At the
Prophet's TAble Blog
Ruff, ruff ruff. I am so tired of hearing Christians rehearse the curse of men like Charles Swab, Bill Gates, ect. Then there are all the current leaders around the world that are obviously pawns of this NWO agenda, including Jacinda. Granted, these men and leaders are acting out their evil plans and are responsible for freedom being taken from our lands. But hear this: They are but dogs on a lease in my God’s hand. However, HE has obviously loosed these dogs and they are having a-go, don’t we all know. Here on our farm in Hawkes Bay we run 1000 wiltshire sheep. I trained these ewes to come to me when I call. I go to the gate of the new paddock they are to go through and give them a loud call that sounds like Baaa. Within minutes these girls are running to me. However, there are some reluctant that wont come so I loose my dogs, and they mop up the fearful. Now as a shepherd, I don't desire to send the dogs out. Yes the dogs want to have a-go at my ewes, but I choose to not use them when I can. Its much less stressful for me and my ewes when they choose to obey and come to the gate of which i call.
So, am I calling Jacinda a bitch? Absolutely not, but the petitioners have. One lady says, "Jacinda how dare you...I voted for you...take the bitch down." By no means am I trying to insight any aggressiveness against any leader. By starting the petition, I only wanted to listen to what the people are saying. Unlike the leaders, I believe God is listening and wanted me to likewise hear these unheard voices too. So, I am only a messenger delivering their message. Of the 73k plus signs, I saw literally hundreds, (maybe even thousands) of comments calling Jacinda a “Bitch”. Obviously people feel so terribly betrayed that even her own voters are pulling out the B word. But again, please know that these leaders are but dogs used by the Shepherd. In fact, Romans 13 details that all leadership is ordained of God. Even Jacinda was ordained by my God, and He is able to control her every move still. Right now, He is allowing these dogs their day because we the sheep did not hear him say, Jerusalem is the gate from which I stand and call. In case you missed it, all these dogs around the globe where simultaneously told to have a-go the minute the world refused to view the gate of our great Shepherd as important. On January 29th, 2020, under the auspice of peace, Trump and Netanyahu put pen to paper, signing the historic deal of the century that proposed to divide the ancient city of Jerusalem into two parts. The western half to be a Jewish capital, and Eastern Jerusalem to be renamed and claimed as the capital of Palestine. Included in this terrible deal was the plan to divide the temple mount area of Moriah to give to the Muslim world. The scriptures refer to Moriah as the gate of heaven. Effectively the main portal for all angelic entrance into our realm. At that second, everything in our world changed, and the aggressive anxious dogs were all simultaneously loosed in every nation. Exactly 40 days after signing (40 being a number of judgment) the World Health Organization declares covid 19 as a global pandemic. The first global pandemic in a century, just as the name of Trump’s deal predicted (the deal of the century). By Pentecost (exactly 120 days after signing) America was under full judgment, with race riots, cities burning, and covid running rampant. Likewise Israel was experiencing huge numbers of those infected as God is no respecter of person in regards to this ancient covenant with the Gate of Jerusalem. Interesting to see that Trump got dethroned and had the election stolen from him after he tried to steal the gate of heaven. Also Netanyahu, Israel’s longest four term leader, got removed swiftly after signing Trump’s deal to steal God’s gate. Then came covid and all these barking leaders with their biting mandates and assaults against our freedoms. So is there any way to get these dogs off us? Or dare I say, what is the way to put the bitch back in the box? Psalms 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. This is a prayer that declares our prosperity is connect to Jerusalem being a city undivided. The word peace in the Hebrew text is shalom, which means undivided, with nothing missing and nothing broken. The promise here is that if Jerusalem remains intact, the Shepherd will call the dogs back and put them on their leash. But if this ancient covenant remains broken, these aggressive dogs shall be your token. But again, don't be mad at the dogs, they are just doing what they are designed for. If we obey the Shepherd and acknowledge Him at the gate, then He will make these hounds heel, and the nation can begin to heal. If we chose to refuse then be ready for even more aggressive leaders that will take the nations into the darkness of a globalized state of communist rule.
May 2024
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