually walk. For faith without works is dead even as James has said. Or ask Moses what to do when the sea is blocking you. If you start walking it will stop mocking, and move when you do. But why should the sea be dried when you haven't even tried. So go, don't wait for the open gate. The gate waits for you. It will open when you go through because the Spirit of liberty lives in you. Why are you afraid of a man that I made? Why do you repeat the fear they do speak? Am I not greater than all the instigators? Don't you know, it was I that placed them in their roles. I gave them their office of offence to get you up off the fence. Test me now and see if I will not follow thee unto the ends of the earth. For look, the last shall always be first in my book.
Leave the church, come to Jesus
Desperate and diseased I came to the church and feel on my knees. From the back pew I had hoped to see the king of the Jews. Then I saw the crucifix on the wall, and felt the judgment of them all. One by one they turned to glare at this sinner who had entered there. With each hypocritical stare I became more and more aware that perhaps I was not welcome there. Was it the dope or the smoke that made their fingers poke. Maybe the alcohol on my breath or my hidden lifestyle of death. Then the judge stood behind the pulpit and asked the jury to decide: pardon him or crucify? What was happening I wondered so dazed as a large wooden cross was quickly raised. Then it happened as the judge and jury surrounded me and proclaimed my guilt perceived. That I inwardly heard the word of Messiah say to me: Quickly, Leave.
After 6
Read Matthew 17, I heard the angels sing. Then on the Shabbat I saw a lot. The plot against the wall and the fence, and the betrayal by Pence. Since the beginning of the day, Lord you Jew said don't be mislead too. For many will come in My name to their own shame against the City called Shalom. Now come on, up to the Mountain of my transfiguration against the nations united. For they have collided with my zeal. Covid is still the art of his deal, for after 6 they shall no longer steal. Then I saw a cloud and heard the voice of Eliyah out loud. Build the tabernacle quick, for the candle has been lit and El shall not forget to demand the restoration of His land and people. Then I saw fire fall by his hand against America's two state plan. As the zeal becomes even more real, I feel the hand of the ancient man Mosheh. He had a rod in his hand and a brand on his forehead which said Hey. I will take away the remnant to the distant shore until every soul is restored. Then again the waters turned red and I heard it said...after 6.
Then the Spirit moved upon the Word as I reddit. The gold is mine and the silver is mine. Behold we enter a new dispensation of time. But before you leave you must believe that you will receive payment for your bonds. Come on, borrow silver for tomorrow is Passover. My pure gold will take away your sorrow. But what is different about tonight? There is no distinction between wrong and right. But this I know, for your Menorah told me so: The silver has been mixed with dross, so the shorts will pay the costs. Yeshua, you are the boss, and the markets shall dread it, for I reddit.
Silver Seed
Lord, I see thee so fair with your white hair coming down the stair, saying beware. Our world is in so much trouble, in such dire need. Conceded, your warning of Jerusalem was not heeded, and judgment was needed. But what now? With the gates closed and no one knows any further truth. Albeit the axe has been laid to the root. Moriah they shall no longer pollute. But my kin, when will I see them again? Then the Word stepped down and spoke again. Your need can only be filled with a seed. Ask the earth which came first, the harvest or the blade. But first they must be saved. For I gave them as a seed sown although the people have not known. Still I will see them rise now that Jerusalem has been compromised. After three days, behold before I was old, I was the seed of Abraham. The World Health Organization is a sham. Now, son of Ham, hold out your hand and I will give you a seed. Silver shall run short but my seed shall not. But hot are the days in which Israel shall be raised.
Turn coat, yellow belly. Stir them up, then let us down. Perhaps the Left was Right, you are another clown in politic town. So I call your bluff, you are not tuff enough to make America great. Deep state wins again because you were never really Israel's friend. Betraying them with a grin to surrender their temple area again. Will this two state madness ever end? East Jerusalem was not yours to give, and now you want to live your life. Your wife has more grit. But still we will never forget the good you achieved. Although you betray us as you leave. You were right, the news is fake. But now you too have flaked. A forsaken base to save face. Who shall now take your place? Messiah, remember your chosen race. In the end you caved and gave them up to save your own skin. So pardon me again if I don't cow down as you bow down to the corruption. Traitor is my assumption, my conviction. So I give you an Arnold Benedict benediction. Yet the Right will still fight as you go gently into the night.
Peace Plan Reject
Thus says the Son of Man, I read your peace plan and can no longer support you Don. I am the King, you are the pawn. All of Jerusalem belongs unto me. See, especially Mount Moriah. So don't pray unto me until you can see how important it is to me. I officially withdraw my ballot, and judge you with the temple's mallet. That cup of prosperity that was in your hand is now a cup of judgment for your proposed peace plan. You shall not divide my Holy land. Your pride you shall now swallow until you say Yershalayim is hallow ground.
Key of David
I was lead to a closed door named Restore. Before the door on the floor was a little book. Above the book there was a hook that looked like a bloody nail. Upon the nail I saw a Key that began to talk with me aggressively. To open the door you must not ignore the little book any more. As I began to read I felt the need to believe. Then as I believed I felt the need to leave judgment. That's when the Key began to speak to me again, this time as a friend. He said, do not dread for I have good ahead, but to proceed you need to know the Key. Then he said unto me, By my scars you are far from Davar=judgment. Instead you shall now be lead to my Chesed=grace. Then I saw the hair ripped from His face. Then at the end of time I had the final revelation come into my mind. The Key is Mercy, the key is mercy. Then the door named restore opened before me, and I entered the Kingdom of David.
Ladder behind Door Four
As the fourth door opened and the davar of the nations began, I saw a brand new land. At first a very narrow hall that stripped all my pride as it pierced me at my side. With ladder stairs descending and all my theology ending, I came into a place of safety and grace. Then a psalmist stood upon this ladder of wood and gave me a secret that I had not understood. The noisome pestilence and arrow of war will not come behind door four. Then a cloud came and honored his claim and covered His name. With ladder at hand, a man was united with his clan. They came with loins of shame and coins of gold even as the scripture foretold. Many years were added, and the man became old. Then the mighty angel who held the safe door open during the great reset, took the unbelieving to the place of disgrace and regret. There they heard the final word on the matter. Yeshua HaMessiah was the Ladder.
Mercy Men
Forsaken and taken from judgment I heard a Lion define a new dispensation of time. The roaring forties blew and I knew what it alluding to. Every fortieth Jubilee the wind blows and the men of mercy know. It is now time to go. For as it is written, the righteous are smitten, but the merciful are taken away from the trouble on the Way.
Elected Son
The dark knight appeared as an angel of the city of light. Who or what gives you the right to use His angels to fight? For Jerusalem East is the ladder place I hold, his forked tongue told. If you be a son then come to the pinnacle of Moriah and fall forth into a dark winter. If it is your opinion that you are his son with dominion, then where are your angels? Or turn this stone into bread, and tell me what is ahead. Then I heard the truth of the Election. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God of Salem. Therefore, forever more, Depart from me father of Balaam. The City of gold shall forever remain the domain of the Sons of God, in Yeshua's name. Then came the ministering spirits.
Then I read in red what Messiah had said. Like a thief in the night will I come for the right. But Lord he had no right to take the election by night. Will there be a fight? For the theft of the left is obviously wrong. Still I will sing the new song. Then I saw upon the Mountain, the reason of it all. A ram caught by his yovel trying to sell his theft of your city as a peace plan ditty. Then I heard this word. Thus says the Lord God, the peace plan is a fraud. Therefore the election will be undecided until Jerusalem is left undivided. Those who try to steal my zeal will feel the frustration of my agrivation. A house divided shall not stand to divide my house. Grief unto the thief.
My O my, what was up with that fly? What saith thy Adonai? As birds fly, I will defend Jerusalem. Then again, i heard the Word, As birds fly I will defend Jerusalem. Then again, As bird flu, said the Jew of Kings. Watch the little things I do. Bird flu? Is that the same as covid too? Is this what the fly was alluding to? Then it made sense. There will be a recompence. Since Pence should have known, Jerusalem is your undivided home. Yet a fly alone has shown what he refused to know. What a sign assigned, that a fly could steal his time. Then I heard the Lion roar: more will be the theft of this fly, for America will next cry.
Election Tabled
Lord, I might just be a dog down under your table, but at least I am able to eat the meat that fell at your feet. Thank you my Jew for allowing me to view this view. Albeit I see it, I am still not worthy to Tye your shoe. Avenu, may I ask you, what wood Jesus do? Then I saw the Election tabled. On Abraham's accord, and for Isaac's Lord, the latter rain poured Eliyah's cup. Then a chair was moved up there. In front of Messiah, at the challenge of Moriah, Eliyah came to sit. Don't forget, he shall yet restore all things. Was a song I heard Moses sing. Then they all bowed to their head as Zechariah said, grace grace to the Jewish race. Then I heard my Friend say it again in Greek: Sit a place for the meek. For many shall come from the East and feast with Able. Many shall come from the West and find rest at my table. But the Election are my natural selection.
Rainbows and Unicorn.
The latter rain came as the Sun arose. Then i saw all those rainbows. It was Noah's tribal revival being proposed as the complacent became unfroze. Then at the end a little cloud arose. I heard Eliyah say, this is the way, walk ye in it. So I conceded and heeded, then looked again and the little cloud was seeded with Israel's elect. See Seer, I will protect my own even if I was not known among them. Then, under the rainbow I saw the coming of a ruler walking the streets of the far East. He had the horn of the unicorn, hard and scarred. A progression grew from the few that followed the Jew. Then I knew. This is the promised One, studded and gutted from the Roman spear who is drawing near into the atmosphere. With His horn of Da'vid he defeated the seed of Dan. So that there was no serpent in the land. The accuser was cast out who brought about his judgment. At last, I heard the trumpet blast saying, the first shall be fast to go, to the land of the rainbow. For the Unicorn shall push the thousands of Manasseh, and the ten thousands of Ephraim unto the ends of the Earth.
Ardent Deliverance
I saw a woman in labour crying out in fame. Saying, close the womb, covid is not a game. Insert even more rules for the rurals, for these fools dirty my live stream. As she screamed in labour I also heard the voice of the Savoir. Then it all came to a head, every word that Isaiah had said. More will be the children of the barren than of the married wife of strife. But shall I bring it to life to only seal up the zeal? Shall a nation with room close up her womb? Behold, Vengeance is mine says the Devine, and today it is birthday time. For I am ardent about this deliverance. But shall I bring NZ to the birth and not cause my children to come first?
Bloody Wedding
I saw One coming dressed in zeal as I heard the trump announce the deal. Who is this that comes from Edom? Soaked as Isaiah spoke in the blood of the UAE. Lord help me. Who is this coming from Bozrah with stained garments that contain the blood of Bahrain? Then at the end I knew, It was always You. So disappointed that no man knew, I mighty to save, the Redeemer of the Jew. Why art thou so vengeful my wine treader? Should not we all have known better? I looked, but no man interceded, there was no man that pleaded. Therefore, I alone will make vengeance known on the theft of my land. Now stand out of my way, or pay with your life, for I am coming now for my Jewish wife.
Your Honor
It wood seem today there is no esteem. But I for One am still keen, for I have seen what I have seen. Your Honor, I understand what this means. The place of your honor dishonored. Severance is not reverence. To see them spit in your holy face, to see them split your holy place. What a disgrace! Speaking of faces, Lord, those so near have so little revere. I know you told me not to look at their faces of disdain. But how long can I contain this shame? I know this is my part, but it hurts my heart. Still thou art worthy of all my honor. For I knew what this gift wood lead to. HaShem forgive them even though they know no shame. For Salvation is thy name.
Grand Son of Saul, I gave you my all because you didn't deserve it. But you didn't learn that you didn't earn my favor. Even though I was your Savior. Son of Saul I gave you my gall because I did nothing to deserve it. But still the serpent strikes at the heel because of your ordinances. By merit you wear it, but they are but rags to Me. Righteousness by clause make Me your Santa Clause. Come to me all dirty and diseased, and hear me now please. Because deserve aint got nothing to do with it. I looked upon the nations with favor and grace until they challenged my Holy place. Because I will now visit Jerusalem again in my chen. Weep and mourn oh horn of David. Because I am the one that was pierced as your seed. From heel to head, take out now the because you have said. Instead insert my hurt, my pain as the Messiah that was hanged. Still the serpent's head is bashed because I raised your heel. Now kneel because I feel new zeal and will defend against their peace deal.
For King and Country
Lord, send me to your Ori. I speak for Corey. He shall hear your full gospel story. Son, run to the extreme as I do the new thing. To Ori, the light of the eastern rise. There is there therefore no more compromise. I Am blood of your blood, bone of your home. Mine is Zion from the beginning of time. As far as the east is from the west is best for you to flee. There you shall see Me be Messiah over them who call me HaShem. My cloud land shall I demand to stand at my right. Yeshua, I wood fight for you my King and my country.
New Thing
Lord, divider between bone and marrow. You will take away all sorrow. Tomorrow is a new day. You paid the price so that I can give them your advice: Don't mix the old and the new. Judgement is not up to you. Whether or not they hear is according to the ear you gave. Now save Israel. Then the Spirit said, Your dead bones shall live together with mine. Behold we enter a new dispensation of time. Now, don't think, just drink Eli's restoration cup of wine. As I swallowed I was told of a new day, a new living way. Now take away their sin. Let righteousness enter in. Adonai, the Lord of all blood supply: I received their donation. Therefore I now declare over this nation. There is but One God. Rod of Jesse, the world is turning messy. But we will sing as you do your new thing. A new land so grand to express your new covenant plan. Behold, the Son of man who took away the old, does a new thing.
White Flight
Lord, I have read it in black and white and saw what you said in red. White Flight. But is this right? Yes son, Run! It is so far right for them to flight instead of fight. Lest the red you have said should flow, now they must go. But Lord, the gates here remain closed to those whom you have chose to flee to NZ. Can you help me? From the south I will proceed and provide every need for my seed. I will lift my hand in the demand and open up this new land. Then in the air so high I saw the hand of Adonai. It had scars that broke down the bars. Then I heard the word again, white flight, my friend. For trouble has begun, do it for your son. Then I awoke and saw the one who spoke. It was Elijah saying, stop praying and flee. It was me that warned you of the oppression of your race. Now brace for decolonization. The fight between black and white has been reignited. For God has decided to defend Jerusalem again.
Living Enlightened
I was awakened and taken to the Living Menorah. He spoke a Word to my soul disturbed. A question of life and death that came and took my breath. The length and breadth of my land, measure it now man for Me. Go seer to see if it is from river to sea. Then report back if I need to attack. So I went as sent to see as the Word of God commanded me. But as I went I began to repent because I heard the leaders say, it is time for Palestine today. My Lord is not going to be glad but my bad report I can not distort. Oh Living Light, You are right. The nations have no sight between what is wrong and what is right. They say it is a peace plan, but it takes away your covenant land. Therefore God of Eternal Light, it is now your time to fight. Right. Divide them all by race who embrace this darkness. For my land, my right is to build a Menorah for this coming night.
Terrible Parable
Lord, it must be terrible for you to have to speak to them in a parable. But with intimacy lost, the plain spoken truth bears the cost. Yet you are the Boss, and the finder of innocence lost. Speaking of the lost, cause me to know when and where I shall go. Then I remembered the Temple dream and began to sing. There is coming a fire cracker parade, and woe for the devastation it made. Lord, when he gave away your Temple right, it stirred up this old fight. Now Lincoln is linking to your zealousy I Am thinking. So, I will sing a bloody song unto the red white and the blue, and BLM too. But Lord, w.h.o. knew what this was leading up to. An American Pesach, and the great aftershock. Then I saw it all in vivid colored truth. The roots of this evil has made all the Gentiles slaves. With my Spirit so vexed, I saw next the valley of the Semitic dead with Moses reborn at the head w.h.o. said, Arise. This anarchy is malarkey, but it will only get worse and worse until all my zeal is completely dispersed. Also open up America's coffer. For the land of Judea and Samaria were not his to offer.
Ancient Of Days
A word came from the Ancient of Days: Awareness. How many days does it take to raise? The golden head of the wheat you said. W.H.O. among you have not been mislead. It was exactly 40 days after that they said. Global pandemic. So now cow add another 40 days to your graze, then another said the Ancient of Days. One hundred and twenty shall be plenty. From the signing of the deal until you feel my new zeal. A mighty rushing wind from the threshing floor begin. Tongues of cloven fire to burn away their desire. The Goyim curse is in their purse. They shall now plow in reverse. The last shall be the first. They shall hunger and thirst, no more.... to be restored. There shall be time no more. Why did you try to take my floor? Now shall you have bread no more. Behold the golden baskets of my precious wheat. Lay them now at the place of my feet. But you shall no longer thereby eat, unless I hear you speak: the Temple Mount belongs to the Ancient of Days.
Lord, for your gates I give you thanks. The sacred altar of sacrifice beyond compare where life and death met. May the world never forget. Yet the gate of your portal place devine was just erased and labeled Palestine. I warned them to stay away, to not kindle the fire on the altar you required. Yet it has long ben his desire to stand upon the holy place and erase all your grace. When the son of perdition is revealed, Will I AM Gates? What is your remark? Do not take his mark.
It could have been avoided. But now there is only left the owl. How did this happen? Then I heard Jerusalem's Captain. He said in blood red vengeance: Do not fear, do not dread, the blind and deaf shall now be led. Behold, the old line of Tohu, that Isaiah spoke unto. From the altar stone under the dome, confusion shall come upon the nations. For they cast the lot, they must have forgot. Still I called all their nobles to my zeal, but none came. That's a crying shame, a peace plan they claim. But now the nest of the owl shall harbor the vultures and their young. Tell them to come to the wedding feast in the far East as I slay the great beast. Ori is the new story, Israel is my old glory. Jerusalem, my light, my right. Now nations fight. War can no more be avoided.
I see the Messiah standing for Moriah. The deal of the century I saw signed that will manifest the Lion. Lord, I see the sacred mountain where your blood flowed like a fountain. My God, the place of rod on the back of your people and pack. Then I saw as the Lamb slain became angry. I watched as He metamorphed and dwarfed the globe. Then I was showed that old Ram damn the nations. See, I will knock down the gates of he who makes the deal. See, I will overthrow kings and kingdoms in the jealousy I feel. See, my own people will now see Me provided. See, I have decided to reveal my new zeal, my Kill: Yehovah Yirah. See, I will roar until you restore my temple and more, the distant shore. Or go a century in reverse according to your own curse. See, I told you so.
You lost your shield when you asked me to yield Yerushalayim. I Am the Lord, the Shield and exceeding great Reward. Now your wards are filling, your markets are reeling. You should have known. I Am the Lion, Jerusalem is mine alone. But instead you had the wrong tone. You should have said, Jerusalem is a place of dread. You were mislead, now your cup is red. Yet you say today that we will not dread, for the Fed will feed us. But W.H.O. shall shield them from Me?
Cover your faces in shame, Jerusalem is the place of my name. You masked your plan to take my land as a peace plan. Now will I stand and demand it, you bandit. Shame on you for trying to steal the place of my zeal. Even the king will no longer sing his own praise open faced. For your judgment was discovered when you uncovered my foundation stone. Now get alone, isolate yourself in a den, under a rock. While I walk up and down with opened face grace to those who say: There is no shame in Yeshua's name, in His Jewish claim to the land of Israel.
Upside Down
What goes up must come down. Turn 999 upside down. I shall not compromise on my ground. Your anti-Christ plan to take away my land has triggered my zeal. I reject your deal. Now feel the burn and learn the hard Way. I Am the Century of Yerushalayim who draws the red line. Unless you flip your grip on my city, your futures do not look pretty. Jerusalem is my stone, my home. I wood advise you to leave it alone. I abandoned it 2k from today. But what is different about tonight? I will fight to turn it right. Now be quiet and hear Oh Israel the fear of the lender and the pretender. Remove yourself from the yeast of his priest. Mike Evans, with all your leaven: thus says the Lord of the Heavens. For I shall now turn over more than just the Dow. Wow, Isaiah 24, I shall restore to you the distant shore.
For your counsel I give you thanks. Remove your money from the banks. Lord, I can not afford to ignore your advice for Jerusalem today is your vice. No longer will you be nice, this I have heard twice. It is your mantle to dismantle the western banks. But I for One will give you thanks. In my stead you bled red that I might be Spirit led. Even in the great disaster ahead, I trust every word you said. For them now I say wow, thanks
Wow the Dow. What Now? Buy the cow? Thus saith the Lamb, the great I AM. Turn your dead stocks into livestock. Tick tock, its time to return to Zion. Your ancestors dared to care for my flocks. See, your paper cant feed your basic need. I call your marginal life to life. Come now, be my wife. Buy the land, plant the seed, and fulfill humanity's basic need. Feed my flock with the Rod. Thus saith the Lord God. Meat is neat and healthy to eat. The cattle on the thousand hills of new zeal can fulfill. Blessed are the beast, free ranging from the yeast of Wallstreet.
Pass Over Again
At last another pass. Over again to meet a Friend. One nation under Rod to fall, with plagues and all. Lend me your ear, again hear the trumpet clear. Beware, prepare to evacuate. Isn't God good, isn't God great? So awake and take the gold as you were told. As in Pesach of old, foretold to be New. Zeal land is reserved for you, says the King of the Jews. He said, do not dread, as His cloud led. Wow, now see Aotearoa below and go. Buy my milk and bread as Isaiah said. Or take of the Lamb and land says the son of man. For I raised the redeeming cup that you might timely sup. Then, in the grave I laid, for the first born ransom I paid. Now arise and descend to your nation at the end. It is Passover time all over again.
Here, have another beer, those who have no fear. Or some pot as your skin and eyes rot. As you seethe the monkey and bat in your mouths of fat. For the plaque of the mule is reserved for the fool. The virus of the horse for your two state course. Or the zoonotic of the camel for your Jerusalem gamble. How much do you want to loose? as the church continues to snooze. I shall say it plain, in laymen terms: until the nations learn, until they turn, my zeal shall burn. My land is non negotiable. The Canaanite has there no right. Yerushalayim is my green jealousy place. Now brace for the virus of non grace. But my race shall race home with their gold alone. But those of the nations that remain must ask Jerusalem for their rain. Behold the scripture foretold, upon the pot's side there inscribed, Holiness unto the Lord. We really can not afford another peace accord.
Secret Door
I saw them all working on the gentile wall. Dabbling with motar with great divine order. But then came a friend slain on wood. He stood and begin to declare the end. No more favor, says the Savior. The street and the wall are all complete. Now repeat these words: Your investments shall be repealed and the land of new zeal revealed. There you shall compare the land of heavenly stair to that of Samson's hair. See how strong it grows. It is a land of riddle to store your rooftop fiddle. So piddle no more, come now to be restored. Thus saith the Lord, be ready to pass through the Pesach door to the distant shore. There you shall see your heavenly investment multiplied evenly more.
Circle Sitter
I saw the Lord sitting on the circle of the earth as Jerusalem became divided dirt. An embassy rose in the East from the peace yeast of the beast. Then came a wave from beyond the grave. Grasshoppers like people coming from out of the steeples. How can they not know that it will no longer snow. The polar caps began to break as the Circle Sitter was moved. A grove was seen of green grass at last. There, in the middle of the sea, can it really be? A secret place of safety. Then the Circle Sitter reached up, reached down, and took up the new ground. Then I heard the resulting sound. The nations are but drops in his bucket so don't buck it. The Circle Sitter is extreme, but He takes up the Isles as a very little thing.
O My God
O my God, my God, cried the King. This thing is too hard, my people shall be scarred. For life is this strife, that you may take me your gentile wife. O my God, even the dogs eat the crumbs. How is he so dumb? There is there the line of the plumb. This is the sum of the matter: I was raised upon Jacob's ladder. Now command you me the latter. Rain upon my new land, upon my old clan. O my God, the son of man. Can I raise the hand and make the demand? No longer shall I forsake the people of my make. Take the admonition, you have my permission. So go, awaken the forsaken. O my God, the land is theirs for the taking. But the king isn't faking, it is not peace that he is making.
I felt his eyes, I heard his lies, the one whom seeks our demise. His reported was once again all distorted. A fake to try to make me shake. But my Maker is not my forsaker. He is the covenant maker, the giver of the land. Now get thee behind me I demand. Father of all lies, I sever all ties. You crookedness shall not prevail, now go straight to hell. Listen here, fear: I am not weary, I am leery of your lies. Your chore is more to deceive my belief. Your grief is not good, so why should I listen? Hush now your foul report. Now hear me roar, my God will restore. Liar liar pants on fire, we will acquire all that was given. We shall keep on living in the land of Yeshua's promise.
Death Cry
Lord, I have read in red what you said. There shall be life from the dead. So this truth is my conviction. But instead we are fed pain and affliction. How much more until you restore your own creation, and our bodies in relation? When will you end our death cries and wipe those tears from our eyes?.... Why do you ask for what has already been given? Life is for the living. Your sins are forgiven. What was the last thing I said as you saw me on the tree dead? My works are completed, death is now defeated. Still you do feel the sting as you loose the most precious thing. But Lord, I don't understand. How can a man be born again, when the body is in decay, and the hair is turning grey?.....I hear your cries against death's demise. Here is the truth you seek: Salvation is not all the Way complete. So this is the word to repeat: Israel shall arise and the dead shall open their eyes. As I was dead and overcame, the same Spirit shall Israel hear it as the Gentiles fear it. This third day will take away all death's decay for those who will say: Yeshua is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I dream a thing as the angels sing. The ancients are returning as earth's inhabitants are learning. In our minds to be considerate and kind. As leaders sent to call for mankind to repent, I saw them all coming. The prophets of old being told to descend and begin the end of the goyim era. The kingdom of heaven opening and ancient men being born again. Captain, what is happening? Is this the end? Again, no. So go, tell Isaiah to speak with coals what you were showed. Make known the name and rekindle their flame. In one day will I take away all their sin. Then came a wind. Gentle at first, then it got worse. It became a blood red tornado which summoned a body from the dead. It was not their head, but Eliyah instead. Mighty to save, the storm went from grave to grave. Then I recalled the price that has been paid, the sacrifice already made. So I awoke and spoke what these ancients wrote. All of Israel shall now be saved.
Dark Guardian
I saw by night the dark knight. The ancient deity of hell who fell. He was mounted upon a black horse of great force. My course led me to encounter him as he guarded the sea. Upon the sands of my new covenant lands his horse stands. As I came over the dune he ominously looked back at me in doom. His locks of dread, his eyes of snake make me awake. Why is he trying to deny my existence with such persistence? Who but the Jews could he choose to refuse entrance? Then I heard the Word say, the only way he can keep them out is through fear and doubt.
Replacement Theology
There is a place of grace available in Elohim. Are you keen? A vacant chair if you dare to sit there. Replacing the Son of man who said you can occupy till He comes. Some said blasphemy instead which led to their replacement. But as many as receive Him, El gives power to become a Son. Yeshua sat in replacement of sin so that we might enter in. To Elohim between Father and Holy Spirit. Oh, you mean I can be the O between El and him? Have you not read what Psalms 82 said? Ye are Elohim, but will still die like a man. But while you live on this side, you can decide to help the oppressed and needy. Because Elohim is not greedy.
Heart Murmur
I know you said go. I saw the many signs you showed. Still I growed weary. Leary I became as the wilderness remained. Then came the murmuring I read you dread. My complaint aint good, but you could remain the same. According to your name: Yehovah Tovah. Faithful friend unto my very end. Is that now? How can it be if you said unto me go. No, it is not the end, world of mine. A light will shine. I will replant the old fig and vine. I will reenter this promise land of thine. I will enjoy again its new wine with family of mine. So Lord, forgive my heart its dark murmuring. I am still learning, I am still yearning to please thee. Disease of doubt, get out. Depart from my heart, faith restart. I will Passover and do my part.
Dry Bones
To the valley of the dead I was led as I fed my soul discouragement. Unaware, it was there I found the greatest Truth. A friend who began to question my resolve. Hear is an enigma for you to solve: Son of man, can these bones make blood again? World without end, amen. Then I saw the Light, then I wanted to speak that which is right. Lord, I have wrongly said, my hope is lost, the cost is too high. My eyes have cried until my bones were dried. But I will yet hope again that you are still my Friend. Let this affliction now end. Allow me to see my loved ones again. Then I heard the Word say, God is OK. Speak to the dry bones today: Yeshua is the Way. So I stood bone upon bone and prophesied that all of Israel shall come home.
So I was left alone with no family known. Again I begin to struggle, my iniquity duplicated in double. Lord, I cry, why am I trouble's best mate? I hate this old fight. When will the night end and the end begin? Will you ever befriend me again? Then I encountered Him. Angel of might prepared for the fight. Awoken that I had not spoken that which is right, I prepared myself for the fight. I cannot tap, I must not quit. How can I forget His promise, His grace? My face now so pale, I have no blood to prevail. Can a dead man gain favor, can a man be a savior? Then a wind, then a win, and again His still small voice. Jacob, it is your choice. Fight or flight, do wrong or do right. But indifferent is Yeshua this night.
Farout Repent Tent
Run, farout to the east, to the rising Sun. Take your peg and drive it in the leg. You are sent to erect for the elect a tent of grace. A place of rule under the golden rule. Make strong the cords, says the Lord in word. Then I heard: love thy neighbor, as yourself fish-nish is un becoming. But my neighbor speaks rude and has an attitude. What would Jesus do? There under my tent is a place for you to repent. Go as far as my own scars. Lend unto the end to all who ask. Behold I come fast. To hold accountable all who are indebt. Be ready in the morning. This is my warning. Ok my King, I will do this new thing you command in this new land. Then He covered me with His hand and caused all His grand goodness to Passover. Then at the end, under His tent, I the sent began to repent.
Ohel Moed
I heard it said, Ohel Moed. Come out, leave your doubt, and I shall bring it about. Then from so far I saw His scars. Your coming is like the lightning shining against my whining. Beginning in the far east, removing the yeast from the very least and beast. Unto the west in the crest of unrest. Storms of fear drawing near that make His Word clear. I heard it said in the Ohel Moed. He is coming. With a new zeal and vest riding the best, long white cloud. Hark, there is a new ark. A new land for your new covenant clan. It is a healing tent for those who are sent. It is a wedding whoopa for your grace groupa. Never mind the storm. I am your refuge, refugee.
The Cloud Kingdom
The secret place of grace election. An enigma of new covenant selection. I am your place of Messianic protection. The kingdom I defined as the heavens, who pardons all the mankinds' leaven. Raise the head to see what is said. I will hide my least, my yeast in your bread. Within three measures of meal I will fill your zeal. Until the whole be risen, as was I in your prison. The hour is now so late to make America great. Their soil is spoiled, their grace is clouded. Therefore remove my seed and restore them the more to a distant shore. My net shall be drawn upon this new covenant land with a zealous up raised hand. I demand the cloud below to show my new deal, to reveal the cloud of zeal. Until the parable is shown, and my salvation is known in my new covenant home. Kingdom of the Shamayim: I am so keen to reveal you as Aotearoa real, as my new covenant land deal.
Mazel Tov
Lucky Star so far east, the bread mixed with the yeast, seemingly the last and the least: mazel tov. Divinely placed cloud to contain, the seeds of my latter day rain, from judgment you shall refrain: mazel tov. Heaven on earth, cloud above the dirt, I will protect you from the hurt: mazel tov. Nation without radiation, to you given the wedding invitation, a people of Noah's relation: mazel tov. My vineyard of grace with space, my place for mercy's race, no judgment next to face: mazel tov. Called as the last, judgment coming so fast, I will pay you with the first, removed from the curse: mazel tov. Pearl of great price, sell is my advice, buy my long white cloud, hear out loud: mazel tov. Your tares gathered first, evil do your worst, receive not their curse: mazel tov. Barn doors now open, wheat seed as spoken, virgins coming with their tokens, Aotearoa awoken: mazel tov.
Damn Ram
Son of man, now understand the parable of the Billy and Ram. For Isaac shall not be slain as they do claim. Then from the manual of Daniel my eyes saw a fierce Goat rise. By war he restores, in peace he destroys. He had the colors of the USA and I dared not stand in his way. White, black and brown, he swallowed up the ground. So I ran before him to Persia, and from Persia to Iran. Lord, the Aryan survives there, and I can hear their ancient hate. They make the nakedness bare and laugh at your people with no hair. The Ram was caught by its boastful horns as Bush one slew, then two. Until a real hill Billy came fast and the last hateful horn was broken. Death to Israel was never again spoken. Then I heard the triumphant trump say, this Middle East beast is our feast today. So the Goat too boastfully spoke and His horn was likewise broke. Yet out of the frayed horn was born four more prideful horns. So warn the believer: There is no pride at my speared side that shall remain. My advice: Make this your daily sacrifice.
Heads Up
Then my Friend said, there is trouble ahead but do not dread. In my stead now lift up their head. I said I would draw near and become your fear. Sorcerers, murders, and idolaters beware as I come down the heavenly stair. Ladder of Yaakov I shall use to revisit my people the Jews. So I was honored to say Hey is on the Way. Heads up, here comes the covenant maker, the sin taker. Witness my power in this coming redemption hour. Lift up your head as the moon blushes red. Into your atmosphere I next draw near. The Sun of the right coming to light up the night. Beware stubble, for I am your trouble. Behold now the cities shall become rubble, but you Israel shall I restore the double.
Assign the signs of the end of their time. The line is drawn, why the yawn? I saw the red heifer eating their lawn. The nice lines of suburbia redefined. There shall now be no more prosperity. Replace the grace and brace for judgment. I saw it all signed on the line drawn in Zion. Blood, fire and pillars of smoke. I heard it over spoke. The Goyim seem to be keen to fall. Their cup is awe full of pride. From my side a spear will go forth. But do not fear. Give me your ear. Come near my people of old. I shall now remove your blindfold. Signed, Yod Shin Vav Ayin
Fig tree I see thee. Shoot forth with force at the rider on the white horse. The roadmap is not your course. Today I say is your time. Where is your plumbline? My house calls for restoration. Now my nation: Send up your shoots, for salvation is in your roots. Yeshua is my name, war is my gain. Please, in my name, reclaim your land. I am the son of man. A fan I stand waving, gentiles I have been saving. Yet I did not forget you my Jew. So please release Gilead said Dad. The Syrians are bad, but please...
Now shall it all go back, I heard. No more curse, is my word. As they were so long deterred, now no longer a buy word. See me seer, bee the hive. They shall now return and revive. Who will survive the coming tide. For I will reverse the ancient curse and put it in the nations' purse. But how shall they plow with no petrol now? Upon my back, with horse and hack. So will I take the culture back. So yell, fell the trees no longer. Please tell my children to pack. Don't look back. But Lord, the price is so high, how can I? Afford the house, eat a mouse. Please bee nice for just a day longer, for the coming hunger is the goyim curse. I fear the worst in this reverse. Will the last now be the first? Son, if Jerusalem is undone, then even the moon and sun will be reversed. Yet my bride shall stand rehearsed at my side pierced first.
Beautiful trees I see these standing at my entrance. Faithful friends to lead them again. Into mine presence, of Jerusalem, help them find. Kinsmen, now stand at your temple door. Summon the redeemed and restore them all things. Jachin and Boaz, also known as.. The Lamb slain and a Jealous name. Invite the plight of Pesach flight. Indifferent tonight is this Temple Mount right. Now fight, daughter of troops, for the Palm is standing upon your calm place. Grace, grace to my chosen race. But brace all brothers of others opposing land. That is not my peace plan. I will raise my hand from a distant land and demand it shake. Oh my God, a great earthquake.
Saved Branch Waved
I will branch out today to say, cursed be those who take it away. Its simple, the temple must be reassembled. So the curse will first race across the face of the whole earth. Into the house of the thief whose belief is grief to His own home. Roam no longer, eyes dispersed, the last is first, the best is worst. Do thee see the Branch, the zeal of God? Behold alive at Moses' side, the Rod of Jesse to revive. But what of thee me bee hive? Will you survive the wave, or save the saved. Behold the Branch is today waved.
Restoration Reed
I believe in the need for the reed. Quick, this measuring stick now pick from chapter 11. Revelation concerning the nation of my vocation. Rise temple before our eyes, yet beware of the compromise. The court without is full of doubt, so leave it out. Measure it not, for the Gentiles forgot how hot His zeal can feel. Give them three years of tears, and a half if needed. Conceded, this whole mount belongs to the Fount. Flow no more rain until we contain the whole thang. Passover plagues, red water barter. I Am your martyr. Yet if you kill me, I will still be a reed to believe in the olive tree.
Mother City
Thou art so pretty my mother city. I will sing unto you this ditty. Your titty may I suck yet, lest I forget. Your milk so pure, your glory so sure. Upon your knees dangle me please. Hide me in your secret room, for I am the son of your womb. Why do those nations rage, and try to tear you from the ancient page? Let them hereby be warned. Your Son was born before your labor. Receive now the rivers of your neighbors. From the end of your reach please teach us to prevail, and may you never again be visited in travail.
Shalom Speech
I will focus on the attack at hand. Satan wants to divide the promise land. But all those whom Adonai has chose, will oppose by crying over the proposed. Pray in this way today says the Way: Lord keep Jerusalem in tact, don't let the enemy ramsack. The Lord rebuke thee Satan; for Yerushalayim is now retaken. Zechariah, who saw Moriah awoken as spoken in chapter 3. Now we the Goyim will see your peace begin at our grace end. A brand in the hand of the Messianic man retreaved, us do thus believe. Therefore, we speak restored. Thus saith the Lord: The warfare there is complete. We agree and we there for speak. For Jerusalem has already received the double for all iniquity and trouble. This word of faith we preach, we today timely release: Shalom to the home of the people who roamed. May those chose to weep for thee now be comforted.
God said to Satan: You go first, do your worst. Then at the end, within a city so far, a terrible scar. Where are you Adam and Eve? What do you believe? We are hiding under the burqa fig leaf. Good grief, says the Lord, time cant afford this diversion, this coercion. Jerusalem is at stake, please remove your veil and awake, Christ Church. For my zeal is soon to be revealed. But Lord, the enemy has polluted the city, what was once so pretty is now flawed. Its destiny is at odds. It was a tactical move indeed, of the enemy of tare seed. But when the enemy comes in, then I will begin to take back Jerusalem again.
In Moriah I saw it all. The rise and the fall. Lord of eyes, the horrible compromise is seen. Be keen to see what happens next. Vexed by the vision, a collision against forces. Heaven's gates taken and your zeal awakened. See, the den of thieves that must leave with maples leaves. I saw the Trump of yovel taught and caught to sell Bush's roadmap from hell. Now seer, now yell: Upon Moriah's one stone shall come seven eyes and seven horns of the Lamb. Damn the nations' plan. Why can't they see? There will be no peace.
Tov Slash Ra
Father, I see the mountain ahead, I feel dread. Yet it will be said, You are good. Where shall I put this wood? Turn around and bend down, as I place judgment and grace upon your race. Now brace, as we go up there and worship the Deity of earth and air. Ok, daddy, I will lay as you say upon the altar today. Do good slash or do bad. Good God, my dad, death is bad. Still I will trust as you prepare to thrust your knife into our life. Don't be afraid, promised son laid low. For now I know...
Et Tu Brute?
Destined to deal thou art, hardened of heart. Your greatest achievement of all to unseal the coming fall. Beware, I don't care for your compare. A century is so long, or two if you ask the Jews. Steal, I gave you my back, I had yours too. Bound to this sacred altar for your faulter. There look, I took your strife. Why the knife? I already gave you and your rest my very best deal. Steal feel you will deal in my bloody zeal? My jealousy is rising at the mount of your compromising. Et tu Brute? You too Netanyahu?
Bread and Wine
I saw Him leaving heaving a burden behind as a sign. Where are you going Friend? Is this the end? Then He spoke a parable to them. The kingdom of heaven is as a man going to a far land. Farout, is this what it is all about? Fast, get out of America, He drastically spoke as a whirlwind passed. Ok, I will do what you say, but is that you King Jew? What are you pulling there Friend? Can I burden you to help again? Careful, this is my ancient cart to carry the ark. Wow, can I see inside now? Then He opened His heart to me and showed me His own flesh and blood. I was terrified at what I saw inside. But Lord, they cant afford to pay such a high price any more, please restore. In your mercy be nice. This I spoke twice. Then a stone was laid in perfection, in correction. The stone became a home and two pillars held it up. Then Boaz spoke to Jachin and said, I feel lead to call for the wine and bread.
The trump was blown and I was shown the proposed division of the ancient home. I began to weep and cry by the Spirit of Adonai: Trump, please leave Jerusalem in tact, lest tomorrow America be attacked. For I reckon there will be a reckoning. Then from the end of earth, in a basement so far, I saw His scars. You are the king of Salem, who stands against Balaam. The father and son of Shem, who lead them to the Isles of recompense. Now I am convinced you were Melchezedek, correct? Then He said in such bloody dread: in my stead, give them this advise. There was and will be a high price. The bread and wine will die on the vine. My soul so vexed, next I was sent to Mike Pence to warn of the recompense. But he said, have you not read, It is America's destiny to divide Jer USA lem? Then my Friend who was hurt in my house became roused and said: You dog dirty, give me back my thirty silver pieces as recompense in part. The restoration of my nation started will not be parted. Now payback with the Isles.
Ladder Kingdom
Nathaniel, messenger assigned, angel of mine: it is time says the Devine. To raise the ladder upon the rock, to walk up and down from the kingdom come to His will be done. For the latter ladder will be greater than the former. Now clear the sacred place. Erase the theological mistakes. Loot the gold from off the dome and feed the poor till there be no more. For there shall no longer be hunger in mine house. An open heaven test, give now your very best. But you prideful goyim, close your mouth, eat your mouse. Watch my home arise as I open the blind eyes of mine own despised. Ladder of Yaakov erected, anti-Christ corrected, Masonic worker directed. The Cornerstone has been laid, the price has already been paid. Israel will all be saved.
Expose the Rock
There is a stone under the dome the planet is founded upon. A foundation that appears inside the nation of Messiah's pears. Before the creation, when angels all sung, this stone was first hung. The cornerstone of mankind's home we call Earth laid beneath the dirt. Reaching to the core, the more unseen part lies within the heart of our planet. As He designed, a plumbline of all time and space is raised up from this sacred place. Thus the peace and harmony for us all is connected and there subjected. A string of extreme is stretched out from this stone and passes by every home. Not one location is excluded as alluded by the Creator's reply to Job's cry. Zechariah too did view this ancient foundation, and then warned the nations. A burdensome stone upon which shall slay they who fall. Listen all: Leave the stone alone upon which your peace and release is built. Guilt not this rock, nor talk of its surrender. Remember, the day the nations try to take it away our world shall begin to sway. Then know the poles shall shift, and the gift of grace shall return to this place of origin. But for those nations thus connected this rock with leave them bruised and naked.
Fast and Furious
The earthquake hit, the sun threw a fit. The north and south pole shifted as the ancient stone was lifted. I gasp at how fast it happened, then said Salvation's Captain. In one day I will take away all their sin. Now enter in your Goshen in the ocean, for I come to punish the inhabitants of Earth. Curt, what is your name? Boldly claim: no longer will I wait and speak softly in their mistake. My name is Great and I will make it known in mine own home, fast and furious.
I saw the Lord standing upon the altar. The Perfect perfectly positioned upon the portal. Dressed in blood red, He said, Pesach. Now knock down the gates of he who makes the deal. Reveal: I will now take back my sacred place, heaven's gates. To make there a house of prayer for all nations to draw near. What is different about this night? Smite the lintel of the door and now restore my temple. Lay your ear hear upon the rock of offense. Ladder of Yakov, the foundation of my creation: I have stretched a line from out of Zion to the morning star. Farr. Now friend, call for the masons again. Gird them with knowledge to restore the threshing floor. Put the plumbline of perfection in their connections. Judgment I will lay to the line, for it is time to lay the cornerstone of my eternal home. Tell my people to roam no longer, now come home. I will open the heavens over my rock, even after the shock. Now knock upon this Rock and see Me laid low, and know I will show zeal upon the peace deal. But Zion's portal shall now open for real.
Bed post, bed Ghost I will be your host. As I sleep, haunt me please. Come into my room with your sweeping broom. Scare me I dare thee, in the night season. My reason is sin, for you to enter in. Correct me and direct me as I sleep, when I weep. Hide my pride in Yeshua's speared side. Seal what is real in your zeal from what I feel. For you are the only Spirit, my soul longs to hear it. Holy breath of my Father, show me what lays beyond farther. Haunt me, taunt me with your holy presence, in your holy presents. For I am dead and dread without you in my head upon my bed.
Death's Door
Through one man, death began. Adam's lustful apple and sin's long grapple. A dark disaster that ate up the garden pasture. Wave upon wave, grave upon grave, until another Adam came to save. Oh last enemy I see thee mocking me, knocking at my door. How much more shall you take until we all awake? Messiah of Life, what is your advise? Go my servant, to the door of death, knock no more, demand it restore. Open their eyes, I did arise to compromise death's demise. Oh last enemy of thee, get behind me, by divine authority. I will shake the yards of graves and save you from death's door. Now awake and restore Israel more. See, under my feet is death's defeat. Now come home complete. Pass through death's door no more.
Give Me Five
Inside the cave I did save, five kings to teach you things. Do not fear, come here captains of faith. On their necks place your feet and complete my great victory. Five is grace, open up the space, let the sun be still, until you defeat evil complete. Come on, I have already won the battle. Israel close your mouth and roll open the cave stone. Look upon the tree and see Me the ordinance hung. Cursed and nailed, against all principalities I prevailed. So sell your soul and know my victory. Give me five and stand at my speared side, for I will again collide with the five kings of pride.
I heard the roar of the great Lion come from over Mt Zion. No longer will I deal long with their negative tone. For the life of sin has been decaying from within. This king will bare the bear, beware. There is a tornado of hosts ripping and tearing at the coast. Jump Eli within as I begin to bring a global controversy at the end of seventy. Then shall it be said, there is a foot and leg as the tent peg. Move over shepherds afar says the One with hand scars. For evil shall now go unabated against those who have hated. But Lord, you said add seventy to 48 and see what year it makes. That is great, and even greater for Israel. Help me sell, help me sail, that your righteousness can prevail. Hurry, raise the wind and let the noise begin from the ends of your eretz. From here they will see perfectly within the hawke eye that Yeshua is Adonai. So fast, call the chosen first here at last. But Lord you said so many dead, I dread Jeremiah 25.
Make America great again, and then begin your famed deal? Awaken my zeal. Your pride to divide will collide with my pierced side. Blood will flow, the water will rise. Now open the eyes of my my despised. Realize, it was I that first cursed my very own home. At last I gasp at the task, at my own dreadful deed. Now good seed sown, come back home. The nations could have, should have, known. My heritage I did not save, I gave to the spoiler. Now it mourns unto me continually. Trampled and defiled, so now pay back with the Isles. Speckled bird I heard crying, I saw trying to survive. Now thrive, spread your wings and be restored all things. America the great has made the mis stake I hate. Israel take heart, restoration will now start. I will zeal until you feel loved, until you see Me rejoicing above, my part. Thou art my deal. I will take and make my heritage great again.
Lying Lion
I heard and felt the great fear as the young lions drew near. Lord, your heritage regained, they come to claim with their powerful mane. But your people must remain. Will the western world be wasted? For they come out of their wood to devour your good. Then the One on the altar awoke and spoke cross. Son, run, take the rod of God and go out after Magog. They too prowl they growl for my sacred sacrifice now. They neglect that I will now protect my own, my home. Tell the speckled bird to not be deterred. Then I heard another powerful word. Flee from the negotiator, that lying lion, saying unto Zion, peace.
At the end of eight the yoke shall break. I now decide to make a clear divide. Between dark and light, between wrong and right, now angels fight. Way too long have my servants not sung Moses' song. Deliver the giver, let them free to serve only Me. Take my yoke and learn of Me. See, inside the basket of nine, says the Devine: There is a coiled serpent ready to dine. This is wicked. The basket shall unravel, be removed unto Bavel. From Chet to Tet, don't forget, I Am a jealous God. Now son, thrown down your rod. Mark the child, prepare the Isles. Far flung, far from the bushel basket racket I will separate. Isn't God good, isn't God great.
Shattered Dream
On my walk He began to talk. I was told by the Old, how it shall be. See I will smite the cup of prosperity from his hand and shatter the peace plan. You shall not draw a line in the only city of mine. In return I will mark your markets in red, make you dread the holiday. Hey son, is the measurement of Jerusalem today undone? Now run, go far away. There say: Rise Noah's tribes, shake your hand over their land, over USA and say: I wood take away your good. Give it now to your plow slaves. Wow. Nation spoiled, still my plans remain unfoiled. Now gripe and grip the cup to sip. Judgment shall darken your fat lips; harken. What a disgrace. From the face of your kings I will bring forth these things. Markets falling, homeland calling. American dream, a shattered thing.
Jer USA lem
O Jerusalem, Yerushalayim my city of old, my city of gold. The plumbline of the Devine, the advent of all time. How I wood rise for you, how I wood advise by you. Stay away nations of new, do not come unto my place of judgment or grace. For there is the revelation of degradation to those who oppose. Beware, there is there a cup of wine prepared, both good and evil beyond compare. Mad men will again begin to err there. They will tremble as they drink, as they think to resolve the dispute. Rebuke: Awe look mate, don't make the east Jerusalem mis stake. Who are you to take the city from the King Jew? I will take away from you all your favor, says the Savior. I will divide your capital, see your banks fail, see your land sell. Until I hear you say, Jerusalem is a bloody cup aye? Those who sup the cup shall sway under its delusion, under its confusion. USA today leading the charge behind the veil, you too shall now drink from the bloody cup of hell. Now yell son, I will smite their horse in its two state course. Resolute I remain, Jerusalem shall contain old Semitic men again. It is about time, now reimburse mine dispersed. Come under your vine as I judge the nations on line. Yerushalayim of mine.
Sign Time
What say you, King of Jews? What is the Word today so long deterred? And then I heard, and then I begin to hear again. At the end of Goyim success, I now progress to send again signs. Jonah knows, so let him show you how long it takes for righteousness to awake. Or suppose you depose Simeon Peter, Acts reader. Though he spoke it through mine wine in the early morning time. Saying Joel prophesied of what is at hand. See, on the land, blood, fire, and pillars of smoke, so timely spoke. Now again at the end, times of signs, says the Lion. So reassign the signs to the end of the time, then begin again as a friend. Then Messiah said, Lift up the head, as the markets dread the terrible signs ahead. Or suppose instead you should be lead to see the golden Light, to make your decision right. Now fight nations, destroy the toy at Xmas. Or pack and cross my back and come way outback. There open the belly of Jonah's whale, let my prophets prevail and tell. Oh hell no, so show the sign. It is time for an angelic rival. Also a tribal revival so timely assigned at mine redemption time. Weeping men of might, crying against the right. Now Jacob assemble your tents says the sent, for Wallstreet cant prevent this advent threshold. I was told by the Deity of old of these signs foretold. Heavens of fire, new lands acquired, heaven quake, now markets shake. Awaken the forsaken to see me. Then restore even more time.
Cuppa 4
Dreading the dregs, I prayed, take it away. I cant swallow the pain and affliction contained inside the conviction of this bloody cup. More so today, take it away, for I cant fake it another day. I cant pretend to not care, I cant stand to be lifted in the air. From there to see them err, to see them fall, all. Gall I then drank it, today I still think it. My mind is meek, my call to fall near complete. My people, my clan, my land: I am about to finally spew this bloody cup away from you. No more will I swallow the dreg, see them lead into captivity. Nativity, I was born under such a horn. To see them dead and then instead, reborn. Now warn the nations. What shall I say, what is your word today? Do not fear, the third day is now here. I will raise a new cup and sup with those I saw deposed. Suppose those can prevent my new advent? Now sent, say today, I will begin to repay. Speak unto the least of these my diseased and afflicted: I the Lord am convicted to raise the cup today and personally pray, finally say: Now will I rejoice, now will I restore. See, in my hand is cuppa 4.
Word of God speak, separate the tares from the wheat. Open wide the barn door says the farmer to the restored. A Word from the beginning, now speaking to this ending. There will be... Division among the nations, red against blue, blue against you, baby in the womb. Did the pulpit forget? No more room for forgiveness and suffrage in the media coverage. Fox fighters, instigators and propagators of haters. Both sides now terrorized and paralyzed with anger. Even the unsalty salt engaged and enraged in the assault. Now comes the dark hate, so hurry light and fight for the divine right to segregate. Shemah daughter <in law> Hayah: Separate your great ones from the hating ones. Make the great leap away from the heap of disaster forming. Warning: the wide divide between the right and wrong wont take long, wont be pretty. Listen to this ditty. Farout, come way out, for it is all about to come about. Come into my real tzel cloud. Rest upon the best kept secret to date. Wait no longer. HaYah
Crying Creation
I heard the cries of all creation weeping in a place of great disgrace. As I approached I came to a door that was labeled, 'To be restored.' As I entered the space the animals raced to greet me. Immediately they began to cry asking, 'why must we continue to die?' Then the trees began to sway and say, 'How long will mankind not be kind to man?' Then I heard a word from the clouds ask out loud, 'How long shall their minds be clouded and their acts dark?' Next the dirt stirred beneath my feet, then it too began to speak. 'No longer can I cover their spilled blood. I must reveal it as ordered from above.' Then a dove landed upon the dead branch of an olive tree. It began to cry the song of Adonai unto Eliyah, unto Moses. A weeping and sweeping wave began to rise from the deep. The righteous dead began to stir from their grave bed as if saved for the troubled days ahead. As they rose the rose budded, the flowers' fade were timely saved. A wind of hope filled the air, and then an earthquake beyond compare. I heard the voice of the Almighty answering the question of creation: How long until your own nation shall rise? The eyes of sons to see their authority manifest. The womb of women to bear the fruit of rest. The love law to give eternity to all who believe and leave to war no more. Neighbor befriended, hatred ended. Now plow, I hear the Spirit say....Replant, repair, renew yet again until creation no longer cries and men realize their own demise no more. Then, at the end, I heard again the voice of all creation cry, saying, 'Amen Adonai, love is the door to restore all your creation.'
Mankind's Authority
Lamb of God slain, then the Spirit came, unto man again to befriend. Authority was my priority, to reinstate to the great creation I did make. Now we all wait, animals and trees. How long until these understand the grand plan of salvation. From death and disease I have saved all these. Yet war they desire the more. Killing and filling the void while mine Zion are dying. Then from the altar of the slain animals I heard a question asked: How long will the sacrifice last? Shall we perpetually be slaughtered for the sins of your daughters and sons? How long, asks the trees, until some of these see your authority granted? For we are all about to be sawed. How long, asks the diseased bees, until these stop stinging another brother? Missiles are again moving, hatred is again brewing, report the darkened clouds out loud. But why, asks the polluted sky? Do they hate you and I? I am not sure reports the rising ocean and retreating shore. How much more hate we can take in until we begin to die? says the seas. My O my, why do they want to die, taking in all darkness? asks the eclipsing sun. Was not salvation already done? Do they not realize their own demise was compromised when you died? Who will tell them that all of creation waits still until they know your authority real? asks the maroon moon. Then I heard the wind speak within my soul, 'Go, tell the stars to hold their glow until we can all know that Yeshua reinstated mankind to be kind to man.'
Oil And Wine
I heard the Word, Hurt not the oil, foil the not the wine. Divide Jer usa lem again? You are not a friend. Hollar: Petro dollar falling, new eretz calling. Can't say you were not told. Don't forget your silver and gold. Next, markets all vexed. A missile crisis reborn, now grab the ancient horn. Warn the people, look out for the falling steeple. There is no more time to sit and dine, take only the new wine. Who has warned you to flee? Breath deep, I need thee to. Warn, don't eat the corn. Scorn the believer, be a leaver. Quick, go down under as radiation covers the nations. Hark! A year or two in the dark to see the stark Light coming.
Dead Bones Rise
I heard a Word spoken, the dead bones will now be awoken. Then I saw with my eyes, the dead bones rise. In the midst of the great compromise, at the end of the allotted demise. The sinew too grew. The few became mighty, they stood saying Eliyah…...alrighty. I heard a great thunder, the earth moved down under. Within hours a fear fell with the towers. The panic came and the same saved were moved far away. Then they began to say, Hey hurry home all who roamed....the dove has returned to the ark. A spark came into the army of bones. It was cuz the same Word came. A flight, a fight to return, to relearn, the right. Magog moved his missiles. The moon turned red, the isles saw and fled. Then I read what He said....All who call upon Yeshua shall be saved.
All By Faith
I read it cause I wrote it, I wrote it cause you told it. As you told me, I was showed thee.....All by faith.
I heard it cause I said it, I said cause you fed it. You fed me as you vet me....All by faith.
I moved upon it in revere, disrespectful to all my fear, as I did I felt you near....All by faith.
In the end it becomes clear, it was not words I did hear, it was you whispering beyond my ear....All by faith.
Deep into my very soul, life giving orders I have been told, by a Deity so grand and old....All by faith.
Do not fear, do not be afraid, the very Word of God will you save, as you do what He does say.....All in faith
Move so far away, trouble is on the way, I heard the Word now say....
All in faith
Lay Low Dog
Come here dog. There is a safe place under my table of grace. Here at the end, now trouble begin. I Am a friend to the sinner, come here dog, sit down for the dinner. Here at my feet, dont bark, dont speak, listen to them weep. Lord, I am but a dog under your table, yet willing and able. Designed for such a time, its is in my bloodline, a true dog of Zion. Heel zeal dog, when it time, I will give the sign. The rainbow will show, then will they all weep, then will they all know. To go, round up my seed, put them in your ark of zeal indeed. I will deliver the children of my tribes, kiwi dog at side. Colliding with markets, chase down the money hound. It was my good Shepherd that first found the cloudy ground. Now sound my heel hound. What shall I bark? What is your remark? Hey, say I will take away my chosen folk, now awoke and trimmed. Go fast, go mean, my dog, now bring my lost Jacob sheep unto me again at the end.
Far out Pitch
Tabernacle time Zion, so make another place my chosen race. Go outside and look afar to your Star of David. A new chapter to the old story, come now and see my glory. In a cloudy land, as a pillar I stand. Come see my glory again. A far out place, a land of grace, to give my people more space. Come my elect, see the Son of Ruth erect his new booth. From the East, He measures the yeast, now flee the beast, American Jews.....I call unto you. I go before you, I will restore you.... Come tabernacle in my far out grace. I will make all my goodness Passover you, said Avenu. To my sukkot afar you are invited, pride divided. I will be gracious to you now, put in the deep plow. Flip the earth over, come to the fields of clover. Come first born son, buy the land of the lamb. New Zeal land is my sukkot plan of grace for my own race. Far out! Face shown, lambs grown, now be in wow of the lion's prow. Come to the end of earth, be healed of all your hurts says curt. I am sent to pitch a tent for you here so far out. Leave behind every doubt. It's about time for Zion to tabernacle with all the shemah of Isaiah 49. In the cloudy pillar your deity says to me: I am pitching and itching to tabernacle with my own.
Judge Me Next
I waited for your great judgment day, now take it all away. I will say but one word before your unseen face just in case. Grace, At last it has come. I understand some, yet still I stand undone. My God, my father, your Son, let judgment now come upon me next. I am vexed, yet I wait for your great judgment. Interrogate me lest I hate me. My sin, my sin has taken me over again. Take it all away, judgment I pray. Grip the old coals as foretold, touch my lips so unclean. I knew you were not mean. I deserved to die, my Good God Almighty. Alrighty, I am next on your docket. Here in my pocket I carried your word. But deterred I have been, my friend, so please judge me next again. Lest I cry, lest I die, judge my failing life, bless my dear wife. I plead it , oh I need it. I know I should fear your judgement now so near. Yet I feel only real revere. I am ashamed, yet I have been reclaimed. Lamb of God Passover my sin, make atonement again. I am saved, I can't be afraid, my debts already paid. Meshiac with scarred back, bring back all your awe. Disease shemah. I now call for all your judgment to fall. Therefore, my Friend, I plead again my greatest need....Judge me next I plead.
Rosh toss
Rosh, oh my gosh, a violent toss all the way across? Begin again at the end, my friend? I stand in awe of all I saw. A lamb of wrath clearing the path. A great earth quake will make your name known as yod shin vav ayin, the jealous Lion. At the head, now nations shall dread, the coming days as judgment is raised. First, the quake will make the untimely figs fall. Shemah, pick them up all, leave not the least of these as yeast. A feast is prepared, come down the stairs. Forget your cares. The apple of mine eye, bull or bear? Beware, I saw Him, HaShem...Sealer and revealer. Hey, say today the judgment is sealed for mine elect, but what comes next is called highly vexed. Sealed judgments from the beginning of time to bring out mine vine. Now it is trumpet time, a shofar so far away, announcing the Way. Prepare the new dirt, uncover every hurt. Open heavens now, let my people plow. An amazing place in my new zeal grace for my sealed race. Now brace as I begin again, world without end, amen.....
Golden Enlightenment
Gold I was told by the Deity of old. It shall rise, it shall open their eyes, no more demise. Son, I Am done with their compromise. All else shall fall, listen to this Shemah... American buffalo as you go....Canadian maple leaves if you please as you leave. See, I Am counselling you, said the king of Jews, to buy wisdom tried. Now put your hand in my speared side. I will collide with Trump's pride. Oh hell, the Dow fell 666. Wow, now pick up sticks, make a fire, acquire the gold so pure as told. My my what a drastic event, says the sent. Apostolic call demands me say listen y'all. I say this to all. The markets shall fall, gold shall rise. I saw it in Messiah's eyes. Get two sacks of pure gold coins He said to my loins. Don't become a marter, you can barter in my new kingdom. Solder the gold now, make me a light, a menorah will be right for the coming dark night.
Run, Son
O my God, I feel your rod. It's healing my leperous hand, it is opening up a new land. You spoke to me upon my bed, an army coming in red. I saw my father frantically riding, whipping and hiding the black horse he was riding. Shouting an order for me to flee, so drastically saying unto me: Run son..... Still, I was undone, frozen in some state of complacency, even after knowing the showing. I had seen it all, the call, the fall, the shemah. But to leave my family, to forsake my heritage, how can it be my destiny? Suddenly my father approaches riding great calamity. In faithful form, he plucks me up from the trouble warned. Gripping the life of Ted, we are running hard and fast ahead. I am behind him now, hanging on to the one that made me plow. Wow, I see it now....Eretz...a new land so grand to reveal the father's plan. Run, son was my destiny. Thank you Daddy for saving me.
Rod Man
My God, my god, take back your rod
How can I continue to hold it alone?
Please just let me go back home.
You are not alone, Emmanuel you have known.
Remember what I have shown?
All that I have made known:
Financial disaster is coming faster, faster.
Now put your stock in Me, see Me rise.
I will surprise the compromise of the dollar.
A holler will echo from the wall, shemah.
Now stand man, hold out your hand again.
I command, healing to your hand, son of man.
Now hold out your arm, don't be alarmed,
Moses' rod will do you no more harm.
I have prayed, your whole family is now saved.
Stand Man
I saw the son of man stand and walk up the land.
As in the ancient days, His arm was raised.
It cut the the whore, it demanded me restore.
A word came to me: what do you see?
I beheld, a wide valley of the dead,
pledging allegiance to a flag instead.
Then they arose and said,
do not fear, do not dread,
the tribulation that lays ahead.
Then I saw Moses at the head.
He said, give a hand to God and take my rod,
raise it high in the red white and blue sky.
As I took the rod, I saw those scattered abroad.
Then the sea suddenly split, and the stars fell,
and from my own lungs went out a yell:
My Father, my father; my God, my god
there was a serpent on Moses' rod
and he has struck me a deadly blow.
I know, He said, with thorns on His head.
But don't look down or you might drown.
Man of Sorrow
A man of sorrow, yet always with hope for tomorrow.
there he now lies, dead before my eyes
the one who gave me so much,
my heart moulded by his hard touch
from beginning to end, my closest friend.
there he now lies, body in demise.
My God, my god, my Father, my father
please rise, man of Sorrow,
how can I go alone into tomorrow?
I am next of kin and ready to begin. That's my heritage you have defiled. Pay back now with the isles. Cloaked in new zeal I feel real jealous. My land, my clan, my plan is redemption. I did pay to say release them today. Give me back my own that I have sown. Depart chaff, get away tares, I am coming down the stairs. I am wroth in my apparel, bloody and bruised. Dressed for success, the king of Jews. I choose to see the blind now see. It is me, bone of your bone. I am coming home. Depart disease from these that are my family. I am victorious, over death so glorious. Traveling upon the clouds, cloaked in secrecy, it is me. Also known as Messiah Ben Boaz. I paid to save you from your sin, redeeming my kin. I will also take back again my family farm with a strong arm. I reclaim in Yeshua's name, every inch of dirt, redeeming every hurt. Thresh now the nations, shake and take my own home. Let the last be the first to be redeemed from the curse. The time of the Gentile desecration of my nation is complete. Now will I restore mine, and who can prevent a Lion.
Abomination of Desolation
Christians await some future date of anti-Christ hate. A restored temple built for the devil's habitation by the Jewish nation, say they today. Obviously ignorant of the heart of Israel's Deity, is this Christian piety. An abomination of desolation indeed. Still, Daniel saw it, and Messiah referenced his scroll, so we know it was to happen. Captain of Rome's legions, Titus came against Jerusalem. Year 70 ad he completely destroyed this holy place and gave no grace to any Hebrew. Historian Josephus gave his personal account of this desolation and spoke of abominable acts of Titus' soldiers sacrificing Jews upon the holy Altar. Bodies piled higher and higher upon it as a river of blood flowed out of the sacred place and bodies slid down Solomon's porch. Josephus records that 1.1 million Jews died in this desolation, and Titus took a further 97,000 Jews as slaves. What could ever be more abominable? The desolation that followed was even worse. The arch of Titus still stands today in Rome as tribute to this abomination of desolation.
After the facts, after the math, He will come back to claim his bride. Jewish dispersal until the wedding rehearsal, it is time for restoration. 70 ad (after death) till new zeal reveals tribulation over. No more affliction upon mine says the Lion. The great tribulation on my nation is today over. Now the aftermath. I have counted every day they were away. I called for their fall, two millennia shamah. Now restore the years, wipe their tears, I will draw near. See the sign of the end of their trib time. Stars falling in the aftermath calling. I tell you this bold upon an old earthquake threshold. Plymouth rock rocked, tribulation clocked. Gentile time complete, now turn up the heat. Leaders hide, go into holes and caves as I now will save. Israel my beloved, I will restore you in the aftermath.
Joseph, thus says the I Am: dress the pesach lamb. Joseph, shamah: call your people together. Joseph, father of Ephraim, the crown of America's glory: Moses wishes to tell you an ancient story. Joseph: remember Egypt of old and see your future unfold. Rod up raised, Yeshua to be praised. Joseph: America's disaster will come faster than the dew. Hear, I call unto you. Joseph: I will Passover your sin and never remember again your iniquity. Quickly, eat it all, the blood and entrails as Torah details. Joseph: I will split the sea to see thee return, to see thee learn my mercy. Earn it not, old covenant forgot. Joseph: take up your dead bones from the graveyard of the USA. I say, today is your return date, I will no longer waite. Joseph: tell Manassah to gird his loin's with strength for I might confound the nations at his might. This night is different from the rest. Yeshua, the Lamb of God is dressed.
Man of War
See Him roar, man of war. Stirring up jealousy, Israel restore. More land is at hand for my clan. Feed again my kin, in Gilead. Come on, regain again Bashan. Syrian dictator, Jew hater, Iranian Nazi, attack and I will take back my hills. Caleb's crown, Eliyah's ground. Eli, Eli, where is your God? Telling Moses to hold up the rod over the sod of magog. I am standing shocked at Plymouth rock. What? 9.0, woe, woe, woe. How will they know? Where will they go? Earthquake east coast, says the host of the Lord. This new zeal you feel is real. American aliyah instigator. No longer will I wait till later. Cuban missile crisis reignited, you are also Aotearoa invited. You, the King of the Jews now choose to be a man of war. Therefore do not ignore their threats, their tests, lest we forget. Roar and restore even by war. Give strength to Zion this time, dear Lion. Philistia dissolved, old problem resolved. Here comes the Assyrian again says a friend. I spoke and broke his yoke. See, I give thee seven shepherds and eight principle men, so be thee at peace with going to war. Now 70 year old infant, assemble your infantry. Stand up and fight by Divine right. Take back David's claim in Yeshua's name. I call you to be as me, a man of war.
Judge Me Not
A new way, a new law, grace offered for all. So speak, so do, says James chapter 2. Out with the old, in with the new, all at the price of the judgment of the Jew. The new law of liberty replacing the order of old. Walking upon the floods, even as foretold. To receive the liberating law, judgment must fall. I have victory over all. Death, disease, sin and grief, my love has conquered all these. Rise my people into your paid spiritual freedom. I fulfilled them all, therefore it is my call. Drink your poison, even pick up snakes for Jesus sakes. Hello... just judge not your fellow. This is my only demand to see liberty in your land. Else brace your place of judgment. From your high throne of condemnation i will judge each nation. No mercy from Me will you see if thee pardon not. Royal law is thus the call. The neighbor next door do not ignore. Liberty for all is the new covenant law. The murderer, the thief, the adulterer, and all. Do not judge me at all.
The Secret Place
A most amazing place, a land to personify the covenant of grace. Beautiful and grand, my my, what a land. Braided rivers majestic peaks, how you have been reserved until now. Wow, how many cows can it carry? Grass so green, hills so rolling, how was it kept from knowing? Surely the sheep must keep the secret till the slaughter. Now daughter, come into your inheritance I am dying to give Jew. Dwell well under my long white cloud. Sip the new wine under the fig and vine. I give you my best kept secret of all time. From the pierced palms, Psalms 91. Aotearoa the double for all your trouble.
New covenant, new song, let us all get along. New neighbour we must love for it is the new law from above. New zeal, new land, new covenant, new beginning. Accuser, bruiser, user, fall to the shamah call of Isaiah 49. Mercy and grace mocking judgment to its face. Race chosen, seals broken, thundering Aotearoa, voice spoken: Israel was my first born tied to the horn of my altar. Behold the old was your work required. Sacrifice now untied. Desired bride, come stand at my side pierced by the Roman spear. Draw near, I will whisper my new love in your ear...... my work, my life, new covenant wife.
Restore anew
Old or new, I ask the Jew, compare the two. Death or life, peace or strife, darkness or light, please get it right. Shamah was your call, you must fulfill them all. Thus the inevitable fall. Sword bathed as promised in old, left cold in diaspora disaster. Sheep scattered, battered, no one mattered, no one cared. Where was their Shepherd? Lifted in the air. Nailed to the tree, let all Goyim see. Bloody and bruised, the King of Jews. Falsely accused of breaking the old, pierced hands and feet, covenant old near complete. His death and their decay to establish a new living way. In mercy today, He cries out to you anew.
Can you keep all 613 complete? If not, I am Abraham's Ram, the Lamb slain before the law came, offering a new way. My flesh tore, sacrifice required no more.
All who call upon His name Yeshua, are established anew, restored. Their sins will He remember no more.
Eli, Eli
I call upon you. I pour your cup of grace, say what I say. Restore. Yes Lord, this is my mantle, I feel your heart, may my mouth declare the start. Glory, kavod of old foretold to fall. Listen you far off isles, shamah y'all the wedding date. From the womb of the morning, I speak, no more mourning. Gaza of hate, I remove you old thorn. Now bud horn of David, chosen seed indeed. Heed Yerushalayim, your time of struggle is compete. Double trouble you conceived for the Goyim cities received. Grace, grace Eli, Eli, declare to her shalom. Amen, begin, glory, says the seer from the womb. Give room for my seed, old men indeed will live in thee. Oh how I have desired this moment. True to the Jew, I am the least of you, the Word declaring restoration. Wine of salvation, cup of blood, degradation, ...complete. It is I that speak, mighty to save. I gave them in my death, who could prevent my rise? I raise this cup of victory, glory. No more gory of them, says Hashem. Open NZ door. Restore them complete, not one forsaken, all retaken, earth shaken. Now how I desire my family. Eli, Eli, bring Israel to me.
Bloody Cup
Take this cup from me I plead. Is there in deed this need for them to bleed? Why can't my life be sufficient? Grace taken and my families forsaken. Pesach, the third cup of salvation, the degradation of my nation. Avenu, the hesitation I feel is real. I know the psalmist said it, yet still i dread it. I am choking on the dregs of this bloody cup. Nevertheless, if this is your will, I will finish the cup. My family for all families, my people for all peoples, my nation in lue of all nations. In my earthly mind it doesn't seem right, but precious in your sight was their death.
Glory Begin
Half complete is the full gospel story.... now comes the glory. From the first blood of eight days said I wood raise them again. Foe now friend, first sacrificed to end in life. Slain to be saved, robbed to be repaid, dishonored to be honoured. Nations benefited to be repented. You should not have looked upon their nakedness. Cover your face in shame, my name is again in Hebrew. He knew I came to trip the Jew, (Luke 2). Now part two. Glory of my people Israel rising. No more compromising. Kavod of old my foreskin foretold. Glory. Bush on fire, sea flee, mountain depart, new covenant heart. Start....glory...the second part. A restoring rain is on the way. Glory revealed, thunder sounds, mystery unsealed, new covenant grounds. Now how I will restore them again. Glory begin! Signed, friend without end, amen.
Pesach Attack
I saw Him on the stair as He drew so near. My soul knows Him, son of HaShem, bloody and bruised. King of Jews. Why is He coming at me? Why doesn't anyone else see? Should I fear? I feel revere. I can't move, frozen and chosen. No reverse, no curse, its not a rehearsal. My heart stops, time stood still. The sun was ashamed yet still He came at me. My sin, my sin, I must not let Him in. Eyes of fire, feet of brass, coming so fast. He is now so near even my fear flees, yet I can't leave. At last He speaks. Pierced hands cupped over my ear, I hear....Tomorrow America will be attacked.
Fight or Flight
My Father, my Father, I see thee driving the chariot of Israel. The beginning of a war to restore their honour. The horsemen of the apocalypse jumping the American wall to call all your yoked kinfolk home. Capitalism collapsing, towers falling, Yeshua calling, saying... I will save you from the land of your captivity. Arise daughter of troops, olive skin beauties. They will no longer gaze upon you while mocking Me. See, I will make you and take you for my own defense. Upon hooves of brass I give you sas. At last, fight the fight and feel my might. Flight booked, gog and magog hooked. Don't be afraid, you are already saved.
Prepare for Passover
This coming Pesach promises to be powerfully moving. With rod raised, a new land to be grazed will be phased in. Yet another beginning at the ending. Signs aligned, end of the line, no more wine for glutinous Goyim. Prosperity plagued, bashed and crashed. A disastrous fall of all the wall of dollar. A holler from the street, banks busted, captives disgusted. What now? Learn how to plow. Beat your sword into a new share down here. Dare to start again in a new land. The cup of restoration is at hand. Grace and new wine from the Devine for the people of His vine.
Jealous Man
With fan in hand, the son of man now stands. There is a kindled bonfire about to set ablaze. Raised from the ashes of history, sacrificed in mystery, I require no more. Now will I roar and tear apart the antisemitic heart. Nations attack each other, brother against mother, love waxed cold as foretold. Coming now to fan the flames, Jealous is my name. Yet good I remain to my own name.
Good Grief
The prophet Amos saw it all. The Shamah, the call, the fall. Chapter nine divine sacrifice. The sword of the Lord against them all. Pesach, smite the back and shake the post said the Lord of Hosts. A Passover event sent to kill and reveal evil upon His own and their home. There upon the altar standing and demanding this offering. Lamb of God slain, and grace upon the Goyim came. I will set my eyes upon them for demise. Damn the price, high indeed, concede your own family, give your own son. Done. Mercy at an unknown cost, chase them sore, kill the more. Scatter abroad, hunt them down, serpent sent to bite. A two millennia darkened night. Doesn't seem right. All for me to see His goodness? Good grief.
Ignorant of the mystery and of the history. Standing freely in prosperity, I didn't realize the price. My pardon, my ransom wasn't cheap, wasn't handsome. A gory thing to be shown, how could I not have known. Millions slain and my salvation came. Forbidden to see, a sealed sacrifice, the highest price. Without a clue, yet I knew you. Lord, you are good, but how could it be? I couldn't see. Please forgive me for being ignorant of the mystery.
Clear the Closet.
Here comes the Bride, open up wide. Passover door that leads to more. Land, a prep place, closet of grace to prepare my Fiancee. Virgins friends are now invited in. Matthew 25 describes the wise going out. No doubt, just faith and grace. A race to the last place. The midnight cry, sigh, why? Here comes the Bridegroom. No room in your lamp for such new oil? Toil the land, hand it over, red rover, come over. Begin to prepare downstairs, the dress. Press in, before the wedding begins, the closet door closes. Invitation ends, now testing begins. Prove me or remove me from this land of grace. New land so grand, held in reserve: who deserves your beauty? My despised, my afflicted: be thee Kiwi convicted. Make space for my chosen race, brace your cities. Walking on the sea, I now come to thee. Bridegroom, larger than life, requiring His Hebrew wife. Strife, knife, I sever thee against me. Earthquake, awake, love Me or hate me. Believer or leaver? In grace embrace my Bride or fight with the other side. Thorn and briers I walk thru with fire to acquire my Jewish desired. Hephzibah Bride come alive. Meet me here in Beulah land. I demand. Make way today I say or have it taken away. Farmer so in debt, don't forget I Am the forgiver. Dig up your hidden talent. Apply it now, says Adonai. Make room, says the Groom. Prepare to prepare my Bride in your dooms day bunker down under. Passover! Boom, room, zoom. Betrothed Hebrew, come view the land given unto you. Enter your bridal chamber.
The Wedding Tent
For this reason I was sent to extend the pegs of your tent. There isn't enough room in the old land says the Groom. A new covenant demands a new land. Express my desired wedding address. I guess I must elaborate even in the face of all ancient hate. To date, no ear nor eye can realize why the demise. A Son for sons, a nation planted. To the beneficiaries, invitations granted. Now the wedding at last, grasps the pegs, extend the legs. A wife forsaken to be retaken in a land shaken. Open your eyes, shamah the call. The time of this scriptural demand is at hand. More land. Isaiah 49 defined the time and place. Isaiah 54 says even more. Therefore restore, I demand, this wedding place of sufficient grace. A distant land so grand, a venue for the Hebrew. Que the violent violin, let the march begin. Come my Bride forsaken, I have taken away your stains. My love remains, my love contains a zeal so real. A land of the uncircumcised, a promise yet to be realized. They may not know, they may not show, they may not grow, no more. But to you I choose to use their labor. Orchards you did not plant, wineries I promised thee. See me? Come buy wine and milk without price, my despised, my Bride. Bring the gold and silver of Babylon at side. Ask of me for the Fall rain on your wedding day. Shamah, shamahyim ....bright clouds will indeed heed and concede. Aotearoa and you together reborn to the sound of an ancient Jubilee horn. Right on time as leaders resign before the blow out wedding of all times. Otherwise Dunedin compromised, Wellington vexed. Next, come my people of covenant old and now new. Psalms 91 secretly calls unto you. You will feel and rebuild my zeal for real. Until death do part from the human heart. At last, I officially extend to you my pierced hand and this wedding land.
Calling All Angels
By divine right this is my fight. No more night or sea, just me. Eternal Light, but first a fight. Calling all angels gifted, descend again upon me lifted. Jacob's ladder, I Am. Up and down until the ground is clear, evil draw near. Severed forever from among mine, now harvest time. Gather out the tares from mine kingdom downstairs. The last first, take out the curse. The seed of the uncircumcised indeed removed I need. Calling all angels. Unclean shall enter no more, Yerushalayim restored. Now close the door to all but mine despised. Yet not forgotten by me, the original seed of David. This is Messiah divine calling all mine angels. Today slay the wicked from among the just. Just us chosen left within the boundaries of grace beholding the face. Calling all angels.
Who Am I?
Prepare the chair and I will prepare the way. I will draw near and you will hear. See the sign oh tribes and mourn the coming. Earthquake, heaven quake, awake Israel. Set my chair, open the door, let in the air. Is that a bruised reed I heed? Jordan indeed. Is that a red flax on fire I require? I acquire new zeal. Restore all or else I say, announcing the Way. On the clouds, Aotearoa the double, trouble everywhere, perplexity of the Goyim. I heard these things, whispered in my ear. But where is my chair? Pesach so clear. He will draw near, beware corruption. Silver so tainted, faces so painted. Babylonian whore. You will restore, and double for all their trouble. Who has warned you to flee? Was it me? The King's cousin, apart from the dozen, yet revealed to three, Moses and me. Unloose the shoes of the servant Jews. Tread no more, baptism, restore. Beheaded, yet dreaded still, revealed by a former name. I claimed my previous decrease. Called down fire once too, yet you knew my master not. Hot topic, but coming to the temple mount to mount my ministry. I will prepare a chair there for the King of the Jews. Coming two. Fathers love your sons and vice verse or else a curse. However cleaver I sound, (yes Jerusalem is covenant ground) I was called least. Israel remove the yeast, open your door and prepare to be restored. Oh, also know this last hint why I am being sent: The Lord called for me, being so vexed. Therefore I must come and restore all things next.
Fear Not
It came as a black wave, telling me, this time you shall not be saved. The reported so distorted that my faith was shocked. Knocked at the negative blow, this fear made himself known. See, he said, with his voice of dread, those old words are outdated. You are not loved, you are hated. Here is your reality... see, see, i say. He is not going to help you today. Black wave after black wave. Bad report confirmed clear by those so near. I saw it too, i heard his voice so terrible. I felt his agitation at the chosen nation as he attacked my hope, my core. Restore, I demand, my peace oh son of man. Silence finally..then the truth from high above this dark flood. I have never forsaken you, and never will, Fear Not Israel.
OMG they say repeatedly, with no fear or revere of the tragedy so near. I hear your words so stout, what's that all about? No honor, no respect. What do you expect to come next? You say I am a hard master all while denying my existence the faster. In persistence and labour, I died to grant you my favor. Israel chased sore, giving you time on the more. The hour is now at hand, call upon the Son of Man. Tribulation and anguish upon the Jew paid His grace for you. Now its your turn. Be it according to your belief...good grief? OK....have what you say.... OMG
Viper Diaper
OMG indeed.... I acknowledge my need for you to change me. Long to long I have known evil. Is it the time to poke out my bad ayin (eye)? I shall see thee exclusively as Tovah, Yehovah. Good G-d Almighty... send relief from this fig leaf placed upon the loins of Zion. This viper's diaper of great evil I have known and been shown via the 613. Again, I answered your call, I carried your law, I heard your Shamal. And then came the fall...
But, I shall rise naked again, and this time you will be my friend. Replace this law now with grace upon all. Behold the goodness of HaShem on them via this disgust placed upon us. Please change us Yeshua, you good Jew who knew no evil. Raised up on the pole of brass defeating the serpent at last. Remove our iniquity in one day. Take away these filthy fig leaves, and let Israel see your goodness....for G-d's sake.
The Oldest Lie In The Book
The Serpent of old first told his original lie high from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Of all the trees among these of the garden, G-d said "do not make the mistake and partake of this one specific species. A duel tree indeed, with two fruits that feed the knowledge of Me as both good and evil. To be precise, this scale of demonic entice was to know the creator as both naughty and nice. Thus the root of knowledge stemming from this tree was to see G-d as both good and evil. Certainly the serpent had known HaShem as such, having sang in much beauty before the heavenly throne, then thrown down like lightning upon his belly to crawl. Was it all his own duel mind that convinced him the Divine is at the same time both good and evil? Be it in accord to your own faith, says our Lord. I knew thee as a hard master, says the lazy pastor of whom every thing will be taken. Awaken, straighten your thoughts, apply your talents without fear of evil from your Father. Take heed how you believe. A duel minded believer is never a receiver of exclusive good. Look up at yet another tree, the one that was raised up from Calvary. How can you see Yeshua crucified upon this wood and not believe that G-d is exclusively good? For G-d so loves the world that He gave His only begotten Son to get it done. Upon this tree of Life He gave His life to redeem us from this old lie that Adonai is both good and evil. Take and eat of the fruit of this tree. Taste and see that G-d is exclusively good. All who believe accordingly shall not perish, but shall become like gods, knowing His goodness and shall live forever in it.
"As for me and my seed we shall believe that G-d is good...all the time. And all the time....G-d is good."
Is That A Fig Wig on your Head, Eve?
After Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of G-d as both good and evil, they ironically noticed that they were naked. Standing there in the dark shadow of the serpent, their eyes indeed opened to the need of covering their own skin. Quickly, grab some leaves from this tree of good and evil and sow an apron so that I can serve in pain without gain all the days of my now hardened life. Hide with me my wife, put on this fig wig for here comes the Big Wig walking through His garden. For the Lord can now either give or take it all away today.
Where are you Adam? Says the Garden Master. Now believing that G-d is both good or evil, I am afraid of my own Father. Should I respond and risk His anger, or continue to hide my bare hide from Him? Who told you this lie, Says Adonai? Who tricked you to believe that I Am evil in deed? You cursed fig tree, may no man ever eat of you again. Yo, I Am a friend, not a foe. You cursed serpent, this woman Israel must know evil because of you. Until the time that she tramples upon your forked tongue and feast upon the fruits of my good tree of Life Calvary. Then shall she see Me exclusively, then will I be her friend again without end, Amen.
Bloody Tree
I must go to that bloody tree, to curse it and reverse it. May no son of mine ever eat of thine, rotten knowledge ever so clever. Deceiver, even of the believer....Blasphemer of the presence of G-d, who says I am both Good and Evil. You old Lier condemned to the fire. I will be lifted up upon this bloody tree for all to see my heart of kindness. My intent of being sent is to see the glory of G-d fall upon all who look to this pole... to know me as good, not evil. Not near your house, nor after your goods, should the goodman of the house proclaim. My name is the same...Yehovah Tovah. Be not bound by the serpent's lie that I am duel minded concerning you. I know the thought I thought, evil?...Not. Go to the tree, taste and see the blood poured out for thee. Observe this bloody wood and know that I AM Good.
Spare me the drama, please....
The terrible day of the Lord is now at hand. World war will take down the nations at peace as a terrible sword is being released in the spirit realm. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis are now going to become dramatically increasing in magnitude and attitude simultaneously. In addition, much pestilence, famine and disease will grow rampid and resistant. Even the wild beast will increase to the tipping point of killing large numbers of humans. The bible details all these things in a climatic old scroll named Revelation. The aforementioned and foretold events are all noted as beginning stages of the opening seals that reveal the name of Salvation, and to reinstill the fear of the Lord upon humanity. Read Revelations chapter 5 And 6 if you think me be all drama....
If you read Revelation 5, then you would see this old book or scroll written that is denoted as the outline for this now time of trouble. Whereas we see this book shown to John the Revelator, it was previously seen by the seers (prophets) of old. For instance, Malachi chapters 3 and 4 speak of a heated time of when Zion will be delivered, while all the wicked are being burned up. In the midst of Malachi's insight of this coming night, we ironically see the prophetic book again denoted. This time we see it called a book of remembrance precisely written for those who fear the Lord.
Malachi 3:16...and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.
Ironically, this term "book of remembrance" speaks of a seddar rendition where Jews remember what G-d did to Egypt to save them and bring them out of the darkness of slavery. Therefore, I submit to you that the book of Revelation is predicting yet another Passover event meant to bring the Jews from out of America and the northern hemisphere.
Jeremiah 16:16 "Behold the days come, says Adonai, when they will no longer say, blessed be Adonai that brought us out of Egypt. But they will say, blessed be Adonai, that brought us out of the north country...
Bulls-eye America, as the last day passover begins with a sedar of type and hype like no other previous seen. But what is seen is a book of remembrance for those who served the Lord like a faithfull son.
Malachi 3:16,17...and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in the day that I make up my jewels; and I shall spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him."
Now the greatest thing that you can see at this time of trouble is the Lion of the tribe of Judah who is also the Passover Lamb. Revelation 5:5-6
It is time to see Him as the Lamb slain at Passover that brings Salvation (Yeshua) to all who call upon His name. Joel 2:29-32
update: the sheriff's office has finally made contact with the victims. hoping to see justice served soon.
Prayer request:
a terrible injustice has come to our attention here at restore radio. A woman from Texas has had a horrible time with an ex husband who has been accused by the daughter of molestation for most of her teen years. Although reported to the local pd in dec 2016, nothing has yet to happen in this case. So We have contacted the sheriff assigned the case, asking for prompt justice. If we dont see this happen very soon, we will begin releasing names, contacting local media, and will expose all parties for the lack of judgment, and justice. God has given us this mantle, we will demand and command our heavenly right to see sin and sinners removed from places of authority. No father should ever be allowed to keep possession of children when they have offended these little ones in such sexual perversion, and no policing authority should lack the promptness to protect and serve these little children from such atrocities and offenders.
I dreamed a great and terrible dream
I saw the Lord standing over Jerusalem. The nations had come against it, and had trampled it under foot, but that time was now over. I saw Him arise over this city as the defender. Larger than life and the city itself, He (Messiah) stretched out His ancient arm again from this chosen city. This time it reached across the whole world and He began to turn. Like an irrigation pivot going over a field, I saw His arm go from nation to nation destroying all cities and buildings. Nothing was left standing. However, there were four corners of the field of the world left untouched. Again, I saw this like a pivot which misses the corners of the field. Then I saw into these four corners, a remnant of Jews, shaking in fear, yet alive and untouched by these disasters. Then I heard the voice of the Spirit of God say to me, I will gather them from the four corners of the earth.
Then immediately I had a second dream, confirming the first. This time I saw the Lord's arm as a hay cutting mower which began to mow down the world's buildings like the grass of a field. But again there were the four extreme corners of planet earth left uncut which became harbors of refuge for the Jewish remnant fleeing from the falling nations.
New Zealand is one corner, Southern Australia is another.
Read Revelation 5:12-6:4
Its happening now
"Earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, and failing economies. All the signs of the end of the world, or simply the end of an era?"
This is a quote on the back cover of my book published in 2012
called New Zeal for The God of Israel.
In the spring of 2000, the Lord gave me a vision early one morning as I was praying, detailing this current event that is today happening. In this vision I saw three major hurricanes coming into the gulf of Mexico. This signified the very statement above, that a new time was beginning on planet earth. A new dispensation in the realm of God's interaction with his creation. Ironically, This is happening on a jubilee year (much said below on this) and even as we enter the annual fall festivals and now in Yom Terruh (trumpets). Oh yes, and with Trump as pres. Again these three hurricanes now seen on the news is not new news to me, nor to another old prophet from way back named Zech.
Zechariah 9:14...and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.
Now dont miss the opportunity here. The Lord is passing by so cry out to him for mercy. Like the blind men lets again lift our voices and cry to Adonai for His salvation now coming for his people and nation.
Zechariah goes on to say that this will be the new day, or dispensation, when God saves his nation Israel.
Read it for yourselves
Dont Be Mixed Up, You are Fore-Given
Adonai told Jeremiah that the days would come when He would make a new covenant with the whole house of Israel, and that this new covenant would not be according to the old one that framed evil via the written laws of Moses.
Jeremiah 31:31 "Behold the days come when I shall make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day I took them out of Egypt, which covenant they broke.
Effectively, the written laws of Moses were never expected to be an eternal covenant. Perhaps because of the actual impossibility of even the best intending men, to fully keep all these laws all the time. Perhaps these laws of the former covenant were only meant to bring us to this new covenant of which Jeremiah was informed would some day come Israel's way.
This new covenant was fore-told to be one by which the G-d of Israel freely forgives all the sin and wrong doing of the inevitable transgressors of these external set of Mosiaic laws, regardless of you status or sin. This is what "fore"giveness means. To be given before you earn or deserve it.
The old covenant was in total opposition to this fore told new covenant. In order for you to see G-d's goodness, you had to first to good. However, those days are now suppose to be over, and a new eternal, faultless covenant of grace taking its place.
This new covenant more accurately reflects the heart of the grace-filled heavenly Father as one that gives freely first to His children, who then in return learn His greatest attribute. Once we truly experience His grace we also gain the ability to forgive others and can finally become friends to G-d and His creation.
However, most sin prone people are afraid to draw near to Him. Perhaps this is the one true sin of the religious self righteous that have falsely represented that the breakers of Moses' laws are condemned of G-d. False, not true
This is a classic religious mistake that is not in keeping with the new covenant of which Jeremiah was foretold would come. Ironically, much of Christianity who say they believe in the new covenant are also very prone to lean back into the condemnation of these old laws of the previous covenant. These new covenant beneficiaries should not mix the old and the new together. You cant expect the old wine-skins to contain this new wine. As born again new covenant Christians, we must never return to an expired and faulty covenant. That just mixes up everyone. Let forgiveness be the one and only eternal covenant by which we all can see and know Israel's God from this day on.
Jeremiah 31:34 "...for they shall all know me, from the least to the greatest, says Adonai: For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."
Yeshua single handedly kept all the laws of Moses and then was crucified as a transgressor of these laws in order to instate the new order of G-d giving to you first. All you have to do now to enter into this new covenant with G-d is to accept this free gift of grace. Simply pray this way: Yeshua, I accept you as G-d's gift of grace and ask you to forgive me all my sin and come in to my heart.
I See World War Again
As A prophet i dream dreams that are drastic and difficult to see. Even harder is my responsibility before the Lord to reveal these dreams as His warnings to others. Without any fancy wording, the following is my prophetic duty to declare:
World War is at the door.
This time of world war will now begin in the East. The conflict there between North and South Korea, will draw in China, Japan, America, and Russia. As drastic and quick as this war will begin, it will end in world changing nuclear exchanges between these super powers. There will be no clear sides or allies this time, and it will initially seem that Russia is the only superpower that survives these exchanges. China and America will totally fall as both economies fail and their military equipment falters. I have seen Washington DC left defenseless and stricken with red stared jets of a communist country as a final insult and show of defeat. I also first saw the reawakening of the Cuban missile crisis between the USA and Russia as a catalysis of this last World War.
Immediately after this World conflict, Russia will invade Israel from the east. This will be the Ezekiel 38-39 war. Israel's G-d will dramatically defend Israel and Russia will be crippled.
New Zealand and Australia will be briefly attacked by China as an attempt to draw America's navy from China's shores. New Zealand and Australia should not respond to see no further trouble.
At that time, believers within America should flee to the middle of the country. The Lord has said that there will be a safe zone from Tulia Tx to Tulsa, Oklahoma. You will need an underground place with gas masks, iodine pills, and an ample supply of food and water for a year. At that point, dont leave this area unless called to Israel or New Zealand. The American Indians will from there be restored and regain honor.
Restore Ten More
During the Jubilee year of 1217, a Jewish Rabbi named Judah Ben Samuel brought forth prophetic revelations about future Jubilees which eventually came to pass with amazing accuracy. Rabbi Samuel predicted and described 10 future Jubilees which he detailed would precede and usher in the Messianic age of Israel. This prophetic Rabbi Samuel declared that the start of these 10 Jubilees would be noted by the Ottoman Turks invasion and capture of Jerusalem. He further stated that the Ottoman rule over the Holy Land would last for 8 Jubilees, or 400 years. Exactly two hundred years later, and again on a Jubilee year of 1577, the Ottoman Empire indeed captured Jerusalem and ruled over the Holy Land for the next 400 years. As predicted, these 8 Jubilees were perfectly fulfilled as stated by Rabbi Samuel, who was also known as Judah he-Hasid (Judah the Pious).
Rabbi Samuel further predicted that the beginning of the 9th Jubilee would be marked by the end of the Ottoman’s rule over the Holy Land. Again, to the exact Jubilee year, the Turks were defeated in 1917 by the Allied forces under the command of General George Allenby. Immediately thereafter, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 became the British mandate to petition this conquered Ottoman Empire into what today is recognized as modern Israel and the surrounding nations of the Middle East. All this had happened exactly on the Jubilee year of 1917, even as prophetically declared by the 12th century Rabbi. Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel further stated that during the 49 years of this 9th Jubilee, the Holy city of Yerushalayim would be deemed as “no-man’s land”. Again in perfect fulfillment, the League of Nations reserved a strip of land though the middle of city of Jerusalem. Neither the returning Israelis to the west, nor the Jordanians to the east had claim to this sacred strip of ground. As foretold, from the Jubilee year of 1917 even until the Jubilee year of 1967, this narrow strip belonged to “no one”. Even after Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, this strip of “no-man’s land” stayed as such until exactly the next Jubilee year of 1967.
The 10th Jubilee year, of which Rabbi Samuel referenced, was undoubtedly one of great restoration for the nation and people of Israel. After 1900 years of Gentile captivity, Jerusalem came back into the possession of the Hebrews. The significance of this single event should not be overlooked. Yerushalayim has long been the crowning jewel in the hearts and on the minds of this chosen people, and the center piece of the Jewish faith. Even during the 1900 years of exile, the Hebrew remnant annually voiced their expectation of returning to this sacred city in the Passover rendition of “Next year, Yerushalayim”. Even as Rabbi Samuel had prophetically declared some 750 years prior, this sacred city of David was liberated by the Israeli Defense Forces exactly on the Jubilee year of 1967.
For me personally, it becomes undeniable that Rabbi Samuel was a servant of the Most High who had been given remarkable heavenly insight, of which history now confirms as right. This prophetic Rabbi was described by his peers as being a man of abstinence who was dedicated to joyfully praying for end of the Diaspora and the reestablishment of his nation and homeland, to thus prepare for the coming Messianic age of Israel. It is important, therefore, to acknowledge that these 10 Jubilees were effectively a hope filled timeline detailing the conclusion of the long period of persecution upon the dispersed Hebrews around the globe. Certainly, the recovery of the land and rebirth of the nation would be key to see the Jewish people finally live in safety, security and perhaps even prosperity
.Luke 21:24 “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”
The liberation of Jerusalem on the Jubilee year of 1967 truly was an amazingly significant event. Even as the scriptures of the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) detailed, this one event was meant to signify a brand new season for the Jewish people. After 1900 years of Diaspora and persecution in every nation of our world, the long bruised Hebrews have gained the right to fight for their own survival via the reestablishment of their nation of Israel. Whereas the recovery of Jerusalem after nearly two centuries certainly signified a new era beginning for the Jewish remnant, it was also meant to indicate “the times of the Gentiles fulfilled”.
So, what does this mean exactly for you and me who might be Gentiles in deed? One thing we must now take into account is that we are currently nearing the end this 10th Jubilee period, of which Judah the Pious foretold would be the beginning of the Messianic kingdom for the nation and people of Israel. Certainly, the prelude to the reestablishment of any kingdom would be the recovery and restoration of the land itself. Therefore, the first thing we (the Gentiles) must not do is interfere in this restoration process of which Jubilee is devoted to convey to Israel. In fact, as we look back at the last two Jubilees we should conclude that these events (Jubilees) were meant to bring back the physical land into the hands of the Hebrew remnant. It therefore should not be overlooked that this Jubilee year of 2016-17 will certainly follow the trend and again bring restoration to the land and nation of my vocation.
Leviticus 25:10 “And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto thee; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.”
Even as this scripture long ago detailed, Jubilee years have historically been significant events in which both the land and families of the Jewish faith are returned and liberated. With that said, something “Great” certainly now lays ahead. Even as this 120th Jubilee year begins, the stage of our world is being set for what will come next: “Greater Israel”. Many of the Arab nations surrounding Israel are suddenly on fire and seemingly destroying themselves prior to this 120th Jubilee. In fact, the once powerful nations of Egypt and Syria are now in a serious state of chaos and turmoil. Why, you might timely ask? Because a great Jubilee (the 120th of all history) is today at hand which demands Israel’s boundaries to be fully realized. Whereas, I hate seeing the reality of what these wars in the Arab world are currently doing (especially to the children thereof), I suspect Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan will be next. Oh, and let me not forget to submit how New Zealand also fits into what is coming next in the Jubilee plan of the restoration of Israel’s land.
Isaiah 41:5 “The isles saw it, and feared; the ends of the earth were afraid, drew near and came.”
What so few people today consider is that these events are transpiring in perfect alignment with the biblical diagram which The God of Israel has detailed concerning the land boundaries of Greater Israel. As this current Jubilee daily procedes, so too should we expect more problems for these Arab regions within Greater Israel, and even a drastic change as far away as New Zealand. Nevertheless, let us also address that Greater Israel, once realized, will actually be greater for the Arab or Gentile people of these troubled areas than for Israel itself. That is to say, Israel must next occupy this entire biblically defined region for the sacrificial reason of extending peace and prosperity even to the Arab peoples thereof, who are being rocketed from above by their own leaders.
Leviticus 25:10 “And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”
This current Jubilee is indeed defining a new time for this long distressed area. In fact, even as Rabbi Samuel predicted in this 10th Jubilee, Messiah is already revealing himself to the inhabitants of this troubled region. Many of the Arab people are having dreams of a man they are calling “the pierced one”. Truly this is the beginning of something “Great”. However, do not make the mistake that most Christians make by stating, “this is the end”. Contrary to most Christian doctrine, this next era could be a reasonably lengthy time which is meant to bring extensive restoration and salvation to Zion. Whereas it may indeed be the end of the Gentile’s period of grace, may the true believer today now embrace Messiah’s coming time of grace upon His own chosen race. I fully realize this is not your normal Sunday school teaching, and will be far reaching for most; especially the New Zealand part. Nevertheless, for those who have a heart to learn, I have been instructed to confirm these new seasons of Jubilees that will bring release to the land of the Middle East, and then the families of the chosen seed. Therefore, from the far removed location of New Zealand, I am excited to take the liberty to say, “Restore, ten more”.
Daniel 9:21 “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.”
Rabbi Samuel prophetically detailed there would be 10 Jubilees that would lead to the end of the suffering of the Jewish people. He further stated that the last Jubilee of these 10 would bring the end of the Gentile captivity of the city of Jerusalem. The prophet Daniel likewise prophetically saw a coming cycle of 10 Jubilees of which he said would start with the liberation of Jerusalem. In effect, these two prophesies are thus progressive, as Rabbi Samuel’s leads and Daniel’s follows. If combined they give us a total of 20 Jubilees of time prophetically outlined, with the capture of Jerusalem being the dividing line. Given the reality of Jerusalem’s liberation on that dividing line of Jubilee in 1967, we actually are almost finished with the first Jubilee of which Daniel was shown. So, exactly on this current Jubilee year of 2016-17, I actually only have the liberty to say, “Restore 9 more”.
Daniel’s visitation from the angel Gabriel outlined a timeframe of seventy weeks which has been interpreted by most Jewish Rabbis as a period of time containing 490 years. In effect, this 70 weeks (or 490 years) can therefore be detailed as 10 Jubilee cycles, given the fact there are 49 years per Jubilee. It becomes important therefore to view Daniel’s 70 week prophesy in the timeframe of 10 Jubilees. Since this defined restoration time was detailed to begin upon the pivotal recovery of Jerusalem (which actually happened on the last Jubilee year of 1967) we must consider it as applicable for our time. It can further be said that Daniel’s prophesy actually picks up where Rabbi Samuel’s ended, on that pivotal Jubilee year of 1966-67.
Daniel 9:25 “Know therefore understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks.”
Most Christian teachers, in their haste to escape before any end time refinement period begins, have allowed a “copy and paste” explanation of Daniel 9 to satisfy their closed minds. These Christian scholars have taken the historical event of Israel’s return from Babylon and have added on the time when Messiah first came to explain Daniel’s 70 weeks. However, this does leave off exactly one week to be complete. So, these Christian guides had to compromise, and are still waiting with even greater haste to tape and paste that last week of tribulation onto the nation of Israel. Whereas this scripture was certainly applicable to Messiah’s first coming, I submit that it actually better fits His second advent. Allow me to explain.
After the recovery of Jerusalem on the Jubilee year of 1967, a major expansion period in Israel began. This last Jubilee cycle, which is now complete, has resulted in the largest period of growth and construction ever realized in the nation of Israel, and the city of David. Even if every stone and brick of every previous generation were together heaped, it could not compete with the recent construction of the last 50 years. Simply said, a major restoration of this chosen nation has certainly happened during the last Jubilee period that is without compare. This really should not be a shock to any real scripture reading, heeding believer. As a matter of fact, the book of Daniel instructs to us to “know and understand” about this issue of the restoration of the Israeli homeland. But not only does this verse amazingly detail the recovery and reconstruction of Jerusalem in the timeframe of Jubilees, it further splits this renovation time into two distinct times. This amazing verse further reveals a distinct connection between these two ages of restoration, to that of the revelation of Messiah.
Daniel 9:25 “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks.”
Even as Rabbi Samuel predicted, the Messianic age for Israel was ordained to begin at the liberation of Yerushalayim on this pre-defined 10th Jubilee. Amazingly, Daniel’s prophesy of 10 Jubilees actually picks up exactly where Rabbi Samuel’s ended and likewise details the liberation of Jerusalem as the beginning of the Messianic age for Israel. Thus, please hear us when we today have the great grace to say, “Restore 9 more”.
Whereas this last pivotal year of Jubilee (1966-67) certainly signified the end of the Gentile captivity of Jerusalem (just as both Rabbis predicted) most Gentile nations around the globe are now opposed to this Jewish control of Jerusalem. America’s Roadmap for Peace Plan has demanded for Israel to surrender that sacred little strip of land that was once called “no-man’s land”. This demonic agenda taken up by virtually every Gentile nation around the globe has told the returning Hebrews to stop their reconstruction, and even demands the dismantling of settlements within their own God-given lands. In this revoking, the nations are now poking the apple of God’s eye, and thus provoking Adonai to draw nigh. In fact, this is the critical event that leads to Messiah’s second advent. However, the revelation of “Messiah the Prince” will not be rewarding for these Gentile nations, and will further disappoint many Christians’ expectations. The proof of this statement is in the Hebrew word choice of the coming Messiah as “Mashiach Nagid”.
This is not a reference to the gentle Jesus of which the Christians have personally come to know and thus expect to reshow. Whereas I realize there is only one Messiah, still His next revelation will be so drastically different that many believers are actually not prepared to see it. Daniel’s terminology of this coming Messiah describes a kinsmen Redeemer who will aggressively stand for His own personal clan and demand the continued restoration of this chosen people and nation. This revelation of the Jewish Mashiach is further detailed to only draw near to the Earth first with a rod of iron in hand to demand another lengthy season for reason of restoring all things. The book of Acts references this next period when “the presence of the Lord” brings refreshing and causes repentance.
Acts 3:19 “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.”
This prophetic scripture in Acts further tells us that the heaven above (better described as the world’s atmosphere) will contain Messiah until everything is restored and reconciled. Certainly this scripture is detailing the restoration of Israel and the demand of God upon the Gentile nations to make amends for the centuries of anti-Semitic acts.
Acts 3:21 “Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.”
It becomes evident (if you allow it) that Rabbi Samuel and Daniel are definitely two of the prophets of which this verse in Acts has referenced. With that said, let us take a very sincere look into Daniel’s prophetic 70 weeks and consider it highly relevant for our time. As detailed from the angel Gabriel, this 490 year period of restoration was to be divided into two separate seasons, detailed as 7 weeks and 62 weeks. This first period of 7 weeks can also be considered as one Jubilee cycle (7 weeks x 7 days = 49 years). If we consider Daniel’s prophesy to be applicable for our generation, we will further realize that we are only nearing the completion of the first cycle of restoration within the nation of Israel. As it is written, a lengthy period of 62 weeks is next required to complete this prophesy of restoration for the nation of Israel. In fact, this next phase of time might best be defined as a “highway” rebuilding time. The rebuilding of that highly sensitive and controversial area of the temple mount will now come about even as the high Gentile nations simultaneous fall.
Daniel 9:25 “…and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.”
Again, this is likely not the end of the world, just the end of an era (or perhaps error). Even though you may have been told by your old respected Christian leader, I challenge you as a reader, to see these prophesies of the end times with Jubilee in mind. I further challenge you to open your eyes to the times of restoration that are now happening for Adonai’s chosen nation. Nevertheless, Daniel does address that after both the 7 week and the 62 week periods of restoration for His nation are complete, then (and only then) will the last one remaining week indeed come last and fast. This prophesy of Daniel’s last week describes how this restored city of Jerusalem, and the rebuilt temple of God therein, will once again be invaded and desecrated.
Daniel 9:26-27 “And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself, and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary…And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week…”
This remaining week perfectly fits in a natural progression and order of time to complete Daniel 9’s prediction of 70 weeks. In other words, first came the initial 7 weeks which began on the Jubilee year of 1966-67 and ends on the Jubilee of 2017. Next will begin 62 weeks of Israel’s next age of restoration that will last 434 years and will effectively consist of 9 last Jubilee cycles. At that point in the future, exactly 483 years of the total ordered 490 years (or 10 Jubilee cycles) will have been restored to Israel as scripturally detailed. However, there will remain one last week of trouble, even as Daniel was informed and warned. This one week is that 7 year time most Christians identify as the tribulation period.
I realize that most Christians will have trouble hearing or reading this explanation. But please ask The God of Israel for yourself if He is done restoring Israel. Also identify that replacement theology lie which has long said, “God is finished with Israel.” On the contrary, there could still be a lot more time to come and restoration to be done. The signs of Jerusalem coming back into Israeli control (as foretold from old) precisely on Jubilee should be enough to cause a new discussion on Daniel chapter 9. But perhaps the biggest clue that should lead you to question these end time Christian doctrines is that of time itself. Since when does time stop and start in three different parts? To the contrary, Daniel’s 70 weeks are today flowing in a normal systematic progression of time without interlude, or thus the need of tape or glue from me or you. Again, the mainstream Christian teaching of Daniel’s 70 weeks asks you to accept an explanation that tapes and pastes events from two separate advents and three different dispensations. This historical mistake (of tape and paste doctrine) is likely a result of Christians’ haste to escape the final week of tribulation. It further is the result of centuries of replacement theology which continues to refuse to embrace these amazing days of rejuvenation for HaShem’s chosen nation.
I may not can change the hardened and seasoned Christian thinking on this issue, but I do anticipate that soon the Messianic Jewish community will separate from that “tape and paste” mistake that Christianity has long made. If they soon do, they may be moved to participate in nine more restoring Jubilees. So one last time, hear me when I say, “Restore 9 more.”
Nevertheless, let us truthfully address that many believers today are missing perhaps the greatest events of which the world will ever experience…the restoration of God’s people and nation, Israel. Shalom, Curt
As we now stand upon the line of the 120th Jubilee, we should understand that the third season of mankind is officially expiring. However, a final period of time resides on the other side of this Jubilee time line. Since our generation puts so much emphasis on sports events, permit us to discuss these advents in such a parable. What I am saying is that three quarters of the game has now been played and we are now entering the fourth and final quarter. Interestingly enough, most Christian believers are unaware that a fourth quarter is yet to be played out on the court of our world. Just because most claim that Jesus is about to come back, doesn’t change the fact that a fourth quarter of time will now be used to restore the Jews. This last advent of time has been divinely planned to sub back in the first string of the King. Simply said, the Jewish people of our day must now get ready to play this last quarter of time. Again, this last period is for the restoration of God’s chosen nation which will effectively sub them back into world view to finish the times of mankind as the first string. In Isaiah’s prophesy, this word restore is actually the Hebrew word sub and details the need for a period of restoration for this persecuted seed.
Isaiah 42:22-23 “But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore. Who among you will give ear to this? Who will hearken and hear for the time to come?”
Now before we go forward into this last quarter of time, let me first call the official timeout. That is to say that this 120th Jubilee is actually the buzzer sounding the end of grace upon the Gentiles nations, and the end of the allowed and allotted persecution of God’s chosen nation, Israel. Like a referee whistling the timeout between the four quarters of a sports event, these 40th Jubilees were likewise meant to be dividers of advents, or the four spiritual seasons allotted to mankind.
Records show that Abram was born in the year of the Rams’ horn, which was exactly the 40th Jubilee in Biblical history. It is evident that Abraham’s life both intersected and connected two separate advents. I am further convinced that his life was intended to signify and solidify both the end of one season of time while initiating a whole new period. But seriously, the way that God would insert Abraham between these two distinct dispensations of time was actually no game. Abram’s life was like a knife dividing time itself. This 40th Jubilee was ultimately a change of season for reason of the way that God intended to take away mankind’s sin. So it is true to say that Abraham actually became the timeout in the game that changed things. The boundaries of the Middle East would be changed and the inhabitants rearranged. Effectively, the Almighty called for this timeout, and without a doubt subbed in His new found friend. Isaac and Jacob would follow through into that next period as key players too. It was during that second quarter of time that the nation of Israel first began to shine and would formally run the courts of God. Still, there was not a total win, nor end of sin for all mankind.
As another 40 Jubilees of time drew near it again became clear that God was about to call another timeout. Once again, most of the main players would be subbed out and even led out from the sacred court of said Holy Land. Like Abraham, Yeshua’s ministry was precisely centered in between two completely different periods of time. It was no coincidence that as this Jewish Messiah came into His homeland, so too had the foreign power of Rome. Although all signs pointed to the fact, most Israelis turned their back on the realization that their nation was collapsing. Even as Yeshua continually alluded, Israel’s days of peace and prosperity were concluding. It was as if Messiah’s presence there was even invoking and promoting this timeout. Whereas Yeshua’s life was meant to be a sign that the times were changing, it was His death that actually divided the times and seasons of mankind. As a matter of fact, this Lamb of God surrendered His life precisely half way through the 80th Jubilee year and simultaneously as the season changing Passover shofar was sounded. At that exact moment in time, Winter had officially past and Spring had come at last.
Isaiah 42:9 “Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.”
It was then and there, as Messiah was raised in the air, that humanity was exactly half way through the four predestined seasons (or quarters) of time. This official timeout actually brought about an opposite strategy which called for death on this 80th Jubilee to win the ultimate victory over the opponent of sin. So again, we see that this dedicated Jubilee would be a time when the Almighty would again change the season for reason of how He intended to bring about an eventually end to mankind’s sin.
Without a doubt, Yeshua’s life signified this ultimate timeout and brought about a new living way that would take away mankind’s sin. However, it was His death that actually sealed the deal and revealed this new day of salvation for all nations. Nonetheless, His infamous death also dreadfully signified the end of Israel’s time of grace and favor. Thus, it is important for us to discuss that they (the Jews) were also choosed to be used and abused for me and you (the Gentiles). This too must be viewed as a part of the death that was required in order for the life of the Gentile season to Spring forth. So, not only did Messiah become that distinct dividing line between life and death itself, but also was the dividing line between the time of the Jews and the time of the Gentiles.
Luke 21:24 “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”
Effectively, Messiah became that official timeout sign between the time of Israel and the time of the Church. But what most of Christendom has not come to understand is that this was only part of the plan. Certainly, Yeshua was alluding that He was including the Jewish sufferings into the purchase price of this time of grace upon Gentile nations. However, He also detailed the end of this period of sin as well. The word “until” in the above verse reveals a statute of limitations of the degradation allowed upon His chosen nation. But again, what so few of the Gentiles ever viewed or knew was the scriptural proof of yet one more period of dedicated time to restore Zion, and to bring the final victory against sin.
Daniel 9:24 “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.”
Once again, we should see that these 40th Jubilees were always intended to bring an end to mankind’s sin. As we enter this official timeout between the third and fourth quarters allow me to coach the Church about the necessity of repentance concerning anti-Semitism, both past and present. Permit me to also State that the reason for this next season is to sub back the nation and people of Israel into the public court opinion of favor and honor. In fact, this was likewise foretold to be Messiah’s role. So, as the time of the Gentiles now ends, Messiah will once again send the official timeout signal. Again this 120th Jubilee is certainly this dedicated time of said sign. However, please see with me that this indeed signals the rise again of many within Israel.
Luke 2:34 “Behold, this child is set for the fall and rise again of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be spoken against.”
Both Abraham and Yeshua were born to effectively be the Ram’s horn precisely on these 40th Jubilees. Thus their lives actually became the dividing line (or timeout sign) between the times of mankind. Whereas Abraham came between the seasons of Fall and Winter, Messiah became the dividing line between the time of Winter and Spring. To again use the analogy of a sport event, each Servant was sent to be a timeout between these predetermined four quarters of this great event we call life. Certainly one time was out, but another time was actually just beginning. So, try to see that as Messiah was lifted up on the tree, a new time began for me, who was a Gentile indeed.
This time of the Gentiles, which can be identified as the third quarter of mankind, is perhaps better identified as Spring. However, this season of Spring likewise had an allotted period of time even applied to it from its inception, and therefore has a distinct connection to this current 120th Jubilee. In fact, Messiah taught that when we see the fig tree (Israel) come back to life and again begin to grow, then we should know it primarily shows that a final season of Summer will next begin.
Luke 21:29 “Behold, the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.”
The majority of Christendom today have no thought in their head that another season of time possibly lay ahead. Most believers repeatedly say that we are all the way out of time today. In this saying, they are actually only three quarters right. That is to say that a fourth quarter of time is yet to be played out. Nevertheless, as we now stand upon this 120th Jubilee line, the days of grace upon the Gentile nations are now over. Definitely, an official timeout is what this 120th Jubilee is all about. To officially change the season, and for this reason am I involved. However, allow me to announce to all spectators that this is not the end of the world, just the end of the third quarter.
When I was a senior in high school we had a very little football team with even less talent, it seemed. Our coach was quick to realize that our lack of size and ability was a disability that called for a different game plan. From the first day of practice coach told us that the media had predicted us to come in last in our district. Thus he revealed to us a strategy of victory at last. He commissioned us to be a fourth quarter team and to commit to never quit no matter what the score going into quarter four. We prepared by becoming the best fit within all the district, and set our goal to never lose that critical last period. Although most teams did outscore us during those first three quarters, we knew all the way through that the last quarter would be our time to shine. By endurance and self determination, each weekly game became a fourth quarter event when we would vent our frustrations on our critics, and bruised our opponents until everyone left the field respecting our zeal. The fourth quarter became our team motto and even our battle cry. When that last second of the third quarter expired, we became inspired that it was now our dedicated time. With a loud shout, we came out of that timeout and showed our opponents a brand new zeal as we reentered what was now our field. Simultaneously, we held our hands to the air with four fingers raised as a sign of our eagerness and aggressiveness to dominate this time. We knew we were in better shape and had prepared ourselves primarily for this last period of “our time of victory”. Even from the beginning of the season we had predetermined that this final fourth quarter was the reason we came to each game. Whereas we may not have actually won many games, I can honestly say that we never left the field defeated, and totally owned that zone of time know as the fourth quarter.
Thank you for allowing me to use my football parable to help explain this fourth period of time of which Zion has been long preparing for. I realize that most Christians today believe that the end of the game is near indeed, and will have trouble hearing me. I suspect many might even speak against this timeout sign of which I have been assigned. Whereas modern day believers are quick to see the signs of our times, still most identify this coming timeout buzzer as that final trump before they go up. It is true that the time of the Gentiles is officially expiring, but we will be forced to stay and play a supporting role in this final fourth period, as foretold. In fact, this next season is for reason of correcting false Christian teaching, while restoring respect to the Jewish people and nation. Again, the mainstream Christian teaching of the end times has defined that they are the ultimate winners in the theology game and thus claim an escape before the apocalypses date. Most Christians even further say that Israel must stay behind to be refined by this tribulation time. In all reality, this doctrine is simply that old serpent’s poison of replacement theology. These 2000 year old lies today still try to claim that the Jews had their day, and that God took them out of the way, and they (the Church) are now God’s chosen. Today, the residual of this replacement theology still poisons Christianity to believe that God is indeed again finished with them (Israel). This blindfold that has historically been over the fold of the Church even has some Christian Zionists still believing that we are to be quickly leaving. Thus they currently ignore this quarter four that is designed to restore even more of the returning people and nation of Israel. As if The God of Israel would bring back the land and a large portion of the dispersed Hebrews from all over the Earth to next vex them in a seven year apocalypse. In all truth, this is a terrible lie that today collides with the real heart and plans of the Son of Man.
Acts 3:20-21 “And he shall send Messiah, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.”
If I understand these scriptures correctly, this next season will be one in which Messiah draws near to the Earth first, and effectively sets up a tabernacle (sukka) in the atmosphere of our world. In effect, He will next take over that room where the sun and moon reside during this next time, and will from there begin to show great signs. Thus, above us, Messiah will be saying to us, “It is time to restore.” Furthermore, because the Church has disregarded this edit and prophesy of “the restitution of all things” for the land and people of our great Coach, this next season will be needed for that specific reason. That is to say, this next period of time is scripturally defined as when the nations begin to view Israel in a different light, and find it right to be reconciled for their history of atrocities. This is that defined “time of refreshing” for Israel, and “repentance” of the nations as Messiah’s presence draws near into our atmosphere.
Acts 3:19 “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.”
So please, open you spiritual ear to hear the truth of this 120th Jubilee blast. Fast, open your heart to understand that this next part is to officially start an amazing time of refreshing allotted unto Zion. But also be aware that this timeout signifies the end of the time of grace upon the Gentile nations, and thus the start of a sincere time of repentance given to us. Finally, know that this timeout %
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