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Prophet's TAble Blog
After 19 months of drastic measures to contain the wildfire of covid, it now seems that Jacinda and the NZ parliament are ready to concede defeat. Perhaps their tyrannical push to get every one vaxxed is so they can relax their tiresome policy of lockdowns, closed borders, and daily mandates. I know I'm tired of it all, and noticing Jacinda’s look, it seems it has wore on her facebook. But I don't think dictators or mandators should get off so easy. Instead of flattening the curve, they have managed to flatten businesses, families, the economy, and the national image. Perhaps an apology, or a couple of sincere “I am Sorries” could comfort the failed business owners, separated families, and treaded upon immigrants. This would be a good starting point to heal New Zeal, especially with what is coming down the pike, as delta begins to spike. Unfortunately, NZ is about to be baptized by fire that will require a national spirit of grace if we are to complete this drastic race they just now want to embrace. Unfortunately, we are going onto this battlefield as a divided nation, with finger pointing and distrust of each other. If we are to emerge from this purge, we need a leader that can unite us for the fight coming. Jacinda, step down girl, you have proven yourself only effective at dividing the nation, and vexing us with an unproven vax. You have not listened to people of science, you have removed proven cures that are working abroad, and have demonized those who chose to not get jabbed. You have untimely opposed the health care workers, the teachers, and the civil servants by mandating your unproven vaccine. Now NZ’s first response will be found lacking and I suggest you start packing. You also forced many immigrants out and now I doubt they would ever want to return during the covid burn. Maybe the majority of NZ will forgive you if you ask, but you yourself know, you are not up for the task. But then again, I don’t see anyone in the Beehive that will politically survive the coming covid sting. But in this coming fire the remnant will sing. Isaiah 24:15 “Wherefore glorify you the Lord in the fires, even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the isles of the sea.”
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