At the
Prophet's TAble Blog
Years ago I had a dream from the Holy Ghost. You know its a heaven dream when you see a massive winged angel quoting scripture and giving you instructions. In this dream I was in an old school WW2 fighter plane with my daddy sitting in the seat behind me. We were the very last plane on a long tarmac full of similar war planes. Every pilot had their engines buzzing and I was fully expecting to be the last to fly, given my position. It seems that I've always been last, especially given my last name that starts with a Z. However, in this instance, a massive winged angel walks down the tarmac, and with a flight instructors torch, he signals for me to come out of the waiting position, and to take off down the runway. Surprised that I was called to take off first, I responded to him from within the plane, I thought I was going to be the last. This angel then responds with this scripture from Matthew 20:16
So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many are called but few are chosen. The ministry that we try to represent here on specifically deals with this revelation contained inside this dream which the Spirit has repeatedly detailed to me in many different ways. That there was always a heavenly plan in place wherein two separate dispensations would transpire for two different groups of peoples herein labeled as the “the called” and “the chosen”. I believe the Hebrew people are “the chosen” and although they were first to see and hear the gospel of Salvation (Yeshua), their allotted dispensation of salvation has been reserved to fully be realized as the last dispensation. Herein also referred to as the few, I believe this is referencing the Jews. One thing is certain, they were hand selected out of all the nations and people groups to bring forth the word, the covenants and even the Messiah. As Derek Prince was famed for penning: Every prophet, every disciple, and specifically the Messiah, all Jewish, not a Gentile in the bunch. On the other hand, Matthew 20:16 refers to another group of folks called “the called” that are detailed as a much larger group in number, as stated, “many are called”. This verse says this group will be the first to receive Salvation, although human logic would expect us to be the last in covenant order. Nevertheless, it is now evident by history that the Gentiles (which is interpreted as all nations excluding Israel) were called first into grace via faith in the works of our Jewish Savior. There was even allotted a specific dispensation for such time of salvation and calling to this group called “the called”. Some ministers have referred to this dispensation as the church dispensation, or even the dispensation of grace. In the bible as well, both Paul and Luke reference this allotted dispensation of the Gentile salvation in their writings. Romans 11:25 I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the gentiles come in… This scripture was written by the Jewish apostle Paul to the gentile believers of Yeshua within the adversarial pagan nation of Rome. Paul reveals that the reason the Jewish community as a whole did not receive Yeshua during His visitation to them, was a mystery divinely orchestrated so that the Gentile nations could have a whole dispensation of Salvation first. However, we are now very near to the fullness of this number of called gentiles that will express faith in the Jewish Messiah. This means we are now entering uncharted territory within a whole new dispensation of Grace upon the Chosen race. So, the First, who were chosen to be last, who are the few (aka the Jews) are now to be the beneficiaries of an amazing dispensation of Salvation. Now let me remind you that the expiring dispensation allotted for the gentile salvation lasted approximately 2,p00 years. Perhaps you've never heard this before from your sunday school teachers? Well, that's ok, it was always meant to be a mystery, which means a secret to be later revealed. But actually, I am not the first gentile teacher to tell you this truth. Did you know that all the authors of the Bible were Hebrews excluding one?.....Luke Ironically gentile Luke understood this mystery and recorded this truth concerning the two separate dispensations of Salvation, for the Called first, and then the Chosen last. Luke details an allotted gentile dispensation that would end with Jerusalem no longer in the hands of the gentiles, and detailed the return of the Jewish remnant out of captivity from the nations. So 1948 and 1967 were clear signs that the allotted dispensation for the Gentile Salvation is closing, and next the Chosen will be revisited in a dispensation of restoration and salvation. Remember, Yeshua means Salvation in Hebrew. But what does Salvation actually mean? To be saved or delivered from your sins, but also from all your enemies. Since 70 a.d. the Jewish people have fallen to enemy after enemy, yet today there is miraculously a remnant of the persecuted Chosen who are returned, yet again facing war. Luke 21:24 And they (the Chosen people) shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be lead away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. My dream ended with me, (and my daddy sitting behind me) taking off down the run way to go to war for Yeshua in this next era of the Salvation of the Jewish nation. A bit later in life, as I was flying home from NZ on that long 15 hour flight to see my ill father, after landing in Houston, I learned that he had passed away as I was mid flight. My daddy was my hero, my greatest friend, a man who stood with me and for me all my life. He gave me so much, and made me the man I am. Being called unto NZ, and not being there with him during his sickness and as he finally passed, has been the hardest life event to overcome yet. So this dream I had years before dad passed is very personal for me. Perhaps I passed his spirit mid air as it was going up to be with the Lord. One thing is certain, a son has no greater friend and supporter on this planet than his daddy. You must never take that truth for granted. I leave you today with a saying I heard my daddy say many a times, that I now fully understand was the heart of our heavenly Father: the Jews will be given their own second chance to receive the Messiah. You were right daddy, they will, and that dispensation is now at hand and your life gave me this wisdom. So with you daddy behind me, I raise the voice of the Spirit to say, May all of Israel now be Saved from all their enemies.
In this blog we will look into the great evil of our modern time of the diplomatic attempt to re-separate the Jewish remnant from the biblically covenanted Jewish Homeland. This so called Two State Solution has, and is being used to establish the creation a series of Palestinian states within the State of Israel. I have personally dedicated my main ministry as an opponent to this diplomatic madness. I believe that history itself proves, that if you are a proponent for the elimination of the Jewish remnant from the planet, you must first uproot them from their homeland. In fact, the holocaust, the pogroms and many other historical attempts at destroying the Jewish race could have never transpired if there had been a Jewish homeland in existence during those times. So again, history reveals that after the Roman invasion of Israel in 70 ad, and the resulting separation of Jews from the Jewish homeland, these Hebrew people of the bible have been subjected to repeated atrocities and genocide. Early Zionists of the late 1800’s (both Jewish and Christian men) began to connect these dots, and realize the importance of the Eretz (land) to the wellbeing and survival of the Jewish race. That humble movement eventually grew and found its way into the British Parliament and manifested as the Balford Accords of 1917. This next gave place for the reestablishment of a Jewish State in 1948. Ironically, the location of this partitioned Jewish homeland was perfectly overlaid upon part of their previous inhabited and biblically mandated homeland. Many people have called this 1948 event, a miracle of miracles. I personally see the reestablishment of the Nation of Israel as much scriptural fulfillment such as Ezekiel chapters 36-37, of the dead bones coming home to life. For the last 75 years, the long hated and persecuted Jewish remnant now have the ability to provide for themselves, defend themselves, and secure their own future and destiny. But none of this would have been possible without the reestablishment of the homeland as a State for the Jews. So, as I hope this blog will show, the modern-day diplomacy of the Two State Solution is an evil plot to separate the Jewish remnant from the Jewish homeland to reinstitute the evil satanic agenda of destroying the Jewish race. So, when my ear hears the term Two State Solution, what my spirit hears is The Final Solution. After 2 centuries of anti-Semitic rhetoric coming from Christian leaders and nations, an evil man from Germany arose with a plan to extinguish the remnant of the Jewish nation. Adolf Hitler labeled this plan The Final Solution. To fully understand just how and why the German people allowed and participated in this great evil you must first look into the foundational teachings of an infamous German Christian leader. Martin Luther, who famously broke away from the Christian Catholic faith, first tried to reach out unto Jewish leaders of his era. Becoming offended at the lack of their willing communion and conversion, Luther next wrote a extremely anti-Semitic book labeled “On the Jews and Their Lies”. The following info is from Wikipedia: On the Jews and Their Lies (German: Von den Jüden und iren Lügen; is a 65,000-word anti-Judaic and antisemitic treatise written in 1543 by the German Reformation leader Martin Luther (1483–1546). Luther's attitude toward Jews took different forms during his lifetime. In his earlier period, until about 1537, he wanted to convert Jews to Lutheranism (Protestant Christianity). In his later period when he wrote On the Jews and Their Lies, he denounced them and urged their persecution. In this treatise, he argues that Jewish synagogues and schools be set on fire, prayer books be destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, Jewish homes burned, and property and money confiscated. Luther demanded that no mercy or kindness be given to Jews, that they be afforded no legal protection, and "these poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled forever. He also advocates murder of all Jews, writing "[W]e are at fault in not slaying them". The book may have had an impact on creating later antisemitic German thought. With the rise of the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany, the book became widely popular among Nazi supporters. During World War II, copies of the book were commonly seen at Nazi rallies, and the prevailing scholarly consensus is that it may have had a significant impact on justifying the Holocaust. Since then, the book has been denounced by many Lutheran churches. end of quote. When you realize that the foundation of all protestant Christian faiths began upon this one anti-semitic man, Martin Luther, it sorta makes you feel ill. To fully understand his responsibility in Germany's genocide against the Jews under Hitler's leadership, you must realize that the church within Germany was almost exclusively Lutheran for the 400 years prior to the Holocaust. It is eerie to me to realize the effect that just one theologian could have. With over 6 million Jews slain, approximately 1.5 million being children, never underestimate your own ability to influence our realm for good or evil. Never Again? This familiar chant that something so horrible as the Holocaust could never happen again in my view falls on deaf ears. For 50-some-odd years now the American political system, both Democrats and Republicans, have supported and pushed the agenda of a Two State Solution. From Jimmy Carter to Biden, inclusive of every single President in between, the American leaders have all in some respect supported and/or pushed this satanic agenda. The monies spent just flying these diplomats to Israel to pressure this agenda could have long ago purchased and built an amazing Palestinian Utopia in any of the surrounding Muslim nations. It stands to reason that our leaders don't really care about the Arabs within Israel (renamed Palestinians) but these leaders rather are tools and fools trying to destroy the Jewish race. This is an old fight between dark and light, and it is time to see this agenda as the darkness that it really is. It is simply a repackaged weapon that Hitler at least had the balls to call it what it was. But presidents like George Bush and Bill Clinton called it a Roadmap to Peace instead. That’s a lie straight from the pit. The Two-State Solution has not, and never will work. Oh the Jews have given up precious lands, but the Arabs therein have not yet delivered the promised peace in exchange. On the contrary, these surrendered areas quickly become bases for Arab hatred and attacks against their neighboring Zionists. The chaos of the last year in and from Gaza is just the latest proof of this statement. Two States living side by side in perfect peace …please! Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining! (my favorite quote from the movie Josey Wales). As long as we are on the issue of men full of piss and lies let us open our eyes on Don. As President, Trump revealed his version of this Jewish genocidal Two-State Peace Plan. He named this poisonous solution the Deal of the Century right before the world got the first pandemic in a century and the resulting poisonous mrna NWO jab. I am fearful that if he is re-elected and His Abrahamic Accords Peace Plan (aka the Final Solution) is not rejected, our realm will be again subjected (and again injected) to lockdowns, pandemics and other perfect responses from the G-d of Abraham. My common sense answer is herein identified: personally decide to oppose the Two State Solution. The year was 2007, and I bought an old 1967 D4 Caterpillar dozer to clear a ranch I had bought in Texas. She was loud and proud with a straight pipe off the manifold. Built in the day when men and machines were manufactured strong and worked long. After the full first day of running her, Tricia (the other love) came to see our progress. Hearing this old kitty roaring from miles away, Tricia came to say, “wow she runs and sounds strong for a ‘67 model”. My response was “hey, I'm a ‘67 model too, and just as loud and proud as ever”. I recon 1967 was an exceptional time and year. But not just because I was born, or because Caterpillar made an exceptional dozer. 1967 was a Jubilee year upon which a very important spiritual shift took place. After a confederated attack and invasion by Jordanian and Egyptian forces, Jerusalem was recaptured by Jewish forces for the first time since their diaspora from her in 70 a.d. There is an actual vocal recording of IDF soldiers recapturing the Temple Mount with shouts of joy, and the blowing of a shofar. Ironically, scripture details the blowing the shofar on the Jubilee year, and therein predicts the return of lost property. For Judaism, Jerusalem had long been the epicenter of the faith that was m.i.a. (missing in action) since the Roman invasion. Ironically, it was conquering Roman General Titus who mockingly renamed the Holy Land as Philistia, after Israel’s ancient enemies, the Philistines. From there the world adopted this name Palestine and has recently even labeled the Arab peoples living within Israel as Palestinians. Now if you read or watch any news, you're going to see and hear the conflict that is transpiring in this venue. Whether it be pro-Palestine protest at American Universities, or planned marches as far away as Wellington, NZ. The whole world is witnessing the spiritual battle that is intensifying over this Israel/Palestinian conflict. And so, there is obviously trouble in paradise, and everyone has their own positions and advise. Mostly, the governments of the world want to continue the failed policy of a two-state solution. Two states living side-by-side in perfect harmony. Yea, right! And I've got some ocean front property in Missouri I can sell you too. As a matter fact, let’s call back George Bush Jr and ask him what he reckons now about his land for peace exchange he coerced upon Israel via the withdrawal from Gaza. Still Israeli hostages being daily tortured or killed and rising dead tallies on both sides of the conflict. Wow, good job George. Two States living side-by-side? Or perhaps, the Philistines, as a thorn in the side armed to the teeth (good grief). As long as we are calling up the dead, maybe we should ask Joshua why he didn’t TCB (take care of business) back in the day. That leads me to my next mental delima: I can’t for the life of me understand how and why Israeli leadership keeps submitting to America’s Two-State Peace Plan that lands them in these grievous results. The pressure coming from America and the nations must be intense to buckle such strong Zionist leaders like Ariel (the Lion) Sharron and now even Benjamin Netanyahu. But if you think the drama we are witnessing today in Gaza is bad, just wait for the Palestinian State coming next year in Jerusalem. Yes, Benjamin bowed and allowed his signature on the anti-Christ peace plan that details the official establishment of a State of Palestine in Judea and Samaria, with the capital of this State of Al Quds to be even in East Jerusalem. This Abrahamic Accords further details the division of the Temple Mount into two sections so these two sons of Abraham religions can worship side-by-side in perfect coexistence. And yes that word coexistence is really used in Trump’s Vision for Peace Plan. Such stupidity and arrogance I expected from Trump, after all, he does sorta fit the anti-Christ model. (aww sorry you deceived conservative Christians, do you need a coddle?) Because your precious Trump could be the man of perdition predicted by Messiah. With his peace plan, pride, and unable to stay at home. Even elected on the year of the little horn (the 120th Jubilee as Daniel warned) ultimately to be a thorn in the side of Israel. Deceiving even the very elect if it were possible, with his Abrahamic Accords division of Jerusalem. Presenting himself as a savior of America, all while desecrating the Holy place as Daniel warned. Giving the Holy Moriah site over to triple worship under the banner of coexist (standing ovation by Oprah). And this is the way to make America great again? Deceiver alert says Curt! Sorry, your government has been hacked since way back, even then when the Kennedy’s were killed. Now upraises RFK’s hand also willing to become a dead man. G-d I hope he sees the truth concerning Jerusalem, and conservative voters see the truth about Trump. But to see Netanyahu also deceived, and signing the Abrahamic Accords of coexistence, that really shocked me. Eu Tu Brute? I thought you were a Zionist, but obviously I was wrong, now get along. Go on, get! Time for a new Lion to lead in Zion, because another bites the dust and he deserves a good cuss. I’m available straight up with no muffler, if you want a 1967 model, instead of a cottle. Cause shxt, I sure wouldn't split the Capital of the Jewish nation no matter the pressure or temptation. If I was the PM of the chosen nation, I sure wouldn't ask my people to coexist with the uncircumcised Philistines. I’d be keen to let my middle finger be seen to anyone that calls the division of Jerusalem, a two-state solution to peace. In fact, as PM for them who have waited 2 millennia to celebrate Pesach, next year in Jerusalem, my first act would be call President Trump back, and say: You and your Abrahamic Accords that draw a line through Yerushalayim to create a Palestinian State: take a flying leap, mate! Or perhaps I’d just say: “Coexist? Please! You and your peace process can piss-off”. And to all future diplomats that Jerusalem’s division you come-a-discussing, you best be ready for a similar good-ole-fashion cussing. But if don't want me to stand up for Zion, fine: I'll just go back to my dozer and push cedars and readers. Well, sorry, i shouldn't have used some of that language.
Seems like all we ever see and hear these days is war, war and then more war. Be it Ukraine, Gaza, and now Iran. Coming next: Tiawan and beyond. There are even new types of war, like proxy wars, information wars, cyber warfare, and next, Artificial Intelligence warfare. Sorta like the movie Terminator I recon. Then there is the dreaded nuclear war that could be used as a course of last recourse and resourse. The planet killer they call it. Here's hoping dementia Joe doesn't accidentally push that red button during his 6 nightly visits to the johnny. But truthfully, war today has become a booming big business and there are some companies banking billions by building better bombs. So, we will discuss herein a term you need to learn and discern: the military industrial complex. But first let me show you the other side of the story. There is a prophesy out in Isaiah which he saw thousands of years ago that is a very active word for this current day. In this chapter 2, Isaiah details that in the last days the House of the Lord will again be raised up upon the Mountain of Jerusalem, and the nations will in-flow and no longer know war. Interesting to me that this scripture is on this large wall at the United Nations Plaza in New York City. It is not very often you will see the U.N. quoting holy scripture, but I suppose Satan does work in a competing parallel with Messianic plans. He is always presenting a similar (yet twisted) version of the truth and competing plans of our King. But like the old adage says: I suppose All is fair in Love and War. And honestly, this fight between the two kingdoms (Light and Darkness) is an old fight where there is no love loss. But our generation is in the thick of this ancient battle, and the sides and swords are drawn, and you need to find out exactly which one your one. Now according to Isaiah's prophesy, we are promised a time when the nations will farm instead of fight, and we will all go up to Jerusalem and hear the word of the Lord. One thing is certain, every day that passes, we are one day closer to this prophesy becoming a reality. But today many Christians support America's war efforts, mixing our covenant of love up with the love of war. Especially in the conservatives' belief that patriotism and the support of our military is an act of righteousness. Obviously, it is today ignored that our Lord warned not to live by the sword. I recon the best way to support our military is bring them home nearer to their families, and take the money given to Ukraine and build them a better homeland to protect. Meanwhile the military Industrial complex is full steam ahead and has totally overtaken the American political two-party system. These Hawkish leaders are weekly extending the American debt by billions by approving more war gifts to Ukraine, Israel, and basically anyone else that needs to blow someone up. Ironic to me, is that in most occasions our government fund both sides of the conflict. I called it "conflicted interest" when we repeatedly gave billions to both the Gaza and the Iranian regime, then likewise fund Israel's Iron dome and all. But not only does our government fund this money-making military industrial complex, it also is actively engaged in creating the war that is needed to sell all the war items to and through. Latest Cases in point, Gaza and Iran. Firstly Gaza: During the good-ole-boy George Bush Jr administration, the Gaza strip was rendered surrendered in the deceptive Land For Peace, aka Two State Solution. This was not ever really believed to bring about peace, but rather was Military Industrial Complex code for the creation of two sides of a future war. Not even George is that dumb, to actually believe that surrendering Gaza would bring peace to the area. No, it was simply to ensure that the Industial Military Complex had a future conflict to sell military supplies to and through. And so, that plan worked and the bomb business is booming all at the expenses of many Israeli and Gaza families. Oh, and also at the expense of the U.S. tax payers. Update: even as I'm writing this blog our government announced yet another weekly funding for the war efforts abroad: To the Ukraine goes 62 billion, to Israel 26 billion, and to Tiawan 8 billion, for a grand weekly total of 95 billion. What? wait, did you say Taiwan? So, does this mean we are about to open yet another war door and fight a proxy war with China too? Farrrout!! What's wrong with these people? Even the new Christian guy, Speaker of the House Johnson, who was reading scriptures as they were voting him in. He suggests rolling all three countries into a package funding deal to ensure Ukraine and Tiawan don't get left out. And we wonder why eggs and milk are weekly higher? One bright spot in our government continues to be Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and Representative Marjorie Taylor Green. She just stated that any Senator or Rep who votes for this package should be required to join the Ukrainian military. Whereas a proxy war with China via Tiawan is on deck, the war at bat is Israel verses Iran. Please see that this is yet another proxy war that will make billions of dollars for American companies and keep the Industrial Military Complex flexing. Yet for the peoples of Iran and Israel it will be vexing. Also know that every U.S. dollar sent abroad comes back immediately to these chosen Military Companies that build the war supplies. Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy calls this process a large money laundering scheme. I agree, and sure hope and pray the CIA isn't able to off him as it did his father and uncle for standing against this same great evil. But this current war (Israel vs Iran) has been in the making for some time now and was prepared by the government's secret entity of the CIA when they took the Shah of Iran away. Remember the 1979 Iranian hostage thing? The Shah (meaning king) of Iran had a 37-year reign wherein this ancient kingdom of Persia prospered greatly. During his leadership, Iran's economy grew faster than any other nation ever in history, and the annual average income of Iranians was multiplied 423 times over. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (the Shah) simultaneously adopted national symbols, such as the Cyrus Scroll, that specifically gave honor to the ancient great Persian King Cyrus. The Shah had hoped to reinstate this great Persian empire into a time of Cyrus-like dynasty. I found this very interesting knowing that Cyrus is the Persian King referenced in Isaiah 45, who after conquering Babylon (in modern day Iraq) released the Hebrews from their captivity there, and even funded their Aliyah (return). Cyrus even personally funded the restoration of Solomon's Temple. I personally attribute his prosperity and success to the Genesis 12 blessing placed on the nation of Israel that says, G-d will bless those who bless Israel, and/or curse those who curse Israel. But next our government secretly got involved and started showing the seeds of discord within the nation of Iran. I read a large book decades ago written by a half Jewish messianic pastor, named Mike Evans. In his book, Jimmy Carter and the Liberal Left, Mike goes to great length revealing the events that led to the Iranian revolution of 1979, the exile and death of the Shah, and the insertion of the radical Islamic Mullah, Ayatollah Khomeini. Mike further details how the CIA not only groomed the Ayatollah in London for years prior to the revolution, but also staged the revolt upon the U.S. Embassy. I remember seeing all this, but I was only 12 at that time. But I do remember the images of the 53 American hostages that were held for 444 days. Ironically, Jimmy Carter was one of the greatest opponents of the modern-day Jewish state, and was the U.S. President that created the Two-State Peace Plan agenda. Under Carter's nutty leadership Israel was pressed to withdraw from areas it held within Egypt, the Sinai and southern Judea. But even potentially as evil, it was the Carter administration that toppled the Shah and inserted the radical Clerical Islamic leadership that remains in place today. So, as you nightly watch the drama that is about to unfold between Israel, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, please discern that the war was instigated for the profiting of evil men hell-bent on destroying both Iran, and Israel. This is the evil also known as the Military Industrial Complex and the Deep State currently controlling the American political two-party system, that President hopeful Robert Kennedy promises to combat. Hopefully He can also see the evil of the Two-State Peace Agenda that only creates future war and death. In fact, I feel a great urgency, that if Kennedy does not get seen soon as a G-d send, then our nation as we know it will next end. Because next year, the peace plan goes into effect in Jerusalem. If you google Trump’s Peace to Prosperity Vision, you can read his 181-page pdf file on what he dubbed the deal of the Century, right before we all got the first pandemic in a century. Most Christians thought this steal was a good deal, because Trump first put the U.S. Embassy in West Jerusalem. However, this plan shows that East Jerusalem (inclusive of half the Temple Mount) will officially be surrendered to the Arabs as a Palestinian State Capital for Judea and Samaria, that is also to be surrendered. On top of this insult to the Almighty, Trump's plan next assigns both Jordanian and Egyptian peace keeping forces for this newly forged Palestinian state within this covenanted Jewish homeland. Shockingly, Netanyahu (a once great Zionist leader) signed this horrible deal. This almost certainly reveals that both Trump and now even Netanyahu are NWO pawns of the Deep State. Not only does this fake peace plan (the Abrahamic Accords) provide the place for the world’s next conflict whereby evil men will again profit, it mostly serves Satan in his greatest desire (to kill, steal and destroy) right in the epicenter of world's most significant Spiritual place, Jerusalem. Hang on folks, this is where things will go extreme. This is where the Zeal of the Lord will be seen. We will talk more about this next. On April 8th the USA will experience another total solar eclipse exactly 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days from the last eclipse. Is this 666 eclipse sign a dire warning about the anti-christ? As previous people have identified, this next eclipse goes through 8 places of totality named Nineveh. Of course, we know the biblical story that Nineveh was an enemy of Israel to whom the Prophet Jonah was reluctantly sent to declare the destruction thereof in yet 40 days. So, as I have stated in previous blogs, America is being labeled an enemy of Israel in this April 8th eclipse, which is 40 days before Pentecost. Our administrations have been pushing the Two-State Land for Peace Agenda for 50 years that is now climaxing with the division of the City of Jerusalem as detailed in Trump’s Abrahamic Accords signed in January of 2019. This is further personified by the previous eclipse of 2017 that passed through seven cites named Salem. Salem being the ancient name of Jerusalem, which in Hebrew means peace. This is where I am supposed to remind you that X-President Trump and Netanyahu signed that Abrahamic Accords Peace agreement that is set to divide the City of Jerusalem into two cities. The west side will remain the Jewish Capital, but the East Jerusalem will be surrendered as a new Palestinian Capital likely to be renamed Al Quads. Whereas this two-state solution peace plan has been pushed by every American president since Jimmy Carter, there has not yet officially been a Palestinian State named and recognized, nor the City of Jerusalem actually divided. However, there has been many areas within the Israeli homeland surrendered to Palestinian control, such as Gaza under the Bush administration, and 450 separate areas under the Oslo Accords during the Bill Clinton era including Jericho and Bethlehem. Nevertheless, to date there has not been established an official State of Palestine. But this is where it gets real because Trump’s Deal did assign an official State of Palestine inside the Holy Covenant Land. In fact, it even signed East Jerusalem as the Capital thereof. So, this is the message contained in these eclipses. That if Trump’s plan is ratified and the American Christians are satisfied to reinstate him as president than we will be called into judgment like Ninevah for the division of Jerusalem and Trump’s Peace agreement. This is further shown by a little place of convergence where these two eclipses form a large X. That place is Makanda, Illinois
Are You Sure You Want To Tango With My Mango? Makanda is an American Indian name that means Mango. The mango is not only a delicate fruit, webster also defines it as a young delicate virgin girl. I have long understood that Messiah considers Jerusalem his adopted daughter that He raised and then made His very own covenant Bride. This is stated in Ezekiel 16. Perhaps read my previous blogs on this. If you look at the map of these eclipses over the USA and see this X placed over this small City of Makanda you will notice its location within our nation appears as the same proximity as Jerusalem does inside the nation of Israel. Furthermore, another small place near the diamond ring of the two eclipses is a location named Mt Zion, Missouri. This isn't too far from our ranch we live at currently, which is named the Lonesome Dove. Jonah means Dove in Hebrew. Also, there are several references to Jonah in these eclipses. But Mt Zion Missouri, close to our farm, will be in the darkened area of both eclipses, and as such is being identified as the diamond wedded Bride of Messiah. Any Bible reader knows that the original Mt Zion is in Jerusalem. This is the City of David where the Almighty dwelt above on Mt Moriah, the location of the Mountain where Solomon's Temple was built by the Masons. Today, Jerusalem has again become a vital part of the Jewish inheritance where the Temple is soon to be prepared by the Masons yet again, as a Mountain Home for the Almighty. But like a tender young girl, it seems that evil forces are intent to steal her innocence, and thwart these heavenly plans. So this eclipse goes through all these key terms I just listed including Clinton, Arkansas (Bill’s home state) and over George Bush Jr's very own retirement ranch in Crawford, Texas. It also passes in totality over Mason and Temple Tx before going up to Mountain Home, Arkansas and Mt Zion, Missouri. Then once in Illinois it darkens two towns named Salem (meaning peace, peace) that are to the west and east of Makanda. Just as Trump's peace deal wants to do, by dividing the Daughter and Bride City of Messiah into West and East Salem. I am mindful of the prophesy of when they say peace, peace, (to divide Jerusalem) then there will come sudden destruction. So, you need to know that this X spot of the two eclipses that precisely lands on Makanda is the Father’s way of issuing a serious threat should Trump’s A.A. go all the way against His daughter of Jerusalem. In fact, perhaps these signs are His final warning to all Americans that it is an anti-christ plan to divide His Bride City of Jerusalem. G-d, please like you did in Jonah's time, in this declared judgment remember mercy, and may our leaders see this and repent and turn away from the Abrahamic Accords peace agreement. I have a suggestion to make: Can we have a shirtless debate? Trust me, I am not in the habit of googling men without shirts. But as I was preparing to write a blog about Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. I ran across this picture of this 70 year old presidential candidate. As a 56 year old, I now have a new role model (sorry Bruce). I next couldn't help but visualize a three-way debate with the men that will stand as the options presented to the American voters come November. Thought I might recommend, and even place this challenge to these three: We the people of this great nation want to see this year's great presidential debate, go topless. I mean, if the Russian public got to see shirtless Putin riding a horse, of course we should expect the same from the leader of the whole game. I mean, the whole free world is at play, so please hear what I say: We demand a shirtless display of any potential President from this day forward. Remember, we (The USA) are the greatest power the world has ever seen. Today we have our military troops in over 160 countries around the globe, and are so strong that we can police the entire world. The top man of all this power and might needs to be selected as a good representative of American strength. Also, we owe it to all pee-on peoples beneath us whom we police to at least show and let them know, that we are still the all-powerful super-power of the hour. So, this request for a topless debate is not merely for our personal entertainment, but to ensure our power is seen and respected globally. And as an added bonus, imagine the ratings that could be realized by such a debate. Some channel could channel a huge payday the good ole fashion American way. But honestly, I am not sure that Biden even has enough strength to remove his top without a nurse. And to see Trump topless could be even worse. I visualize him topless as Humpty-Dumpty sitting on his wall, that would take all the king's men to pick his fat-ass up, after his fall. So, no, not sure this topless debate would be so great after all. But seriously, speaking of Trump walls and falls, the Temple Mount one he proposed (ironically right before everything went wrong) is where and when Trump fell. What about you Mr Kennedy? Would you try to divide the Bride of my Messiah and give East Jerusalem up as a Palestinian Capital? I heard them laughing and talking and mocking, saying, Left Wing-Bad Cop, Right Wing- Good Cop. Wow, that worked so good, just leave the strings on the same dead wood. We can just give it yet another go, and let them call it: the old puppet show, 2.0. HaHaha, that worked so bloody well, said the eerie voice from behind the veil. Soon we shall prevail, because they believed every single lie, we had to sale. Perhaps with just one more repeat, our Great Reset will be complete. Maybe just one last puppet show to go, to make the people their Republic let go. So, let's not change a damn thing. Just reuse the same left wing, right wing extremes. You know...on that phoenix thing, to whom we secretly sing. Wink, Wink, don't you think? Now that the Conservatives are bruised and in shock, call back in, and reuse the good cop. They won't care that he did dare lift the burdensome stone, and tried to turn it into the Palestinian home. That ancient portal rock on which Jacob's ladder swings, and the place of ascending and descending of angel's wings. These Christian sheeple are so farr blind, that we can simply push rewind. Cause honestly, they didn't even mind, our pre-designed Covid time. So, we can simply just push replay, on that same old puppet show again today.....I heard They say (whoever the hell they are.)
So get ready my friend, cause here we go again: with exactly the same, two old men. It's groundhog day you should know. Trump vs. Biden 2.0, aka, The Great Reset Puppet Show. But wait: before the Reset they call Great, could a single suggestion, I first make? Are there no other puppets in your NWO bag? Like maybe Obama, Hillary, or some other ole hag? Or how about some new faces without so much sag? Or dare I say one that rhymes with the word rag. Or perhaps just a transgender pretender for our climatic show ender? But really, just anyone different from the deep state pool, to help remind me that I am still considered a fool. There has to be a puppet or two that are fresh and new, that could help you Make America Hate, too. Hurry, please, before the end, just somebody without so much loose skin. I mean, if this is the end, and it's nearly over, then I need something thrilling to help me stay sober. At least give us puppets that the hill aint over. You owe it to us to at least try, to make us laugh, or make us cry. If you don't make it exciting and shock us proper, how can we still believe that we are your pauper. But Trump and Biden are now just weak old men. I mean, shxt, they were even back then. And I am afraid I might fall asleep, even before the puppet show is complete. So again, perhaps a few new chaps, if you want me to clap, and not to nap. Some that aren't so damn old, cause these two are one-foot-in-the-grave cold. Perhaps some young blood, if you give them enough gold, wood do exactly what they are told. I'm sure to you their soul they would sell, especially if show them the power behind the veil. Perhaps someone fresh out of the school of Swabe, would be a good puppet for this job. You know: someone young like a Jacinda or a Trudeau: perhaps you could insert into our puppet show. Mainly just so that I still know, that it is you, not I, that is actually in control. So, to those pulling all the strings, please give wings to this complaint: Cause I aint keen to watch this same old thing. An old left wing, and an old right, that just doesn't properly stir up enough fight. Come-on, yawn yawn, seen it all ready, and honestly I was more afraid of Freddy. So, to the dark master that sits behind the veil, this time I'm not too sure your hell will sell. Cause now it sorta feels fake, and not even real. Thus my comment...what's the deal? At best, this next election feels like DeJa'Vu, that you are hoping I will tune-in to view. Naww, I might rather just stay home and turn off Fox, than to watch these two old men stumble to get up on your soapbox. Yea, yea, nor, I recon I will just stay home and hoard....cause honestly mate....with your puppet show I am finally bored. O.K., thanks for letting me get that off my chest. But I feel like I needed to slap my fellow conservative Christian Americans hard enough to get them out of the Trump tranquilizer they have been injected with. Trump is a deep state puppet, an imposter, an actor, (and just over all a bad egg) Just because he is selling bibles now, Trump is not the man of G-d he wants you to believe he is. Because no true Christian leader would suggest and press for the division of the City of G-d, unless he was a puppet on a string. Remember just 40 day prior to Covid being declared as a global pandemic, Trump and Netanyahu signed the Abrahamic Accords that promised to surrender East Jerusalem to become a new Palestinian state capital, in his peace agreement Trump called the Deal of the Century. My teachers always told me that it would be the anti-christ that makes a peace agreement with Israel that allows them to build the Temple. (well, folks, Trump did that). And now you get to choose to vote him a second term as president of America. By no means am I suggesting voting for Biden. We all know Joe is anti-American, and doesn't even try to hide it. But I feel like Trump tricked us all into trusting him. Then he created the A.A. which will destroy our nation if we divide Jerusalem. It seems very evident that the true powers that ruling America see us citizens as fools and have been playing as such. But for the first time in decades, we are being presented with an independent candidate in Robert Kennedy. Not that any of the news channels are telling you anything about him, because he isn't a puppet. No, both his father and uncle were murdered by the deep state for not being controllable. Stick around, we are about to promote him more. SOS is the universal signal for distress. In case you've had your head in the sand, pull it out and understand what is at hand, and hear the demand from the Almighty shown in these eclipses over the USA. Effectively, these eclipses are declaring: X-President Trump, tried to divide Jerusalem with the A.A. (Abrahamic Accords). If this nation re-elects Him it will bring the full weight of G-ds dark judgment upon this nation. Allow me to X-plain: The first eclipse of June 2017 went through seven sites named Salem. Seven years later, this next eclipse is going through seven sites named Ninevah. I'm going to gamble here and place my Beit that Seven On Salem is a significant ominous sign. In fact, I believe this is a silent distress call from the Lord concerning the Abrahamic Accords (A.A.) that takes away East Jerusalem and divides the Temple Mount in half. Likewise, the eclipse coming on Aril 8th will be passing over seven Ninevahs as the sign that G-d is officially calling out America as an enemy to His plans and purposes for Jerusalem, and the nation of Israel. So these signs show that if there is not a call to national repentance, via the turning away from Trump's peace plan to divide Jerusalem, from the Crown down, then this nation will come down. Let us bridge this together some more... But first, it probably best for me to get this off my chest: Just because Trump had good tax policies and was going to get Mexico to pay for the wall, don't fall for his wall policy across the Temple Mount. And just because Trump promises to make America great, it does not excuse him for the attempted rape of the Daughter and Wife of the Almighty, aka Jerusalem. Nor are you pardoned just because you are the hardened American Christian patriot who refuses to see the truth about Trump's peace plan that divides the Holy Land and City of Jerusalem. Effectively, these Eclipses are saying: Concerning His covenant with Jerusalem, G-d will not relent, and we must now repent. I know, i know, stumbling Joe is worse and I certainly am not endorsing this drooling fool either. In case you haven't seen it, Trump and Biden are just two wings on the same phoenix. But my hope is that the average American Joe aint so gullible to believe that the vision of division detailed in Trump's Abrahamic Accords will go ignored by the Husband of Jerusalem. I mean if someone was trying to rape my daughter or wife I wouldn't stand idly by. Neither will Adonai. I showed you in the last blog, how the Almighty said in Ezekiel 16, that Salem (the ancient name of Jerusalem) is the covenant Daughter and Bride of the Almighty. So, this is the SOS of which the Almighty is so trying to show you. Yea, but...(all the Trump supporters say) Trump put the American Embassy in Jerusalem, so he is Israel's friend. Yes, Trump did move the embassy from Tel Aviv to West Jerusalem. However, in his Abrahamic Accords, he also says America will put another U.S. Embassy in East Jerusalem to recognize his newly forged Palestinian State detailed in this Peace Deal of the Century. In fact, that anti-christ peace agreement goes as far as to divide the very Temple Mount with concrete traffic barriers as the line across this Holy Hill. In this S.O.S. eclipse sign we have been given, is the Hebrew word for Peace, which is Salem. Whereas everyone would like to see peace in Jerusalem and in their own personal lives, if we stand back and bring back this anti-christ man and his peace plan, there will be no peace for this nation... So what are our options, as conservative, liberty loving Believers? My next blog will address this more in depth. I believe Robert Kennedy, as an independent running for the the highest office, could be the act of repentance required via these eclipses. But first, let's look more into the reality that Trump likely is just another pawn of the deep state who is evoking the fall of our nation by poking the Bride City of Jerusalem. Aliyah - The Return of the Jewish Remnant up to the Covenant Lands of Israel. My next blog will continue to deal with the signs being currently shown to the USA. But make sure you read the following blog of X Marks the Spot first. Also, I know that I aint finished x-pressing the x factor just yet. I intend to show you how X-president Trump is involved. This new world order puppet is responsible for the Abrahamic Accords (A.A.) and a-lot of the signs we are now getting from the Lord. So, Keep reading aye? Or can I say: extra extra, read all about it. XX So, we are talking exclusively about the three eclipses that have and will form the large A across America. Inside this large A is the crossing of XX (or two X's). Allow me first to remind the reader that these eclipses are meant to be x-treme, ominous warnings of the Creator's judgment. At this very moment America is being graded by the Heavenly Rabbi (Teacher) and we are about to have two very large X's across our nation that will result in a major period of tribulation for this nation if we do not heed this silent warning. Now since the Creator Himself is represented in the Hebrew letter of the Aleph (which is silent) it is up to us to read this warning and understand what the Lord is showing us so drastically, yet silently. Lucky for you, I have been assigned unto this silent warning to help you by speaking the unspeakable warning shown in these eclipses. Isaiah 62 For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet.... These signs placed over our nation via these eclipses are yoked unto Jerusalem. Perhaps within the very name of this Bridal title (Jerusalem) is the warning which I am woke and yoked, to be spoke. But no joke, if Jerusalem is divided by the USA, then we will get a heavenly grade of the big fat A. This will result in the great and terrible day of the Lord and initiate the Aliyah of the American Jewish remnant. Inducive and inclusive of all the major plagues and disastrous geo-political storms of a modern-day Pesach (Passover) our nation as we know it will become the 2.0 version of another Egypt, post Passover. This is the warning placed over our nation at this moment and this next election is likely the most important one of the totality of our nation....more to come, aye Woke up to the news that X President Trump has taken a new job as a door to door Bible salesman. I think I might order one today just to see if it says something different in Ezekiel 16 than the one I am daily reading and heeding. Cause the version I read says that Jerusalem was a Hittite/Amorite orphan whom the Almighty found abandoned in its navity blood; and decided to take her as His very own daughter. But that is not all. The story continues and says that when this City became pretty and came into her time of love, that the Almighty spread His skirt from above and Jerusalem became His Covenant Bride.
Ezekiel 16:8 Now, when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold thy time was the time of love, and I spread my skirt over thee, and covered thy nakedness; yea I swore unto thee, and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God, and thou becamest mine. This is the true danger and warning we are today getting as a nation with these eclipses that are forging a dire warning about the USA and its division of Jerusalem. Not only is Jerusalem the adopted daughter of the Almighty, She is also the first Lady of the Most High G-d. Effectively, America has had a 50-year political agenda that has been pressing Israeli leaders to surrender bits and pieces of the covenant lands. Whereas this has caused bad things for both Israel and America, the latest efforts to divide the very City of Jerusalem via the Abrahamic Accords (A.A.) will take this nation into a period of extreme consequences should we succeed. This bible salesman above is the author the Abraham Accords that plainly proposed that a line be drawn across the Temple Mount, and surrenders East Jerusalem to become the capital of a new Palestinian State. Along with the entirety of the West bank areas of Judea and Samaria, the Bride of El (G-d) is what Trump has to sell you in this Bible he holds. This is what these eclipses are warning our nation about. Perhaps you have heard, on April 8th the USA will experience a second total solar eclipse. Is the Lord trying to tell America something with these eclipses? There are a lot of voices out there at present giving their interpretation of what they believe these signs show, but none so far are saying what I am about to. So, I encourage you to give me your ear and hear what the Spirit is showing me. If you look, the first thing you see is a large X placed right on the middle of the country where these two total solar eclipses will intersect. For decades, the Lord has been giving me dreams and words about a major coming event in America. This large X across our nation is again reconfirming this event that I hope to X-plain I will start with a few more words that you should eXpect from me as an eXpat such as eXpansion of the covenants lands to include the end of the Earth. But ultimately the simplicity of this sign is that X=Exit, or X=Exodus. I originally wanted to name this blog Exit-Dos because this second eclipse is coming up from MeXico, along with 10 million illegals. But also because this next eclipse will form the X that will signal this major Exodus 2.0, for the second time in Biblical history. But allow me to interject that I personally do not believe this eXit is the Christian rapture as most are suggesting. Jerusalem is not His Ex-bride, nor is the Christian church her replacement. The exit of the believers will not occur until the one new man (Jew and Gentile together in Messiah) is exemplified. So, this X-sign is also assigned to remind the gentile Church that they will not be leavers without the Jews first becoming believers. So, perhaps this sign in Illinois (ill.) also shows a big fat X on that ill-conceived pre-trib rapture theory so commonly believed within the heartland of our country. We should not eXpect our eXit just yet. At least not before Messiah restores the people of the Book to the land of the Book. So in extreme contrast, I say this sign is being given to declare the beginning of a massive Aliyah of the American Jews to come home unto Jerusalem in a great prophetic event. Ironically, right before Passover of this year, we will see this X-it sign which I say is the official sign of a major Jewish exodus from America. Jeremiah 16:14-15 Therefore behold the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, the Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers If you are a student of the Word, you should have picked up by now on a biblically outlined prophetic event that has, and is being fulfilled in the last few generations. But in case you have had XX on your spiritual eyes, there is a new kid on the block called Israel that is daily in world’s media focus. Meanwhile the two-thousand-year diaspora (dispersal) of the Jewish people has eXpired, and the Eretz Israel (the land of Israel) rebirth in 1948 has set the stage for the greatest Aliyah (return) of the people of the Book, aka the Jewish people. Ironically, as stated by Jeremiah above, this modern-day Pesach (Passover) event is mostly taking place in the northern hemisphere given the reality that the Roman empire, who initiated this diaspora in 70 a.d., laid to the north of Israel. From there, (the ex-Roman Empire) this Jewish remnant were eventually eXcommunicated from basically every European nation via eXpulsion after eXpulsion. However, it was during the Spanish expulsion that Chrisopher Columbus (a Spanish Jew) took three ships of mostly Hebrews unto this new land that became their miracle nation of salvation, America. Another large infusion of Jewish refugees came to north America during the confusion of pre and post WW2. By this point, America had officially become a place of refuge, and eventually prosperity for the oppressed European Jews in this modern-day diaspora. However, I submit today, that this sign of these last eclipses, forging a large X, is signifying the end of this era of peace, safety and prosperity for the diaspora Hebrew remnant inside this nation. In fact, this is the official heavenly signal unto the American Jews to now make Exodus 2. So, it is not ironic that the name of a town where these two eclipses will intersect in this X is called Little Egypt. Or that this eclipse X sign will happen the day going into the next year and first month of Pesach, or Nissan 1. Exodus 12:1-3 And the Lord spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of the month (NissanX) take a lamb, every man to the house of their fathers, a lamb per house. In the first Passover of Egypt, it was that dark night that the Ra Malach (Evil Angels) passed over and slew the first born of every living creature that was not observant to their master’s command to place the blood of the Pesach lamb upon their door frames. Even Pharaoh was not exempt from this dark period and event that was sent to release the Hebrew people from the bondage of Egypt. Interestingly, this last plague sent was the tenth (X in Roman numeral). It was that infamous night that the Hebrews were commanded to become eX-pats and eXit Egypt. But now, the original Passover is eXpiring and is today rather inspiring and requiring a new version we will call Exodus 2.0. This modernized version of Exit-Dos is likewise in perfect prophetic alignment of the ancient scriptures, and the Lamb is previously bleeded and needed and pleaded for deliverance. Acts 2:19-21 And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs in the earth beneath: blood fire and pillars of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Note: at current, there is approximately 20 million Hebrews that call America home today, whereas the nation of Israel's population is merely 7 million. So effectively 3/4 of the Jews of our current time reside still in America. So, please hear me when I say, our world is being staged for the biggest Pesach event ever seen, and that alone is what this sign is meant to mean. Whereas this sign is clear, it was and is another sign very near to my home that has me zoned in. Of all the signs the Messiah has assigned to this modern-day Exodus, this next personal eXperience is for me personally the most eXtraordinary. Today we live on a ranch in Missouri that will be precisely in the path of this rare solar sign, the April 8th eclipse. Back in 2008 we lived then on a different ranch in Hext, TX that also will be directly under the zone known as solar eclipse totality on this April 8th event. While living there in Hext TX, one night I had a prophetic dream about this coming April 8th eclipse. I wrote about this dream and published it in both of my books which eXplain much more eXtensively, the events I am briefly today repeating in this blog. In this dream, I was asleep but awakened by my angel who took me into his bosom and flew me into the sky on an angelic mission. I sensed there were three other angels flying with him in a military type squadron. Without a word spoken, my angel told me that these other three angels were the Ra Malach (Evil Angels of Pesach) and not to look upon them. We flew a very specific darkened line from my bed in Hext Tx upward to the northeast area of America. Approximate halfway, my Angel pointed out, from this high altitude, a dotted fault line starting in Chicago, Illinois running down the Mississippi River and the Madrid fault line of southern Missouri. After revealing this fault line to me, he said it was secure for now, but was a potential problem later, depending on the people, and the breaking of covenants. Our flight continued all the way north and east until He eventually landed us beside the foundation stone of Plymouth Rock. As we stared at this American foundation stone with the inscription of 1602, we both felt sorrow and a sense of shame for what America has today become. As we mourned this loss of purity as founded by the Puritans, I heard the sounds of the coming three Ra Malach (Pesach Angels). It sounded like a great bird or helicopter coming but again my personal Angel reminded me to not look. Immediately, even as the first Angel's foot touched the ground there was a massive earthquake and a voice from the heavens that declared its magnitude as 9.0. There was a great sigh we heard go up from the multitude of peoples that were rocked by this shattering event. But as these sighs turned into cries, I heard the second Passover Angel nearing with the same ominous sound of a winged helicopter. As his foot also touched the ground, again the earth was struck a terrible blow, and we were rocked yet again. This time the voice from heaven announced this earthquake as a 7.5 magnitude aftershock. Before we could even begin to assess this horrific aftershock, I again heard the sound of yet the third Ra Malach (Evil Angel) as he likewise descended with the same terrible winged helicopter sound. As with the two previous Angels, when this third terrible Angel's foot touched down, the earth beneath was greatly moved and the Spirit voice above announced the earthquake as a 7.4 magnitude aftershock. As you would eXpect, by this third strike, the Eastern Seaboard of the USA was lying in total devastation. At this point in the dream, my Angel took us back up into the air as we evacuated from the chaos that was the original 13 colonies. As He flew me back out, He was dodging large pillars of fire and smoke, including nuclear pillars from devastated nuclear plants. As we crossed over the Mason-Dixon line separating the North and South, I looked back and saw the entire Eastcoast of the 13 original colonies separated by a massive rift caused by these quakes. Then suddenly, with a horrific noise the Eastcoast collapsed and fell drastically lower than the remaining landmass of the west. It seemed obvious to me at that point that the east coast would never be inhabited again. I know that dream was x-treme. But I know that I know that it was not just a dream, but rather a prophetic warning that I am required to relay. I have tried to be faithful to relay this dream to whoever might need it, read it, and heed it. So, we published it in two books, in 2008 and 2012. We personally sent two boxes of the first book to every Judicia bookstore that we could find in this region, free of charge, in hopes to warn these folks. But when I recently saw the trajectory of this coming April 8th eclipse overlying the same darkened path that I too flew with these 4 Angels, I felt again responsible to speak up. |
May 2024
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