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Prophet's TAble Blog
Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to cause or support anti-semitism, but rather bring awareness of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish acts of the past, as well as similar agendas of the present.
Has anyone ever noted how sometimes in history, evil has been perpetrated by Jewish people against the Jewish people? If you are a born again believer, you are certainly familiar with the biblical story of Judas and his infamous kiss of death betrayal of Yeshua. I always though it strange that the very son of perdition (as Messiah referenced Judas) was selected to be one of the twelve disciples. I suppose there is a lesson somewhere in this reality that the Lord allows evil to exist in our realm, at least for the time being. Or rather, perhaps the Enemy is so hell-bent on destroying the chosen people that at times he is even able to penetrate the inner circle and use Jews against Jews. I remember the first time I heard that Adolf Hitler was half Jewish. How crazy and extreme was his kiss of death betrayal of his mother’s own bloodline. That he attempted to exterminate the chosen people from off the face of the earth with his final solution pollution. But anti-semitism is not a new human sin virus just now being released and fabricated among us. It is likely as old as the devil himself. But again, this crazed lunatic (Hitler) was half Jewish even as he stated in his best selling book that still today is used as a thesis for want-to-be anti-Semitic actors. An interesting fact to understand when looking into national hatred of the Jewish people and nation is the modern day nation of Iran. This ancient kingdom of Persia under the influence of Adolf Hitler’s suggestions, actually changed their name to Iran in 1933, to reflect their hatred of the Jews. The name, Iran, in their Persian language of farcy is translated as Aryan. So when Iranian mullahs spew out anti-semitic hatred like “death to Israel” please take this threat serious, and know that Hitler’s Aryan hatred of the chosen people and nation today lives on. Whereas Iran (Aryan) is today forging a nuclear arsenal to make good on their threats of annihilating both Israel and America, there is a single man in America who is likewise possessed and obsessed with the same hate of these two nations. So, today’s award for the top anti-Semitic Jew and the Judas of the generation is without doubt, money bags George Soros. My reports say he is single-handedly responsible, and is the financier of the pro-Palestinian protest that we have been seeing in the cities and streets of America and beyond. George, a Jew who escaped the Nazi (Aryan) invasion of Hungary during WW2, later immigrated to America and became one of the wealthiest men of our lifetimes. It is reported that George has given over $30 billion (with a B) as a philanthropist to mostly anti-American, anti-Israel causes. It was leaked that George was personally funding the controversial, anti-Semitic Boycott Israel cause. In addition to being anti-Israel in his agenda, George is also anti-American and has personally funded the Black Lives Matter, and the illegal immigration caravans coming into our southern border. But Georges latest kiss of death is the From the River to the Sea campaign that obviously calls for the elimination of the Jewish Homeland and State of Israel. Again, the question that enters my noggin, is what, how, and why does a Jew hate Israel so bad that they are willing to give the majority of their wealth to see to the destruction thereof, while simultaneously attempting to destroy the one nation (America) that has supported and defended the rebirth of the Jewish State? You would think that someone who fled Naziism would not be the very one who is now taking up a similar Aryan agenda. It is painfully obvious that George is the modern-day Judas who is betraying his very own flesh and blood Hebraic people, and is also committing spiritual and physical suicide. Ultimately, I suppose this is a Judas spirit which is connected to an ancient principality of satanic influence that understands that when the Lord has mercy on Jacob and again chooses Israel, He (Lucifer) will fall and be forever cutt down. Isaiah 14:12,1 How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations. V1 For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land… So, when we hear these calls of From the River to the Sea, we must be getting closer to Lucifers fall. Ultimately, it is Satan who is behind this Judas spirit and is the influencer of all hatred and anti-Israel sediment. Albeit, George is obviously its human carrier and a modern-day son of perdition, at least he is too old to live much longer. But I recon this also proves that Satan is running on a short clock now too and has likewise committed spiritual suicide of which he will eternally burn. Perhaps ultimately it proves that he (Lucifer) knows that Messiah was and will again be a Jew of Jews from the chosen nation of Israel, and is today establishing His very own flesh and blood people and nation into the New Covenant. Even as the first sentence of the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) long ago declared. Matthew 1:1 The book of the generation of Yeshua Ha Messiach, the ben (son) of David, the ben (son) of Abraham.
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